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Ash Dragons Fellblade. + Pic heavy +


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Well the Land Raider Ares got a lot of good comments, so why not throw the big brother project up here as well!


This is a conversion I've been working on on and off now for probably around a year ( a move across the atlantic ocean got in the way a little... ) and that is somewhat coming to a close.


The base of the tank was when I won a turnament in Sweden and got the stormlord box as a first prize ( Stormlord to a pure SM player... :D )

So I figured, what the heck, a fellblade it is!

But I didn't think just adding a marine in the command hatch would do it as far as conversions go. My first thought was that of a bunker on tracks, using the marines themselves as the weaponry, the fellblade being both transport and mobile gundeck. :devil:


It's currently sprayed black ( since that is the only spray I have right now ) just for me to see where the GS needs to be sanded/cut/added to. The main cannon is also yet to be added ( still in sweden, :HS: ). Later it will be sprayed white.

There are still areas that are very much under construction, and I have yet to make up the rules for it :huh: :P



As you can see there are chains hung around the top deck, and upon these are hung battle honours and tokens from campaings and missions the Fellblade has gone through.








Among these are Honours given by the Dark Angels during the cleansing of the Heretic Ar'noiths stronghold of the planet Erollia VI




Or from the Crimson fists 4th company after having shattered the Waagh of warboss Bone Cruncha' in the Omerio sub system


As you see the FW tarantula turrets fit very well, and I will likely be buying enough to mount it with pure hvy bolters later on. And possibly a pair of hyperios for the two rear hatches B)


Or it can be used as a gundeck by standard marines on the top and the side turrets.


If I want to go all out PA I can use my tank-hatch gunners for the two front hatches as well.


Fire at will!




Like I said this is still very much WIP, so any input would be greatly appreciated! ;)



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Sheesh, yeah that would be about it.. Loads of plasticard and actually mostly the bits from the actuall stormlord box. The side turrets are made from taking the top of the sponson and cutting away everything but the edges, and a lot of plasticard, the "bunker" I made by making a box of plasticard, just a square box, then doing the slanted sides with rhino roof hatches and yet more plasticard. The hatches are made up by razorback roofs that I cut to fit since they have the right sized holes.

The plasticard walls then got a layer of Greenstuff to beef it up. This was a bad move on my part, should have used brownstuff or simply thicker plasticard since getting the GS even is hell ( that's why I'm adding chains etc to cover it up where it's worst ).


So simply, Plasicard, Greenstuff and bits.. and a good healthy load of insanity! :D

I'd say make the back bigger and add in side hatches like those on a rhino if you want those balconies to be manned. Otherwise he is just a target out there, waiting to get hit. Alternatively you could make it both a turret and a manned position by getting some sort of copula set up and sacrificing a couple of marines. Maybe grab bits off of the land speeder kits to get that railing and a multimelta or heavy bolter? Still I think if there was a bigger hatch on the side than one they had to crawl through it would look better.

Slyen: Yeah the same thing has crossed my mind about the side hatches, since as it is right now the hatch is more or less just to pass on more ammunition or extra gear. Ive been considering trying something with attackbike sidecart gunners, going to see what I can do.

The problem about making the back bigger is that it would mean I had to saw off the entire gundeck, and since I don't have any more plasticard that can'treally be done.


SoH; Go for it! Would be fun to see some more SM super heavies out there ;)


Loken; There will be a super heavy weapon added to the front in march ( when I go back to sweden for while and can pick it up ). Probably the vulcan mega bolter.

Looked it over, and decided to take out the flooring I'd made in the side turrets. This way the wall reaches a marine up to the chest, which in my opinion gives enought protection to still be considered an armoured possition.

As far as the hatches in/out to the side turrets I'm simply going to go with the fluff that the marine is on duty untill the destination has been reached. If serious dodo hits the airconditioner he can always hunker down and wait through it ( although I think it would be more like marine mannerism to roar and shot back ;) )

The hatces are thus as I said before for passing out ammunition or other equipment.


Gunner with heavy bolter: Sergeant, dreadnught aproaching from the flank!

Sergeant *Opens hatch, holds out meltagun* Whatever...







Well considering I face orks and nids a lot then heavy rate of fire is allways an advantage.


Rules wise I'm going to base it on the stormlord, pump up the points, take away the "all power to the guns" rule since that would be too much, cut the transport cap from 40 down to more like 25.

In return the armour will be 14/14/14 and I'm going to make up rules about the hatches. The top 4 will be used by the people being traported ( such as a devastator squad or two ) and can use one turn to switch gunners instead of fireing. The two side turrets though will be manned by the same gunners untill disembarked, and only when a new unit embarks can they ellect who mounts the turret.


The two front hatches will likely be used by tarantulas, but I'm probably going to convert gunners for them as well using tank-hatch "legs" later on.


I'll probably make a turtle version where I use tarantulas on 6 hatches, in returnthe transport cap is reduced to 15-20 or so.


What you guys think?


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