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Blood Khorne Lords


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Hey BnC

So after seeing the gore tutorial on this site and finding a pot of tamiya clear red at my local hobby store (last one they had) I decided to give the gorey look a go. Covered in blood is the most fitting fashion of a Khorne Lord is it not ;) ? BOth of these guys have been posted before but now they are covered in gore. :)

Lord Ahura The Fallen



Lord Zhufor (aka Zhuffy)



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Looks like this should be in the works in progress thread. Base isnt done and the model still looks too messy. If you are going for blood splattered gore, I think if you look objectively at the model its hard to tell where the models paint job ends and the gore begins. Looks too sloppy. Also seems like you have decent enough painting skills to make it look awesome, but you mashed the colors together too closely and you cant tell what's what.


Just being honest. On the bright side, who said war was nice and clean? Mb sloppy and gorey was what you had in mind? What do I know anyway?

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