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Black Templar Tactics


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Can someone tell me a few tactics with the Black Templars, and could someone tell me who would be better to play Helbrecht or Grimaldus? Thanks.




You are welcome.



G'day rubberbrick32 and welcome to B&C.


Come check out the BT forum and I am sure you'll have more than enough help from me and my brothers. :D

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The B&C Librarium. For all your Space Marine needs. In this case, A Comprehensive Guide to Black Templars. Good luck :D


Actually, a lot of the information in that "comprehensive guide" is grossly out of date now. Take it with a grain of salt.

How so? It has been updated for 5th Edition and we haven't had a new Codex since then.

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The B&C Librarium. For all your Space Marine needs. In this case, A Comprehensive Guide to Black Templars. Good luck :tu:


Actually, a lot of the information in that "comprehensive guide" is grossly out of date now. Take it with a grain of salt.

How so? It has been updated for 5th Edition and we haven't had a new Codex since then.


It says that Chaplains are the "best hq ever" or some such nonsense repeated. Since every Templar army uses AAC almost no one uses chaplains. That is probably the single biggest head-scratcher.

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It says that Chaplains are the "best hq ever" or some such nonsense repeated. Since every Templar army uses AAC almost no one uses chaplains. That is probably the single biggest head-scratcher.

Chaplains are the best (non-compulsory :devil: ) HQ ever. A free PW, a free Iron Halo, and the ability to make sure that you are dragged by RZ to where you want to go, Chaplains are epic win wrapped up in a suit of PA.


Oh, and remember that although AAC, NMTO does not affect Neophytes, Litanies of Hate do.

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It says that Chaplains are the "best hq ever" or some such nonsense repeated. Since every Templar army uses AAC almost no one uses chaplains. That is probably the single biggest head-scratcher.

Chaplains are the best (non-compulsory ;) ) HQ ever. A free PW, a free Iron Halo, and the ability to make sure that you are dragged by RZ to where you want to go, Chaplains are epic win wrapped up in a suit of PA.


Oh, and remember that although AAC, NMTO does not affect Neophytes, Litanies of Hate do.


Totally disagree. Not to derail this thread further, but almost no one uses chaplains in competitive lists. That guide would lead a newbie to believe they are the end all be all of competitive templar lists, which is patently untrue.

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Hmm. I disagree.


Could our opinions be based on the kind of Templars we use? I use Land Raider Crusader mechanized Templars, and between the LRCs, Assault Terminators (LD9) and EC, I usually end up with 2 Crusader Squads, and enough points for only one HQ. The Marshal's RoB is not really necessary when you spend most of the game either in assault or in LRCs, and between the Chaplain and the EC both Crusader squads have the needed Ld. I trade 1 point of Ld in the Assault Terminators for the bonuses that a Chaplain gives.


Now if you are talking about Rhino Mech Templars or Footslogger Templars, then I can see where you are coming from. Rhino Mech Templars have the numbers that would need a Marshal's RoB, and with Footslogger Templars, again, there are enough Crusader squads that would require a Marshal's RoB.


I guess my opinion on the Marshal/Chaplain choice is based on the style of Templars that I use.


And if you read the whole article, I think the advice is solid. He gives the reasons why certain units are suggested, and states that

The only reason to use a Marshal is Ld10. This Ld10 helps with making your Righteous Zeal tests, which is your most important concern by far. However, if you have a Chaplain or Champion in each squad you want to Zeal this isn’t really necessary.
when talking about foot Templars, which I think we can all agree with.


I am not saying that the Marshal is bad, I am just saying that there are certain circumstances where the Chaplain is better. If you don't need the Ld boost across your whole army, then why are you taking a Marshal?

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At 1750:

Marshal, Thammer, Sshield, Holy Hand Grenade


5 Ass Terms, 3 TLLCs, 2 TH/SS, Furious Charge

5 Terms, 2 AssCannons, Tank Hunters

5 Initiate, Las/Plas, Rhino, Smoke

5 Initiate, Las/Plas, Rhino, Smoke

5 Initiate, Las/Plas, Rhino, Smoke

LRC, Smoke, Dozer

LRC, Smoke, Dozer


I need the Marshal to keep the small Crusader squads on the table.

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Hmm. I disagree.


Could our opinions be based on the kind of Templars we use? I use Land Raider Crusader mechanized Templars, and between the LRCs, Assault Terminators (LD9) and EC, I usually end up with 2 Crusader Squads, and enough points for only one HQ. The Marshal's RoB is not really necessary when you spend most of the game either in assault or in LRCs, and between the Chaplain and the EC both Crusader squads have the needed Ld. I trade 1 point of Ld in the Assault Terminators for the bonuses that a Chaplain gives.


I play totally mech as well. But probably more points than you. I generally play 2000 or 2500 'ard boyz style lists. The chaplain adds nothing to an all mech triple LRC assault terminator list. He doesnt help assault terminators do anything AAC doesnt already do. And he doesnt fit in an initiate rhino, nor would he add much to them anyway if he did. The marshal is expensive, but id rather have an army wide buff over a unit buff that doesnt actually buff the unit.

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Not more points, just more Rhinos. I have only one Assault Termie squad, but all of my Initiates are in LRCs. For me, the Chaplain buff is better, but I think that in your case the Marshal buff is better.


I guess I must be the only Templar player that thinks he doesn't need the Ld 10 bonus.




I agree that you need the Marshal in that list.

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