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My First Miniatures Ever Imperial Fists


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OK, hello everyone. I'm a newbie here and in the world of 40K as well.

I mean I've always adored the whole concept as a teenager, but you could not just walk in to a shop and buy some figs / paints / written material here in Hungary.

We knew about it with my friends, but it was damn hard to find and we didn't have the money anyways.

Now that I can afford it, I decided to buy some marines and start to paint a chapter.

I've chosen the Imperial Fists, don't ask me why, they're just cool, although I knew I will have hard time with the yellow, but hey, it's a challenge already, so I went for it.

/Yeah, 10something layers.../

The first ones I've purchased came in the 'Warriors of the Imperium' box, printed in 1992. I have to say they are not at all user friendly compared to todays models...

So let me just share you the first four marines. Pictures made before dullcoating, sorry for the poor lighting and image quality...

Aand I know the bolters would have say thank you for some shading, but this is the intentional "oh-so-white christmas edition"! :P

Number 1 aka. Mr. Fugly


Still Mr. Fugly


This is acutually #3, aka. Leftie, I've already learnt a lot between these two guys...


From behind








Advancing forward...


The Fists are 'ere!


Oldskool rearview


My lads


From above


Don't mess with the guys in poorly painted yellow power armour!


In the line again


Been working on them for 2 weeks, several hours each day (sick leave).

I know they're not perfect, but made with lot of enjoyment.

I used the winter-like theme because Christmas is coming, and I've decided to give these figurines to my mom, dad, sister and girlfriend.

Maybe they can't do really much with them, but I wanted to give something not just purchased from the shops, but made by myself with utmost care.

And believe or not, I had my family in my mind when I had to go back and correct some of my mistakes.

OK, I stop this sentimental nonsense, but this is Christmas or what. :P

Cheers for reading, looking and maybe commenting as well.

Take care,


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'Evening Mr. Pattison :P


For your first four marines ever I think you did great! It's a difficult colour scheme, but I like it. Also, you managed to get the decals set quite nicely on a rounded surface (never easy). Once you get the hang of some shading I think you'll see your results improving rapidly!


Oh, and points on the cool oldschool Bolters :P



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For your first four marines ever I think you did great! Also, you managed to get the decals set quite nicely on a rounded surface (never easy).

Once you get the hang of some shading I think you'll see your results improving rapidly! Oh, and points on the cool oldschool Bolters :D

Tak skal du have! :)

Actually the decals are still not perfect, but I am starting to get the point. Cut around, water, apply, warm it a bit (the best result so far was achieved by holding it into the oven above my girlfriend's cake), then fix it with very little of (my girlfriend's :D ) transparent nail polish.

Well I know the shading does not come through perfectly on these pics, but if you check the one titled 'Oldskool rearview' you can see the shading differences between the earlier and the later models.

I love those old school bolters actually! :D

And I know holes have to be drilled in them...

Well regarding your question in your own topic, I don't know you actually, I'm just a friendly Hungarian who speaks Danish (and impressed by your work), that's all.

May I ask when did you start to paint miniatures?


Way better then my first minis. And come to think of it my current ones too. :P

Thank you brother! Actually your DIY chapter is pretty cool.



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Well regarding your question in your own topic, I don't know you actually, I'm just a friendly Hungarian who speaks Danish (and impressed by your work), that's all.

May I ask when did you start to paint miniatures?


Wow, that's quite a unique mix with the language - cool! :P I started my adventure into 40k in the summer of 2008, so it's been around a year and a half. When I was younger, in my teens, I used to build Tamiya tanks and Verlinden 1:35 WW2 troops. The paintjob, compaired to my work today, wasn't that good. So I basically started from scratch with 40k although I've always been good with my hands and fingers. I drew a lot when I was young, played guitar for 13 years and am an archaeologist now (plus I paint 40k, but who cares about that ;) )



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Gorgeous. I love the poses and the painting. Supremely good! (I don't know how to say kickass in Danish or Hungarian tongues, but I would if I did.)


In Danish that would be "sparke røv". Yeah, I know, freaky odd language that only about 5 million understand. No wonder we don't rule the world yet :mellow:


Merry Chrismas All!



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Wow really good for your first ever minis, I started about 13 years ago and my Imperial Fists I did last year didn't look as good, certainly weren't as neat lol. My one criticism is that the bolter case and aquila being in white doesn't really go for me, for imperial fists I prefer red aquila and probably black bolter casing.


I'm very jealous of your eye painting!

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Cheers so much everyone for the nice words and the ideas/suggestions too. I really appreciate them!

I've already started to work on the first 5 marines of my assault squad, who will be actually from the Imperial Fists successor chapter Iron Knights.

Of course with a pinch of pattison-flavour, just like these guys, minor changes in the traditional look. I mean not that IK has one...

