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Chapter Master Anubis ++PIC INTENSIVE++

space wolf

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So those of you who have checked out my chapter in the Liber Astartes section know all about him. (shameless plug :) ) Anyway, I'm using the SW rules with this chapter, and wanted an equally dynamic model to match Logan Grimnar's. So this is what I've come up with. I'm having trouble figuring out what to ad on him to make him look more impressive. I'm a pretty good hand at sculpting, but I'm just out of ideas. Got any?







Good pose, although in that last picture, the Torso looks really awkward to me, maybe it looks ok in real life.


To make him look a little more dynamic how about some flowing purity seals coming from behind him? the ones of his legs look good apart from their direction, I can see them fluttering behind him as he's running not wrapped around his leg, perhaps a few of these http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/product_info.php?...roducts_id=4841


Other than that very nice

I would have the legs a bit narrower, as he looks a little like a ragdoll gone bad, which makes the running pose slightly awkward. Take a look at the more dynamic Terminator legs to see what I mean.


The green stuff work is solid, but still needs sanding to look more like armor.


And the purity seals should be flapping in the other direction to support the pose you are going for.



Thanks for the replies guys, I took your advice and switched around the purity seals. I've also added a few more details. Please keep the comments coming.






A good improvement, although the purity seals still look too flat to me. They need to be 'flowing' behind him, at the moment they're just hanging down still.


The GS work does look good though, well done, sort those seals out and it will look spot on ;)

I totally agree with you. He's actually not glued down on his base, so right now, he looks like he's either stumbling or trying to sidestep something. However, once I glue him down, he'll look a little bit different. Since terminators cannot sweeping advance, I always thought of them as kind of lumbering; and when they charge, they don't so much as run as they do bound. When I'm he's glued down, I think you may agree that he looks like he's bounding. That being said, its amazing what an arm or a leg which is off by a few degrees can do to the whole feel of the model.


++EDIT++ some of you guys replied, while I was posting ;). His arms are long. but if you look at a terminator they aren't exactly proportional. If the guy was to stand up strait you would find, his arms are actually the right length. As for the purity seals, I'm still working on them. Some of them should be just kind of haning there though, because he's bounding, so there is an up and down movement to them as well as a backward one.

So I adjusted the purity seals further, as well ad adding a new one close to the models head. Additionally I adjusted the back leg so he looks less like he's dragging it behind him. Keep the comments coming, they are most helpful. :cuss










So I'm just about done with him. I need to sand him a little more and I'll be ready to slap some paint on this bad boy. I added some additional "ropes" around the left shoulderpad (chapter masters always have really "busy" armor, and his just didn't look "busy" enough.









In case you're wondering, his fluff says he claimed a choppa scabbard from a particularly fierce warboss as a trophy (I guess he managed to find a use for it <_< ).


Awesome so is that meant to be Logan Grimnar or not im a little confused


No. This is the Chapter Master of Spacewolf's DIY chapter 'SONS OF ANUBIS' (i think). Spacewolf wanted to create a dynamic model like the Logan Grimnar model and so he used it as a source of inspiration.

Cap is right, its supposed to represent Logan in my DIY. As for the cape, they always make a model look good, and I'm not bad at sculpting them; but they are just SUCH a pain. So I'm really trying to stay away from one. (not to mention I really doubt any marine would go into battle with a cape...not very practical. :) ) At any rate, here are the pics. The painting is all done. Now, let me just say, that I'm better at converting than I am at painting. And to be quite honest, my camera has a way of picking up all the worst details of the model. I don't know if its the gold paint or what (my shaky painting hand may not help :D ); so be gentle, it really doesn't look so bad in person. (of course I'm sure that's what they all say.)



He has eye tattoos. They are the black tears of anubis, signifying the loss of the first chapter master




His sca










His scabbard was taken as a trophy from an ork warboss. He now uses it to hold the Jackal's Tooth. (Axe of Morkai)






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