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my counts as ad mech army!

bad buddha

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What do I think...I think I want to dust off some old ideas and get off my backside thats what I think!

Out of interest, how easy would it be to bulk up Necron arms/leg for bionics on marines? (given you appear to be an expect on modelling :) )


Thanks for sharing cos these really are brilliant.

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not familiar with that sorta army. Whats ad mech mean? Adeptus Mechanicus? WHat codex are they from? Why use chaos rules with it? I'm up to the Fulgrim book where he's running from Eldrad's Army. Havent read the adeptus mechanicum book yet. It just all seems very strange... But looks cool and you have a theme going.
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I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E !!!

A superb army! It looks great! Good use of the list as well.

I'm impressed with the three so different 'plague marines' squads. And 'Termies' are fantastic!

Really, where did the inspiration come from?

the inspiration came from reading titanicus, the horus heresy book mechanicum and the tempus fugitives codex. me and a friend had been talking about building an ad mech army for some time and sice he was building his star wars tau army it was up to me to get it done. i will ad to it in the future and maybe use the deamon codex to build a different army that still uses some of these modells.

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What do I think...I think I want to dust off some old ideas and get off my backside thats what I think!

Out of interest, how easy would it be to bulk up Necron arms/leg for bionics on marines? (given you appear to be an expect on modelling <_< )


Thanks for sharing cos these really are brilliant.

i think it will be fiddly to beef up the necron arms, but i used the necron legs for arms on my termies and i think that works quite well.

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