The majority of my army will be IF anyways, but the close-combat section will be coming from a crusading section of the Iron Knights for some variety.

So additional pictures will be coming of those guys.

Thanks again, take care!



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Really like the yellow. I think that the eagle on the chest should be in red, and would look better that way too. Also I think the bolter casing should be in a different colour, it gets kinda lost. I think you should do a bit of drybrushing on the pipes, exhausts etc, nice and simple but effective. Lastly I think a matt varnish over the decals would make them less shiny and more natural looking. Great job for your first four minis though.
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Really like the yellow. I think that the eagle on the chest should be in red, and would look better that way too. Also I think the bolter casing should be in a different colour, it gets kinda lost. I think you should do a bit of drybrushing on the pipes, exhausts etc, nice and simple but effective. Lastly I think a matt varnish over the decals would make them less shiny and more natural looking. Great job for your first four minis though.


Thanks! Actually I don't like the red chest eagle that much, that's why I changed it to white. I like yellow and white together actually.

My later models will have more shading on those wings though.

The pipes and the exhausts are already drybrushed with a metallic, can be seen a bit better on one of the pictures taken from the rear.

And I've also applied a coat of superflat mat varnish spray on all four models since the pictures were taken. No shine at the moment whatsoever.

Take care & merry Christmas!



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Really well done sir! I've been painting for two years and I'm too terrified to go near yellow! The decals look amazing and you definitely should continue with the IF instead of going to the successors. And it's been too long since my grandmother taught me to speak hungarian, and it was usually only curse words (epic grandmother!) otherwise I'd say something lol. Keep it up and let us see more!
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Really like the yellow. I think that the eagle on the chest should be in red, and would look better that way too. Also I think the bolter casing should be in a different colour, it gets kinda lost. I think you should do a bit of drybrushing on the pipes, exhausts etc, nice and simple but effective. Lastly I think a matt varnish over the decals would make them less shiny and more natural looking. Great job for your first four minis though.


Thanks! Actually I don't like the red chest eagle that much, that's why I changed it to white. I like yellow and white together actually.

My later models will have more shading on those wings though.

The pipes and the exhausts are already drybrushed with a metallic, can be seen a bit better on one of the pictures taken from the rear.

And I've also applied a coat of superflat mat varnish spray on all four models since the pictures were taken. No shine at the moment whatsoever.

Take care & merry Christmas!




If you want to stick with the white chest eagles then you could do a thin wash/glaze of, say, fortress gray mixed with skull white. This would then flow into the recesses and greate some light shadows which should really show off the details a bit better.



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Oh look that's a lot of comments there! This is a happy Christmas evening! :P

And my four pioneer marines have already found their ways to my family members as presents.


So let me reply in a few sentences to all of these friendly comments, as I really appreciate them!


Really well done sir! I've been painting for two years and I'm too terrified to go near yellow! The decals look amazing and you definitely should continue with the IF instead of going to the successors. And it's been too long since my grandmother taught me to speak hungarian, and it was usually only curse words (epic grandmother!) otherwise I'd say something lol. Keep it up and let us see more!

Thanks a lot bro! Don't be afraid, the successors are just an addition to the forthcoming IF army. I've got 2 tac squads, 1 dev squad, 5 termies, 1 land raider crusader, 1 land speeder and some HQs waiting to get painted bad arse yellow! I'll just finish the first half of my Iron Knights assault squad first (the other half is somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean at the moment I think...).

Well it seems like that it's becoming a Hungarian(-origin) gathering here, as this friendly gentleman here, namely Starks333, has also some magyar blood in his veins!


oh heyyyyyy you are on the forums !

its funny i was linked by a friend to this, he was like "not bad for his first models"

then i was like, thats because hes talented and ive been secretly emailing him secrets for the past month+!


Oiii, Alex, my man! I had a slight feeling that you may be registered here somewhere on B&C, but I would never think that you will be referred to my topic by a third person! :D Wicked world, but makes me definitely happy.

Thanks for the support so far, and you can be sure that I'll come up with questions and updates again, maestro! :D


If you want to stick with the white chest eagles then you could do a thin wash/glaze of, say, fortress gray mixed with skull white. This would then flow into the recesses and greate some light shadows which should really show off the details a bit better.


Jeg skal gøre det, eller noget lignende! ;) Altså jeg allerede bruger nogle washes, disse fyre blev vasket med skin wash for eksempel. Tak og God Jul igen!


Haha aye I would be that friend who tipped him off.. :P

Small world, this. I'm really impressed by these and I foresee you going on to do great things...great things indeed.


Really small for sure mate! Cheers for the compliment, I am getting embarassed while thinking of those 'great things'. :D

Now I need to come up with something really neat next time. :)


Well what can I say, I keep working to improve - Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth!

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