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Land Raider Ares, "Gate of Redemption"


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I'm the first to admitt I'm a lazy SoaB, but the reason I haven't painted this one yet is because I don't have any white spray. I'll be doing a shoping run at sci-fi city this saturday though.


But honestly I'm considering coating it black and give it a darker paintjob ( more like a chaplain ) mainly black, white skulls, red flames and with minor chapter colors. This to further put that one-of-a-kind feel to it, and make it stand out more. Plus I'm not sure how my usual color scheme will work with all the flames :)


What do you guys think? The biggest benefit is that if I spray it black I can start working on it a little today and continue tomorrow ( getting a tattoo later at 7 so my night is booked ).



Let me also be among those who applaud this most excellent effort. I have an Ares on my "to do" list (along with a couple of Terminus, but let's not go there), but yours is the first I've with as much detail as yours. I really like the front shield. What building set did that come from?


As far as making it stand out, I think all the detail you've put into the model is going to give you plenty of opportunity to make it stand out. I'm not familiar with your general army scheme, but having one tank that is completely different from the rest because of it's color can be tricky to pull off. You don't want it to look like:


You: "Well, here's all my tanks."

Them: "What about that one, did you get it on eBay?"


Kind of ruins the whole effect of doing something special. So, if you can use your existing scheme and detail it out so that it looks like a part of the rest of your forces, then that might be the low risk approach. Going with a different color means that you'll have to work extra hard to tie them all together. I ran into the same issue with my dreads. My chappie dread is red (chapter reasons), but all the others are half white/half black. My bases help tie them all together, but realize that it is going to stand out.


I'm really looking forward to seeing this painted up. It's very impressive.



Okey, at long last some real updating!

I thought about it and decided I couldn't restrain myself anymore, so a black coat it is!


Honda: *Bow* I thought about that as well, since I've seen more than one time where the painter tried to do it ( a seppereat paint scheme for a single unit/model ) and it's looked like he borrowed his friends stuff.


But IMHO the key point to being able to pull it off is to have a model that stands out enough for it to be obvious that it's special. And I think this Aes might just be able to do it. Mainly becasue of the amout of skulls all over the hull, and that I'll be doing a chaplain inspired theme. Later when it's done I'm going to try and post it in hte hall of honor with a short story to explain it's relation with the chapter chaplains.


So the scheme will be mainly black, with a few green details ( chapter reference ) and metal+white on details.



Here you also see the assault cannon :D






And a pic of one of my crusaders to show my standard paint scheme ( 3 crusaders, 2 terminus, 1 prometheus and a redeemer in total )




As you see I've only really gotten it black, and a single layer of foundation paint on the skulls and flames. To this will later be added about 5 layers on the flames and a few on the skulls. My main question is how I'm going to to all the cables in between the skulls.. I'm thinking about doing them with metal and a hint of blue. Opinions?

Wow. Just wow. It's beautiful. :devil:


*looks at own Ares conversion*





*breaks down in tears over the inferiority of own Ares*




As for the cables, I agree that you should do silver with just a highlight of blue.

My friend just going for it and trying to do the conversion is in my book worth quite a few points, since it is a big conversion (costwise, and modelwise). And honestly this is probably the best conversion I have ever done. Showed this thread to a friend of mine today and he was really suprised at how good it came out. So saddly this isn't the default standard (YET! Working on getting it to that at least ;) )


Just got back from gettin a back tattoo done, so no more painting tonight, but tomorrow I should be able to get a lot done on this one, my fingers are itching for the brush ( but my head is pounding for bed ).

<See kids, this is why you ask for advice, but follow your heart. Your heart is usually right>


Ok, I'm on board now.


I see what you mean by your other scheme, as evidenced by the LRC. Not that it's bad, but I agree that a lot of the skull detail would have been lost using bone/green as the predominant scheme. Also green body panels and red flame would have given the vehicle a "bad Christmas" kind of look, which should be avoided at all costs. :eek


I agree with TSN, definitely have a good handle on your gold before you get started. If it were me, I'd want the gold to obviously be present, but understated. So a nice warm gold that helps frame/accent your detail, not steal all the attention.


