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1500-2000 pt lists from ragtag collection of models

dr. dwarf

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I'm trying to put together a list in the 1500-2000 point range using only the space marine models I have on hand. What I have is the following:


tactical 10 man squad 1 - flamer, heavy bolter, sergeant with bolt pistol/chainsword


tactical 10 man squad 2 - missile launcher, plasma rifle, sergeant/captain model with power or relic sword and bolter


tactical 10 man squad 3 - missile launcher, flamer sergeant with bolt pistol/chainsword


5 x snapfit marines on sprue ( the one from the learn to paint kit - all bolters with scopes)


5 x AOBR terminators (powerfists and stormbolters, sergeant has stormbolter/sword)


5 man scout squad ( 4 sniper rifles and 1x missle launcher)


6 man command squad (AOBR captain w/sword n bolter, 1x standard bearer w/ bolt pistol, 1 apothecary w/ chainsword, 1 champion w/ sword/shield, 1 guy with bolt pistol and powerfist, 1 guy with meltagun)


1 x AOBR Dreanought (multimelta arm / fist with bolter underneath)


1 x Librarian (staff and book)


1 x scout sergeant Telion


2 x rhinos with all acessories (stormbolters, pintle guns, searchlights etc)


1 x landspeeder with all weapon options available to put on EXCEPT the underside gatling gun


1 x attack bike with all weapons for sidecar


1 x bike


1 x land raider


MISC guys not in squad:


1x lascannon marine


1 x marine with bolter and powerfist


1 x marine with meltagun


parts to make plasmacannon guy and and a lascannon guy


Are the tools there to make a good competitive list, or is my model collection lacking? Should I move some guys around in my tac squads? replace some guys?

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Yeah... Id probly suggest getting another rhino... but youve got a nice selection going on there, should be able to do a balanced and competitive 1500pt list without a problem.


Did you want examples?


Edit: as for ideas, Heavy Weapons that are good against tanks, or plasmacannons *wich are decent against tanks* are best for tactical squads... Id never reccommend a heavy bolter. But theres nothing wrong with having guys as "options" to switch out between squads... like that powerfist seargent of yours, wich I suggest you take often.

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Well, the way I see it, you are just lacking a few bits to have a decent force--my blood raven force is 2 AOBR starter kits at 1500 points, and i just add scouts and 2 razorbacks to make 1750. My suggestions:


First, you need to have 2 optimal tac squads as the core of your force. What I would do is use 2 flamer missile launcher power fists squads as a start. While you only have 1 power fist, with some borrowing or converting, you can fab up a second power fist--at the very minimum you can use a termie fist. Buy each of these squads a rhino.


Then add your dread, but upgrade him to venerable status with extra armor--the venerable upgrade is well worth it, hiting on a 2+ with a multimelta is great! Some fun conversion work here can make him stand out as a venerable extra armor dread, so its less obvious he's an AOBR dread.


As for your termies, at a minimum you should fab up a cyclone for them. Worst case senario, you can use your 2 hunterkiller missiles from the rhinos to represent the 2 shot cyclone. Also, if you had no choice but to rip a fist off a termie, then you can use chainswords and what not to fab up a chain fist--a chain fist is a worthy upgrade regardless.


For your scouts, 4 snipers and a missile launcher is a good build. The option to add telion can be used if you have the points, but that should be a prefrence thing.


For HQs, definately run the libby--I recommend null zone and avenger. Then run a command squad with the AOBR captain using a relic blade--a cheap and decent HQ. For the command squad, I recomend using the power fist, the melta gun, the extra melta gun you have, of course the apothicary, and a plain marine (who will be the meat shield). Since you have no other transport, they will need to go in the land raider.


If you want some extra shooting, use 3 of the snap fit marines with scopes, add sternguard ammo boxes to their bolters, and the 2 las cannons, and you have a sternguard minidev squad--they are not great without pedro kantor and another rhino, but they are better than similiarly priced devestators.


SO all in all, the 1500 list would look something like


Libby with Null Zone and Avenger

Captain with Relic Blade

Command Squad with Power fist, 2 melta guns, apoth

Land Raider


5 termies with cyclone, chainfist

Ven Dread


2 Tac Squads with missile/flamer/Fist (combat squad them for objective missions)

2 Rhinos


To go to 1600, add extra armor on the ven dread, and add the 5 scouts with missile launcher.

For 1750, add a multimelta attack bike and a land speeder with typhoon missile launcher

For 1850, drop the multimelta attack bike for the 5 sternguard mini dev squad with 2 las cannons.

For 2000, Add telion to the scouts (making a 6 man scout squad), add the multimelta attack bike, add extra armor to the land raider, and buy a few extra bits of wargear for the commander and command squad to taste.


Hope that helps--at its core the lists above form around mobile shooting elements with relatively static scoring untis. Thus, you can use the termies, the ven dred, the speeder, the bike, and the land raider all to move and shoot a minimum of 6 inches a turn, for a mobile battle line. The sternguard mini dev squad, the scouts, and the tacs would all hang around back, the scoring units focusing on objectives (stay in the rhinos unless combat squaded!) and the sternguard providing your rearguard.


Hope this helps!

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Yeah... Id probly suggest getting another rhino... but youve got a nice selection going on there, should be able to do a balanced and competitive 1500pt list without a problem.


Did you want examples?



YEs please, any example lists would be excellent!

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Captain- Relicblade- 130pts.


Dreadnaught- EA, HF, Droppod- 165pts.

5 Terminators- 200pts.


10 Tacticals- ML, Meltagun, PW- Rhino- 225pts.

10 Tacticals- ML, Flamer, PF, Meltabombs- Rhino- 235pts.

6 Scouts- 4x SR, ML, Telion- 135pts.


Landspeeder- Typhoon- 90pts.

Attack Bike- MM- 50pts.


Landraider- EA- 265pts.




The last 10 pts can have alot of uses... give your LR a MM, upgrade the typhoons HB to a MM *though I prefer the HB on typhoons for the range* or you could drop the meltabombs on the tactical squad to give all your scouts camo cloaks. You could also give both your Rhinos Dozerblades if your local gaming table has enough terrain to warrant it.


As an example. Most likely the Terminators would ride inside th LR most games, with the Captain their to give them a few more devastating I 5 attacks. Rhino squads would go forth to capture objectives backed up by the AB and LS and in turn supporting your Dreadnaught, while the sniper scouts infiltrate/scout and camp a home objective.


Its not the 100% most killer list in the world, but it has all the tools you need to win a tournament- durability, firepower, and speed. If you had the models, Id drop telion and a couple of the upgrades to get a whirlwind for some anti-horde, or a heavy flamer for those Terminators.


Id reccommend getting the commander box sometime soon and getting yourself a better general than the AOBR guy, or picking up a SC if you like *I love Pedro Kantor, but to each their own*.


Does that help at all?

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