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Arch Angels Chapter


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Nice work Maleagant, very clean. I like :) Only thing I'd say. Could do with a lil shading/high lighting. But other than that, very nice. Also nice to see some of the slightly older models still being used too.


So what is the fluff for this? I mean, this is a fluff forum, if you are just looking to display your marines there is another forum in a section above this, you should be able to find it. But if you want to write fluff, this is the place to be.


I wasn't aware there as a rule stating you can't display your models without acompanying fluff :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure you're mistaken there Dark Apostle.

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So what is the fluff for this? I mean, this is a fluff forum, if you are just looking to display your marines there is another forum in a section above this, you should be able to find it. But if you want to write fluff, this is the place to be.



I posted this in the miniatures forum, but the admins moved a copy of it here for some reason.

I did post the fluff...it's here somewhere! Chapter history, homeworld and all!

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Here's the fluff for the Arch Angels (it was under the 1000 Chapter section)

Enjoy...and any comments/criticisms are appreciated!


Arch Angels Chapter





The Arch Angels have a long and bloody history that dates back to the Second Founding. One of the many progeny Chapters that came from the Ultramarines Legion, the Arch Angels are every bit as loyal and faithful to the Imperial cause as their brother Ultramarines, though they bear responsibility for a horrific calamity which endangers the existence of the entire Imperium. Early Chapter records are scarce as the Arch Angels suffered much destruction during the Age of Apostasy.

It was early in M36 (the Age of Apostasy) that a large detachment of Arch Angel vessels engaged and destroyed a chaos fleet in the southeastern fringe of the Ultima Segmentum. An Arch Angels’ strike cruiser Angelic catastrophically exploded as it entered warp-space whilst in pursuit of the fleeing chaos fleet. The resulting explosion caused a minor warp-rift to appear. The Arch Angel’s battle barge Indefatigable was caught in the resultant warp-explosion killing not only Chapter Master Strontius, but destroying nearly the entirety of the 1st Company as they were violently torn apart and drawn in the expanding warp-rift.


After months of investigating the catastrophe, reviewing engagement holovids, bridge communications and interrogations of traitorous prisoners, it was concluded that the Angelics’ explosion was actually the culmination of a sorcerous ritual which would not only cause tremendous casualties amongst the Arch Angels, but also allow the heretical captain of the Angelic to ascend as a major demon in the Warp.


Naming the warp-rift Ultima Tormentia after the many tortured souls that perished during its creation, the Arch Angels have vowed to protect the area around the Ultima Tormentia from any and all chaos incursions...as well as any Inquisition investigations as to its creation.


Several years after establishing a Fortress-Monastery on the world of Fortis-Angelius, the Arch Angel’s 2nd and 3rd Battle Companies launched a crusade into the Ultima Tormentia to discover any remains of the Indefatigable and 1st Company. After nearly a decade of constant searching and battling, the remains of the Indefatigable were found on the demon-world of Vortigern.


After making planet fall, the 2nd and 3rd Companies were beset on all sides by chaos demons. In the end, however, it was the Arch Angels who were able to pacify the area surrounding the battle barge wreckage. Before leaving Vortigern and the Ultima Tormentia, the Arch Angels successfully recovered most of the suits of revered terminator armor as well as the remains of many of the 1st Company battle brothers and the remains of Chapter Master Strontius.


Today, the Arch Angels Chapter maintains its patrol over a vast sea of space surrounding the Ultima Tormentia known as the Realm of Angelius. Much like Ultramar, the realm of the Ultramarines, Angelius is a shining example of efficiency, beauty and production. All of the Arch Angels battle-brothers are recruited from worlds within the Angelius Systems.


Throughout its 10 thousand year history, many companies of Arch Angels have gone on crusade within the Ultima Tormentia warp-rift to scour the demon infested worlds in an attempt to minimize the influence of the warp-space/real-space fluctuations affecting nearby systems and to assuage the ages-old guilt harbored by the Chapter for spawning the warp-rift and to honor their ages-old pledge to hunt down and destroy the demon prince Agraxtes - the heretical former captain of the Angelic.


Home World/System

Like the Ultramarines, the Arch Angels hold dominion over a large realm of space known as the Realm of Angelius. Though not quite as large as Ultramar, Angelius provides innumerable resources to the Imperium as a whole. The Fleet Administorum is responsible for maintaining this vast realm and its resources.


The Realm of Angelius acts as a buffer between the monstrosities that lie within the Ultima Tormentia warp-rift and our beloved Imperium. Aside from hundreds of monitoring stations, Angelius boasts several Imperial Guard home worlds, several agri-worlds, 3 hive worlds, 2 water worlds and a massive forge world complete with an Imperial Titan Legion. All of this may seem impressive however; it is what is required to protect the Imperium from the Chaos which spews from the Ultima Tormentia, from the savage raids of Dark Eldar and from the sinister tendrils of Hive Fleet Leviathan.


The Arch Angel’s home world of Fortis-Angelius is a massive planet (nearly 10 times the size of Terra). There are several continents and huge oceans all teeming with life.


The Arch Angel’s Fortress-Monastery is built high atop the largest mountain peak on the planet. The mountain (Angelius Mons) is a nearly unscaleable granite monster which extends nearly all the way through Fortis-Angelius’ atmosphere. The Fortress itself is equally impressive with its 10 meter thick adamantium walls and bristling defense weapons and void shield generators.


Combat Doctrine

The Arch Angels do not favor any one style of combat over another. They excel at a combined arms approach where everything is employed at the correct moment to ensure victory. This is similar in fashion to the Ultramarines style of warfare which only proves the strength of their genetic heritage.



The Arch Angels adhere rigidly to the teaching of Roboute Guilliman in the Codex Astartes. The Chapter is organized with its 10 companies each about 100 strong. The only deviation from the Codex Astartes is in their helmet and trim coloring. In commemoration of reclaiming the remains of the Chapter’s lost 1st Company, all of the Arch Angels helmet are painted white, with only the knee pad coloring and number denoting to which company a brother belongs.



The Arch Angels believe like most other Chapters that the Emperor is a supremely powerful human being. The Arch Angels venerate their primo-genitor Roboute Guilliman with almost equal regard. The tech-marines also believe in the Mechanicus’ Omnissiah, which for them, completes a holy trinity.

The Arch Angels praise the Imperial Cult, but are not nearly fanatical towards a “God-Emperor” as the Adeptus Sororitus preferring to focus on saving the galaxy from the threats within and without.



The geneseed is that of the Ultramarines and is supremely pure and free from deviations. The Arch Angels pride themselves on this purity and look upon other Chapters such as the Blood Angels or Salamanders with a slight air of contempt.



"Nos mos victum astrum!"

We shall conquer the stars!


"Dulce et decorum est pro Imperium mori!"

It is fitting and proper to die for the Imperium!

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I like your fluff, it's a good back story for the chapter it's pretty cool :)


As for your painting i like your colour scheme and your a tidy painter, the only thing I would suggest is maybe picking out a few details on the tanks to break up the red, such as the Aquilla on the LR and the exhausts on the Razorbacks.


Good job so far though :)

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