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Repainting the Army: Azure Blades Tactical Squad Dvojka

Espada Azul

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Whew, funny how taking up a Master's Degree kills any and all time for painting. Oh well, they're done now, all I need to do now is the last tac squad and I'll have my four Troop choices repainted. This time we have a, hmm, decidedly Anti-Vehicle/MEQ squad, or a 'Beardy' Las/Plas combo.


It's hilarious how hard it is to... drybrush all those small details. Hence why I did what I could, though in the process it made it look as if everyone's weapons were rusting.


Last up is the Anti-personnel squad. Haruhi knows when THAT will be repainted.

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The paint is actually really thin, all things considered -- the Blue is actually the basecoat (Tamiya Blue), for example. It only seems thick because, after I basecoated, I dipped the models in woodstain and polyurethane dip before I touched it up, THEN I hit it with some slim dustings of clearcoat.
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