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Alex Knight's Guardians of the Covenant LPC WiP

Alex Knight

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to leave these pictures up, but just wanted to note that this is NOT my LPC entry. That starts in the next posting.


So. Anyways, pictures.


Tactical Squad member. He's from the first squad, the LPC has squads two and three. First squad is not in the LPC as all but four members of the squad are already hit with the first basecoat of boltgun metal. I might paint them along-side the LPC squads, just so I have them all done at roughly the same time.




Here's my Ravenwing Bike Squadron. As you can see, I really miss the old Bitz order service as many of those packs and pouches are no longer available. And I still have three more squadrons (Not including the two unpainted ones that *do* have the packs...) of these guys I'd like to do. ::sighs:: They need the new rounded base from the Scout Bikes and I still have to freehand the chapter symbol on them.




Next the Deathwing. At least what is painted. I've started the chapter symbols on some of them, and I'll have to base them as well.










Then a focus on the assault cannon that actually has a finished symbol!




I actually changed from a red eye color to a green one after I did these guys and the Ravenwing bikers. I also drybrushed all my metallics instead of normal brushing them and a wash. I like the washed version better. However, I am not going back to repaint these guys.


Here's my Belial in progress. I still need to GS a robe or dingie cloth below the belt. I just haven't had the cajones to do that yet.








And finally the total sum of my fieldable painted forces. Three Termie Squads and the Ravenwing Squadron:




Well, these pictures may not inspire me to paint my army... but avoiding failure in the LPC sure as heck will.


Again C&C always welcome. I do know that I need a second light source for my pictures to help cut the shadows. Sadly, not in the funds at the moment.

I don't mean to be a downer, but a lot of people are going to think you're trying to put down beakie GK's on them. Solid-metallic Chapters are kind of a dime-a-dozen. Not that I'm questioning your painting skills, your freehand Chapter logos are great. I can swear I see another color on the front scoop of those bikes, but I can't be certain.
Yeah, I know that metallic chapters are a dime a dozen, but after reading the teensy blurb on the Guardians in the Dark Angel book, I was sold on them. There *is* another color on the scoops. There's a grey that was used for "text" over the maroon color.

Yeah, I've wondered where my brother Guardians have been. As for the robes and bling. Robes are going on all my Sergeants and my command squad members. The troops are all robe free. The reasons being, the Robes indicate memberbish in the inner circle, as per most Dark Angels, and two it is simply to designate difference from normal troops. I don't honestly feel that a Marine would actually fight in a robe, despite the pictures from GW. I think it'd get in the way too much.


As for bling, I decided against *bling* bling. Illuminated manuscripts written on vehicles and armor, sure. Censers and candles adorning everything? Not so much. When it described them as extremely monastic, I envisioned them as being ascetics as well and focusing on learning and battle, not putting bling on their armor. That's the blood angels' thing.

I believe there was a group of dedicated GotCs, but then they all faded out, before I joined the B&C: I was reading for a lot longer time then I was posting :).


I like the idea that your force has less bling, envoking the monastic feel: making varying poses for each may help ;)

Here the start of my Librarium Painting Challenge Work.


First up, we have the pre - work picture. Yes, some of the figures are already primed.



Sadly, not much work was done tonight as I was asked to be the 6th in a multi-player Heroscape game. (It really wasn't voluntary, I was hoping that there'd be an even number of players before I got there, but there wasn't and I did tell the person last week that I'd play.) Still after having my 9 figures wiped out by Abomination and Captain America (Oh and like one or two shots from an elf at my Dragon...) I was still able to get a little done. By which I mean the group is now primed.




Exciting, no?


Hopefully I'll be able to update weekly. Until then...

Okay, so I will post one *tiny* thing before next week. For some reason I got a bug to do some painting tonight. The bug ended real quick when I started on this one, but since it was just one thing, I figured I'd run to completion.


Also, technically this should be in Hall of Heroes or what have you, but I figured since it's part of my vow and the vow is not completed, this is still a WiP.


That said, here it is: One stand of Epic Space Marines in an experimental scheme The Judicators. This would be squad Piotr, or at least one *combat* squad. (Technically these guys are an offshoot of the White Panthers, but I wasn't going to make two vows just for one tiny stand of Marines.)


One frontal shot:



One rear shot:



Now, I learned a few lessons painting these guys.

1.) GW actually packs on quite a bit of detail into 6mm.

2.) Neat color scheme ideas do not translate well into 6mm. It's better to do a simple paint scheme than a fancy complex one. Though if I were to do the rest of the army, I'd probably start by painting the whole thing Burnished Gold and then go back and add in the black areas.

3.) I don't suspect that the Judicators will be seeing the Epic field any time soon. Oi.

4.) Holy crap, you can fit the tactical arrow on the mini!?

5.) I actually thought this would be the easiest part of the vow to complete. Nuh uh. Just the quickest.

6.) They *are* done. I never designed a chapter symbol for them, so nothing is missing.


Edit: Yes, the guy on the far right (when looking at the front of the squad...) has a 'chipped' shoulder pad. I fixed that. I'm not retaking the picture. It'll be shown fixed when I do the final Vow complete post.)

Thanks! Now I have the rest of the battle company sitting here going, "What about us?" I *might* get to them after I finish the LPC. I had an idea that might just speed the painting of them along. We'll see.


I do have an update, though sadly it is without images. My camera is currently enroute to Fujifilm for warranty repair. Blah. Had it since Christmas... :-P


Anyways, all I was able to accomplish tonight was the Boltgun metal basecoat on five of the members of one of my squads. I ended up having to spend time getting all of the priming job fixed. Apparently I didn't do such a great job on that. In addition I also did the basecoat for my objective marker - the Space Marine casualty with the bolt pistol out for his heroic last stand, or daring rescue. Suppose it depends on who holds the objective at the end of the game?


So LPC WiP status:


Squad 1: Boltgun metal basecoat applied. Chainmail drybrush to do. (2-1-10)

Squad 2: 0/10 basecoat, all primed.

Chaplain: primed.

Epic Stand: FINISHED


Not related to the LPC, but stuff that is being worked on in tandem:

4th Company Master (OOOOLD Dark Angels Company Master): Backpack's boltgun metal basecoat applied, primed.

Squad 3: 1/10 requiring tactical marking and basing (our friend in the pictures above), 7/9 basecoat, remainder primed. (2-1-10)

AoBR Dreadnought: Meltagun arm boltgun metal basecoat applied. Chainmail layering to do. Remainder primed. (2-1-10)

Objective Marker: basecoat.


Hopefully next week's update will be more interesting, though probably still sans pictures.

Quick update - Should have camera back in about two weeks or so. In the meantime, I was on a side project swapping basing around on my Epic marines. Now tactical detachments look like tactical guys rather than puny devastators. (I.E. instead of two heavy weapon figures per squad, there's only one.) Should have an actual LPC update Monday.
  • 1 month later...


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