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Land Raider Ares, "Gate of Redemption"


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Ah, no wonder it was all 'bandwith exceeded' on the images, while I was looking for updates :P. No matter. I think you should create a new account, just make sure the old accounts' images are visible. The downside to this, is that within 90 days of inactivity on an account, the images would, again, be unavailable.

There we go, the last two updates are fixed, the rest I'll just wait untill the 15th with since they aren't really that important right now. This way (second PB account I can also put up updates as they come along ).


A general survey, what does people prefer, that I place the updates "at the bottom" of the thread, meaning as the newest comment, or should I put them in the first post, meaning on top of page 1. The second option would eliminate the need to find the new pics, but you also won't see the other comments.


What you guys prefer?

Most people here do updates in the thread and refer to the page they are on in the title. Putting new pictures in the first post often causes confusion...


Keep up the good work!


(And consider the suggestion of using your B&C gallery. It works really well and you'll never have bandwidth issues)

Urgh, On my list of paints I dislike doing highlights for black are now above gold. :Elite:

Been working a while now and eeling that I've spent tonights energy, so here's todays progress.


I got the purity seals, the emeralds on the frag launchers, the slabs of rock (door and in the arms of the statue),

my green and the lamps done. As well as the scorched effect on the tip of the flamers.

I've finally started doing highlights for the black. :)


The highlights I've done the first coat on the right side of the tank, probably doing one more shade to really get there, then going back over them to even them out ( going over them with black where they got to thick/smeared ).










Phew, the details are coming together at last my friends, and there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel ahead! :HS:

Still a lot of work to be done with the black, and then overall clean-up. and the final detail will be the scribble on the parchment.

I'm thinking actuall words on the sword banner, the banner by the assault cannon and the two on the doors. The rest are getting "scribble" to indicate a longer, smaller text. The large parchment will fluffwise be a litany of destruction and purification by the Master of Sancity himself.


So still a lot to come, but for tonight I'm beat... Let me know what you think, could really, really need some feedback on the highlights and the green!

Cheers! :FA:

I'm awe struck Alex! Didn't think you had it in you! Keep it moving mate!


You might want to try make the highlights on the black more straight, yours is at the moment abit.. Not straight.


(Translation to Swedish, easier for me to explain you:


Försök att få dina highlights raka, du verkar svaja med penslen just nu ganska mycket. Iallafall till och från. Vissa är skit bra, andra mindre bra =). Ta din tid, stressa inte highlihts. Fast, å andra sidan. Du målar bättre än mig så jag är väl egentligen inte någon att kommentera..).


Though your green highlights are superb. I love 'em. I am however still looking for my name somewhere on that tank, hehe.


Keep it up mate.


Best Regards;



Looking awesome Alex! You got the mo' so keep pushing the envelope.


A couple of observations:


1. The Green is looking very good. I do think that a few highlights just a tad brighter are in order. Not all of the hard edges, just a few of the corners and such to make them pop a little more.


2. Your tracks. They appear in the pics to just be your metal color. Is it a case of the inks getting washed out by the flash or is that work yet to be done? Same observation on the silver chains.


3. The frag launchers/extra armor turned out very nice. They look very ornamental and stand out without looking too bright.


4. Cleaning up the black highlights isn't that tough. You can always black line right next to them to get that thin highlight you are looking for. Also a thin black wash can help blend them in if needed.


Looking brilliant my friend, keep it up!



Thanks guys :)


Nilsson: If you read the text I said I was going to go over the highlights later with black to straighten them out ;) So I got what youre saying ;)


The camera doesn't do the highlighting justice as the green has a highlight that is 70/30 bed moon yellow/snot green ( can't get it much brighter than that without using skull white, which will give the green the wrong shade ), the metall has all been boltgun, black ink, boltgun, mithril, so the light takes away a bit here as well.

I was planing on going over the tracks again with a watered down ink though.


The black highlight-hatred isn't because it's tough, it's because it's taking so damn long... big tanks with a lot of edges = lotz a highlightin' ;)


Well back to the paint station!

Ok, decided to do a coat of green with about 85-15 Bad moon / snot green on the edge of the edge :P And it added to it ( and this is why you ask of second oppinions as you get color blind after sitting 5 inches away from the tank for hours on end ).


Next I did the black highlighting ( 3 shades ) on the assault cannon to see how it's going to turn out, and I'm pretty happy with it. Don't think I want to go any higher, but might do as with the green and one final on the very edges, what do you guys think?


++Note that the skelleton is not finished, it only has 1 out of about 5 shades on it right now++






Here we go! A quick update before the family heads out to dinner.

I think I am now finished with the shield. Not 100% susince I might come back and do something to it later, but for now I think I'm done!


I did add 2 more highlights ( meaning I'm at 5 in total.. and a big tank to do it on :) But at least it turnes out well ).


The statues took a twist I didnt see coming, they turned almost white :P

Here's what I said about me not making things up before hand, but as I go along with it :P Not even I know what to expect in the end.






C&C greatly appreciated!! :)

Hehe I actually just added a shade of yellow as I read you comment Alys :P With so much white around it due to the statues they needed to be lighted up some more.


But honestly I'm not sure if I like the statues being white.. *mumble,grumble* I like the way the white came out, I really do, but I'm just not sure if it looks good overall with them white since it now makes it the dominant color of the shield.

So I'm right now considering going back to black with the statues... Or mabe do the skeleton statue black and the man white?


I'm going to need some more input on this.. anyone got ideas/thoughts?

I agree that the white on the robes went a little too far. I don't think you want to do black though. Go back to some of your earlier photos to confirm that.




1. Dirty up the white with Graveyard Earth (20:1 Water/GE) - this will tone down the white quite a bit and make it less bright. The downside is that it adds a new color to the palette and I'm not sure you want to go there


2. Multiple coats of Black wash - this will also tone down the white, tend to make it more grey. Lower risk than above


3. Go grey, probably Codex Grey....then do the recesses - this will darken the side images so that they don't dominate the flames, but will still be present to frame the shield.


This is why a lot of artists walk around with the "tortured" label attached.


As far as the grey highlights go on the turret, they seem a tad bright to me. It could just be the flash. You may end up going over all of them (i.e. black highlights) with a very thin black wash at the end if they come out a bit too extreme. I'd reserve opinion on that till later.


Keep going, that last yard before the end zone is the toughest sometimes.



I know people are probably sick of constant picture updates from me by now, but not much longer now ^_^

At last I got myself to do it... I did the scribbles!

I ended up doing actuall words on the front and door banners and the sword banner. I even ended up doing some prayers written on the engine, weapons and hull :P

The phrases are latin and mean:


Semper vigilo - Always vigilant

Fortis cadere, cedere non potest - The brave may fall, but cannot yield

Dies Irae - Day of wrath

Fid Def (short for Fidelis Defensor ) - Defender of faith








I also went over the statues with 3 different layers of watered down black and it's now much better. I also darkened the skulls and re-highlighted them since they were a little to light overall.





awesome model, it blows me away (pun not intended) time and again,

the one thing i've noticed though

'Dies Irae' - is the name of a chaos titan thatsprings up time and again in black library novels.



i think that proves how envious i've become...

oh yes, i'm that petty :mellow:




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