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"The Hunters" - Agentarrow re paints his Marines


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Hello Bolter and Chainsword! I am Agentarrow. I have had Warhammer 40,000 models for almost two years and have been playing since the last few days of 4th Edition. My first army was the Tau Empire, which I have worked on substantially more than my Power Armored men which I have had just over one year. Last year, as a christmas gift I got a 1200 point Grey Knight army, which I then added to with standard Marines and Imperial Guardsmen. This then expanded into being three separate armies, my Space Marines, My Guardsmen, and my Daemonhunters, which I use interchangably or combined, depending on exactly who my enemy is, and how I feel like gaming.

However, recently I picked up one of my marines and immediately thought "EEW! They're so sloppy!" So they went into some simple green to be repainted. In addition, I recently got myself some new Terminators, the best units to start out my new scheme on. My original scheme for my "Chapter" was to cover the models in blood red with gold shoulder pads and dump black wash onto the model. After refining my skill a bit, I am now able to blend colors much better and I also decided to change my color scheme.

My new color scheme consists of greens and grey-blues to provide a high color contrast to my guard (white with orange markings) and my Daemonhunters (silver and gold with red markings) while also providing a very different scheme from my Tau (blue and orange).

Now that I have rambled your ears (well... eyes since you're reading and not listening to me speaking) I will get on with the images!



This would be my new scheme on the left, and my old scheme on the right.




Hmph... I'll have to fix that... I'm away from home right now and hoped that uploading and linking from Google Sites would work, becausae this connection is so slow that Dakka Dakka and Picasa fail to upload. I'll give it another try, hopefully it should be fixable.


Edit: Links Work!

Sure Thing! Today I did some more on the Terminators too. I decided that the blue on the face did not look good so i have changed it to a dark Adeptus Battlegray instead.








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