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Command Squads with a different commander


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In my ongoing foray into the joys of list building I've been trying to find ways of shoe-horning in my favourite units into one balanced list. Now, I've recently painted up my Command Squad and very happy with the results and so want to get them into my list. At the same time, I'm a big fan of scoring bike squads. While I could take the captain on the bikes and have the Command Squad running seperately, this feels wrong to me somehow. As such, I've been toying with the idea of running with my Captain on a bike accompanied by a Bike Squadron for some speedy, scoring goodness. Then I'm thinking of having my Command Squad accompanying a Librarian.


The Librarian/Command Squad combo seems very natural and right to me. The beauty with a command squad is that they can lay out some serious firepower thanks to meltas or plasmas and then still kick some in close combat. The Librarian is very similar. He can take powers which make him deadly at close range shooting and he is still very tasty in close combat thanks to his Force Weapon and his other powers.


So, my question would be, what experience and success have you had with a command squad accompanying a character other than a Captain. Obviously, the captain would still be in the list as he is a requirement for the command squad in the first place.

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I've been tempted to take a chaplain on foot with my souped up CC command squad for the rerolls and Fearless, but I haven't tried it yet as the captain is a better duelist anyways, and they won't both fit in a razorback.

I need to get around to modeling alternative squaddies with plasma guns as that's a relatively intuitive way to go(extra FnP save for the plasma is ideal), and I agree that a libby would go really well with that configuration. Used w/ a relic blade terminator captain perhaps leading assault termies?


EDIT: I just thought... a MoTF with conversion beamer(+combi plasma/plasma pistol? :P ) would also go well with a static plasma command squad as a firebase.

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I have used a Command Squad with both a Servo-Harness MotF and Marneus Augustus Calgar, Lord Macragge! (but not at the same time) and they both work pretty well. A couple Vets with Storm Shields, a couple with BP/CCW, and the FNP from the Apothecary make Calgar a tough nut to crack, especially against AP 4 or worse attacks. Also, when paired up with a MotF the Command Squad can take on almost anything.
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Ive been using a 4x Plasma Gun command squad with a librarian w/GoI, Null Zone, and a plasma pistol.


edit to add - the great thing about the librarian is he allows you to change the angle of your fire quickly. With the plasma guns the scatter doesn't matter as much - if you get within 12" that's ideal but within 24" is ok. The squad can take down MCs and elite infantry pretty darn well.

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If you're going to run a bike command squad with another HQ, then I suggest you run them with a bike librarian.


The librarian would have null zone and vortex of doom. The command squad would have a bunch of meltaguns.


First turn you turbo-boost them forward, next turn you unleash some serious anti-vehicle/heavy infantry/MC murder. Being T5 and having FNP, the unit has huge resistance to small arms fire, and can be used as a dedicated vehicle-slaughterer.

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Ive been using a 4x Plasma Gun command squad with a librarian w/GoI, Null Zone, and a plasma pistol.


edit to add - the great thing about the librarian is he allows you to change the angle of your fire quickly. With the plasma guns the scatter doesn't matter as much - if you get within 12" that's ideal but within 24" is ok. The squad can take down MCs and elite infantry pretty darn well.

You count as moving after a deap strike, you may not fire at 24" with plasma after GoI

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Ive been using a 4x Plasma Gun command squad with a librarian w/GoI, Null Zone, and a plasma pistol.


edit to add - the great thing about the librarian is he allows you to change the angle of your fire quickly. With the plasma guns the scatter doesn't matter as much - if you get within 12" that's ideal but within 24" is ok. The squad can take down MCs and elite infantry pretty darn well.

You count as moving after a deap strike, you may not fire at 24" with plasma after GoI


Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. Thankfully that hasn't come up yet in game.

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Question for you guys talking about MotF and Calgar: how big are the games you're playing?


I ask because the command squad requires a Captain--not just any ol' HQ. The absolute minimum you could spend on a MotF, Captain, and Command Squad is 315 points, and none of them are very useful if they're not tooled up.

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A Master of the Forge is an underused addition to a Space Marines army which has surprisingly powerful. He comes with a Servo Harness and giving him just a Plasma Pistol and Power weapon costs just 130pts. What this gives you is 2 Plasma shots at BS5 a turn, one of which is twin linked.


I would this build MotF with your shooty Command squad for a real good combo. I would prefer giving the Command squad melta guns, as you get lots of versatility there. Picture this, the melta weapons can kill heavy infantry and vehicles easily, with the 2 plasma shots from the MotF boosting killing potential against heavy infantry while killing a vehicle generally pays for itself (making the MotF not doing much that turn being acceptable). Against hoards you have the flamer from the servo harness to be an equaliser.

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I may have generalized a bit. To be honest, I have never plunked a MotF down on the table. I haven't had great success with two-wound characters or a horde of walkers, so there hasn't been much reason to give him a second glance. Interesting point about the two plasma shots, though, and Feel No Pain would help protect the two-wound character except against Instant Death.


What I was really trying to say was that when you're talking about two HQ characters PLUS a command squad, that's a significant investment. Even with only moderate wargear, you would still be close to 400 points. Just wondering if it's worth it.

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The perfect example is the bike captain. Say you take a bike captain(or kahn) to run bikes as troops, and the command squad to act as a plas or melta firebase. You then could load up your elites slots with sternguard or terminators and still run three dreads with a basic motf(doesn't need to be too tooled up, less is often more in 40k). Or you could take a libby to get some psychic love in there.


Yes, it would be expensive, and no I haven't tried it, but it would be interesting to see.

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above+ combi-flamer on the MoTF, combi-flamer on the relic blade bike captain(who is why you take the command squad in the first place). 7 flamer templates, from a 7 man squad!

EDIT: could give the motf a thunder hammer while you were at it too.

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