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=I= Coming in 2010?


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  Vhalyar said:
Huh, the way I read Reds8n's posts is that he's actually saying he doesn't believe in DE in August :P


Nah, he was replying to a guy saying DE couldn't come out in August because that's where GKs were slated. (to which he said "I doubt it")...


This is really epic, no matter who comes out first! I'm still waiting for my FW GK dread. Some really superstitious part of me thinks that the Dread will arrive next week and at the same time GK will be announced for August. But if the dread doesn't come in next week...



For some reason, I get the odd feeling =][= will get PDF'd first, like the Blood Angels did, until a new codex is done, which I personally think is a year away.


I get the odd feeling DE is still next. A smart company doesn't waste two years of manpower and resources. just to push a release date back once the models and codex are finished, unless there is a serious problem, and even GW would have announced such an important issue like that, as it would be something they COULDN'T keep a lid on for very long.

The DE codex got screwed up and had to be redone according to the internet. Imagine how bad it must of been to be scrapped when Matt Ward gets away with the crud he puts out there. The DE codex is at the printers now and first wave models are done but we have no idea how long a codex takes to go from printers to the shelves. It's got to wait behind the 520 ish pages of each WHFB rulebook that they still need to print and anything else that's coming (might not even be GW's private printers).

Sure GW won't waste the precious time of Jes GOD-WIN but the codex needs to be printed and distributed.


However GK have DPA on their side while DE have reds8n and Gonads. Harry has remained abstaining. Anybody's guess at the minute.

  Inquisitor NicolePyykkonen said:
Just so long as you're still washing your drawers during the middle of the sport season 'n such.. ^_^ Beware of lucky rubber bands, lucky pennies, etc!





I'm usually not superstitious, but news about the GK codex fry my good sense, it seems!



  boreas said:
Sorry for the double post, but it seems Harry as posted on Warseer (which I can't access from work ^_^ ) to say that the sprues Waaagh_Gonad (Dakka's mod) saw where not the DE warrior sprues!!!


This is really turning into a soap!




Well now, this is turning into Warhammer Kart: Codex Racers Edition. Blue shells abound.

I'm not sure if this actually changes much in regard to Grey Knights though.

I think that Gonad was actually shown something from the DE codex that didn't turn out to be a Warrior. Could be anything, from a redesigned unit to something entirely new, and it doesn't necessarily invalidate what Gonad saw. That would still put DE ahead if the source is willing to show an actual unit.


I'm going to wait until he explains the situation before getting happy for the GK release.


Edit: It could have all been bull:cuss on the part of Gonad's source, but that would be... really weird.

Tsss... don't you see? Don't you all understand?


Dark Eldar and GK will be in the same codex!

Through the power of the new fusion system they will become Grey Eldar and Dark Knights. The first kind sucks, the 2nd rocks and like life, the thing looks good but makes no sense whatsoever!

  Magnus Thane said:
Dark Eldar and GK will be in the same codex!

Through the power of the new fusion system they will become Grey Eldar and Dark Knights.

Sweet. So does that mean I can use some Batman Heroclix as counts-as models now?




  satanaka said:
For some reason, I get the odd feeling =][= will get PDF'd first, like the Blood Angels did, until a new codex is done, which I personally think is a year away.


This would be AWESOME.... I'd love to be able to take the 'new' inquisition without having to shell out for a new codex.

I have to say I think the DE will be next because I cant think of a time where GW has pushed out 2 Loyalist codex in a row ever *Could very well be Wrong* from what Ive Noticed its like Loyalist/Xeno/Loyalist/Heritic/Xeno/loyalist ect ect . So I would say this year its been what Wolves/Nids/BA so next "should" be a Xeno army and lets face it the DE need one more.

Squats have the serve! But here come Necrons flying in from left field, only to be struck down by Chaos (Unified) who makes it to the endzone only to be destroyed by a LRC shot by the new Black Templars!


It really is a stunning match here in Codex stadium!

  Whitefireinferno said:
I have to say I think the DE will be next because I cant think of a time where GW has pushed out 2 Loyalist codex in a row ever *Could very well be Wrong* from what Ive Noticed its like Loyalist/Xeno/Loyalist/Heritic/Xeno/loyalist ect ect . So I would say this year its been what Wolves/Nids/BA so next "should" be a Xeno army and lets face it the DE need one more.


Yeah, you're remembering terribly wrong.

It happened recently, even, with the release of 5th edition: Space Marine - Imperial Guard - Space Wolves. It's also not the first occurrence and the same goes for Xenos - Xenos releases.


In any case, Harry confirmed that what Gonads saw was not the final model for the DE Warriors.

I'm pretty sure that DE will be released first at this point.

  Whitefireinferno said:
I have to say I think the DE will be next because I cant think of a time where GW has pushed out 2 Loyalist codex in a row ever *Could very well be Wrong* from what Ive Noticed its like Loyalist/Xeno/Loyalist/Heritic/Xeno/loyalist ect ect . So I would say this year its been what Wolves/Nids/BA so next "should" be a Xeno army and lets face it the DE need one more.


I'm not all to sure if I buy that the reason why Games Workshop is incapable of producing a GK, or Inquisition, or w/e the heck its gonna be Codex next is because of such a system of Loyalist/ Xeno or Heretics/ Loyalist. I cannot for the life of me remember an Xeno or Heretic army coming out between Space Marines, and Guard. Or Guard and Space Wolves for that matter. I mean, aren't codexes generally updated after 6-8 months since getting pulled? Are the inquisition armies at month 5 now? Has such a move been pulled by Games Workshop in the past, baring the fabeled Space Dwarfs?


I dunno it just comes down to nine parts hope that Grey Knights will be next up, and one part looking at the patterns that the company has done in the past for me.



Hopefully either way we'll hear word soon enough- and on the plus side, at least the company is working towards releasing their older codexes, rather than leaving them in the dust again.




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