I'll go back to bystander mode now.


Cheers and have a Happy New Year!

Honda: Yeah the x-mas decoration look isn't exactly what I'm aiming for, that's the thought that eventually sold me on the black. It just wouldn't look good otherwise.

And Oppinions by others are allways good ( as long as they ren't just "this is crap!" ) since they make you think in a new way, and mabe about things you did't see before. But in the end i say go with your intuition, it usually leeds me right at least :D


Once again, thanks to everyone for the kind words, and for keeping an eye on things, really keepong me motivated! :D


An update! And this time it's a bit bigger as well since I've now done the flames, skulls and pipes on the front!

Still to do are the statyes, the black and the gold.


Now my problem is always that I never seem to catch all effects with the fam.. and I don't think the pics does the skulls justice, since they have about 5-6ish layers on them, and in normal light you can acutally tell.


But here are a few pics, that hopefully will make it at least somewhat justice :(








In this last pic you can see that I since added two more highlights to the flames, that really brought up the warmth a lot better. Just didn't bother re-taking all the pics :(



I'm going to try and have as little gold as possible, mainly because I hate painting gold, it tends to turn out bad for me. So the main detail colors will be a crisp white and silver/metal.

The blacks will be cleaned up and highlighted, the robes I'm not sure if I want a black or dark grey though..


Keep the comments going, I'm making the paint scheme up as I go along so input is always appreciated!


Happy new year!! :devil:



Now I pretty much never paint with a recipe, I just go by feel, so I'm not quite sure about how I mixed my colors %wise, but here is the basic recipe of how I did it:


Basecoat of Mechrite red

Blood red / Black ink ( a washed out black would also work )

Blood red

Blood red / Tausept ochre ( 2 diff shades )

Blood red / Ilyanden darksun ( 2 diff shades )

Ilyanden darksun

Ilyanden darksun / Bad moon yellow


G'luck :D

The shield is looking reeeeaaaaal good. :)


Gold can be troublesome, but it can also be very easy. A simple recipe can be:


1. Basecoat the area with Beastial Brown


2. Shiney Gold. This may take more than one layer to get solid coverage. The solid coverage part is important.


3. The area where Gold tends to go South on people is what do you do next? In general, you need to do three things (or at least I do), and that is inks, highlights AND darken the recesses. So...


i. If you have access to a chestnut brown or Flesh Wash ink, then 3-4 layers of very thin ink (10:1 water/ink), really warms up the gold. More layers adds more warmth. You can't really have too many of these, but eventually your patience will wear out and want to move on. :)


ii. Highlights. The usual. Simple is single source of light, mix a little silver with your gold, hit the extremes. A little inking here can help blend.


iii. Recesses. I like to use Flesh Wash, darkened with Scorched Brown and a dab of black ink.


Not to steal your thunder, but here's a pic of that effect:




As before, follow your intuition, but don't cut your effort short because something hasn't worked before. You can do it. You've got the skills. You just need to stretch yourself a little bit to produce the best effort you can while you are now focused on this task.


Carpe Ares!

Okay, pheew.. Took the awesome advice from Honda to heart and set out to paint some frigging gold!

I still hate doing gold, but it actually came out really well. The second I put on the layer of Beastial brown I had a moment of "why hadn't I thought about that!?".

Thanks Honda, I owe you one for that ;)


Well I got the gold details painted up using said recepie, except that I used burnished gold insttead of shiny ( only one I had ) and took the highlights up one step and the 3rd step one more lever with a flesh / black ink mix with mainly black.


I also got the side "panels" done, and went over the flames and skulls on the front one more time to get it where I wanted it. The black got cleaned up from all my messing around and I did the "human" statue. Now I did not breathe when I did his eye, holy heck... But I got the black dot where I wanted it, so now he is looking down/inwards, as if glaring at the poor soul standing before the gate.


























Now the banners/parchment will probably be the next step for me, not quite sure how I want to do them yet though. Then a lot of highlighting (black mainly) and I'm probably going to do some parts in green ( chapter colors ). For the green I was thinking the shields on the doors, the mantle over the guns and possibly some of the rear armour.


So far I have to say that I am extremely happy with how it's turning out. This is without a doubt the most energy I've put into a model, and it's paying of :) :P


What does the people think? :)

And that's the parchment done.. G'damn that took some time fiddling around untill I found a color I liked. Ended up working it from Bestial-bleached-skull and tried to capture that erhm... stringy?.. .quality that parchment has, where you can see/feel the fibers of it... ( if you have parchment or recently had, I think you know what I'm talking about.. Hopefully :P ).

Considering that I usually do parchment by skull white, drown it in flesh wash, and some dry brushed skull on top again, done! This is quite a new experience for me :)


At this point though I am not sure if I want to do scribble on the purity seals or not.. Only because I know that if I mess it up ( make the lines too thick, uneven etc ) I'm going to have to go back and re-do the parchment... and after doing about 6 layers on everything, then going over it with a darker color in the edges, and lighting AGAIN and then cleanup around the edges.. I'm just not sure if my nerves can do that :)


On the cannon one I will be writing something, and the sword banner, and the big banner will likely DEMAND lettering or scribbles on them though. they are just too big to leave empty. :D


Next up is fixing the red wax on the seals, and I will be doing the centers of the gold cruxes ( the frag lauchers aka "scaly armour" ) as green gems. This to give it more ornate feel, as well as work some green in there in a discreet way. ;)


I worked around for quite a bit with my lighting to try and get pics that capture the paintjob, and think I did fairly well. Getting pics to really capture everything is hard as heck ( esp with my cheep camera! :P )













Now I just hope people don't feel discouragede to comment by the massive amount of pics I'm throwing up here, since as I said before, getting feedback is a huge motivator for me. If I spam to many images, just let me know!



The conversions make your Ares look jaw dropping awesome. I'm going to be tracking this thread just to see how it progresses and so I can come back for inspiration... especially the flames. They would be a really cheap way to do extra armour.


For the scribbles on the parchment you might want to have a look at Golden Daemon and 'eavy Metal miniatures to get some ideas on how they do theirs. Alot of them aren't actually squiggly lines but rather vertical strokes that are spaced apart differently to give the appearance of letters and words. Remember that practise makes perfect.



It's looking awesome and yes, you have to do the scripting on the parchment. :D


You did a good job on the gold and I'm glad that worked for you. I do like the "stringy" effect you put on the parchment and think the effect will look very realistic once the scripting is on there. Another trick I use on mine is if they look a little too "bright", i.e. paper products tend to dull with exposure to sunlight over time, then a thinned glaze of Graveyard Earth (20:1 water/paint) will tone them down nicely.


He's looking really, really good. It's third and goal. Punch the ball into the end zone and score.


"We can be heroes, if just for one day" - D. Bowie


Go for it!

Thanks ^_^ I'm very happy with how it's turning out.


I might just try that actually, depends a bit on how it looks once the script is on there.


I always was more of a rugby player, but did do football for a year back in highschool ( exchange student in Mass ). :P


But quite as far as 3rd & Goal I wouldn't say, still plenty of work to be done on this one, all black surfaces ( inc statues ) are getting highlights, and some are getting glosses so add some shine. Then there are a lot of details left ( Gems, tracks etc ) and I'm going to see about putting some green on it as well. But we are within the 35 yard line I would say :D


So stay tuned! Today is a game-day ( going to the store for some supplies, and aiming for a game or three while I'm at it ). ;)

And keep the feedback coming, it's my soulfood :D ;)

I always was more of a rugby player, but did do football for a year back in highschool


Yeah, I liked rugby, but liked my teeth more so opted for a sport with body armor. We are currently a Lacrosse household in a big way.

BOOOO for Photobucket... apparently I overdid my bandwith so eventhough I've gone over all old online pics etc I have on other forums and emtpied those threads, my links will not be re-opened ( pics be visible ) untill the 15th of this month... Seriously considering setting up a new account on P-bucket.


If not then the next pics posted should be of a finished Ares since I should have it done before the 15th.



Damn internet...


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