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=I= Coming in 2010?


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I know it's not a done deal until some official GW source tells it, but I wouldn't mind a 7 months wait. Of course, some juiy tidbits coming here and there in the meanwhile would make it even more fun...


Heck, if some credible source puts its weight behing (lets say, Harry from Warseer), I'm going to treat myself to a FW GK dread!



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I'm just worried about our Grand masters, at the moment, give them a psycannon, Hammerhand give them a retinue of GK Termies and you are good to go, I hope they don't change him or his Nemesis force weapon, also it seems weird to have GK's this year, there needs to be more xenos love, I mean Seriously, even I am sick of it, and I collect GK's, SW, Salamanders and Thousand Sons, as much as I would love a GK or half decent chaos codex, there needs to be something other then marines in the 41st Millennium, surley?

I apologise about my spelling.

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...well, it's good to see tyranids forgotten so quickly. <_<

Necrons and DE are in desperate need off updates too. Another GW mainstay the Eldar also haven't had the treatment post-2007.


Codex: Grey Knights may mean I'm waiting even longer for a Codex: Inquisition of some sort.


Let's hope they stay away from a pure Grey Knight codex. It could easily turn into another SM codex with slight variations. Having the options for Inquisitors et al, would help avoid those comparisons completely.

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Codex: Grey Knights may mean I'm waiting even longer for a Codex: Inquisition of some sort.


Let's hope they stay away from a pure Grey Knight codex. It could easily turn into another SM codex with slight variations. Having the options for Inquisitors et al, would help avoid those comparisons completely.


Codex Grey Knights is not likely to be "pure" Grey Knights. As far back as the Rogue Trader Grey Knights army list you could still take a few Daemonhunter Inquisitors to accompany the Knights to battle. It is more likely to be a focus on the Knights with a few more Grey Knight unit options, including the Stormraven, with Inquisitors and their Retinues. I assume their will be no options for Daemonhosts or other Radical selections. I'm not sure what will become of the Storm Troopers however.



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Goddamn! Lots of good news!


Making the White Dwarves "necessary" again, is a VERY good idea, I like the magazines but I rearly buy em cause they don´t have anything great game wise. I would buy em simply if it ment I could still play some inquisitor in my GK army.


Finally some more info on Codex Grey Knights...*drool*. I don´t mind not having inquisitors around, they could instead make BC and GM more customizable :)


I´m also not worried about suddenly being closer to another SM:Chapter, there are many ways to prevent this, if wanted. Keep the point tag on the GK high, keep em versatile (SB & NFW), I could even see em with the same price tage as now if we would get frag & krak granades and slightly better shruding + allowing for Stormraven transports! Also Assasins could easily enough be "ordered" to show up by a GM, I see no problem with this. And finally, why not simply keep the "ally" rules, just make em so future codexes will not mess it up.

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It's a WD suppliment in June. There could easily be a new Codex slotted around it, especially a 'high risk' (like the DE) DW might want more exposure to (form the new Suppliment bring people into stores) to ensure it sells.


I doubt proper Codex releases will be put on hold becuase of a WD suppliment. If Spearhead was a book in it's own right (like Planetstrike/Apoc) then possibly.

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. I assume their will be no options for Daemonhosts or other Radical selections. I'm not sure what will become of the Storm Troopers however.




I really, really hope your wrong about Daemonhosts and that Stormtroopers stay around.....


I feel a shift to Imperial Guard coming on so I can still play my army.

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Well if the rumours plan out it looks like the next 40K releases will be;


Summer: DE

Autumn: GK

Winter (January 2011): Necrons.


So it seems a viable fit. ;)


From what I gathered in the rumors, you can switch DE and GK.

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Hold on people, hold on. None of these quite fit in with the "Blood Angels are only half the story" [sic] snitck that GW posted last month at the announcment of the BA release. That had me thinking back to 2nd ed when BA's had to share a codex with... ...DAs? I don't know how the other half of the story could be any other army. If someone figured it out [or the hint was revealed elsewhere] and that it doesn't relate to DAs I'd be grateful for the extra info.


Codex Grey Knights is not likely to be "pure" Grey Knights. As far back as the Rogue Trader Grey Knights army list you could still take a few Daemonhunter Inquisitors to accompany the Knights to battle. It is more likely to be a focus on the Knights with a few more Grey Knight unit options, including the Stormraven, with Inquisitors and their Retinues. I assume their will be no options for Daemonhosts or other Radical selections. I'm not sure what will become of the Storm Troopers however.


Now, aside from the blurb about ISTs, this sounds idea! Feel a bit sorry for those who wanna play radical - there are quite a few out there...






...aww okay, I don't feel sorry too much. ;)

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Chech the HO thread, there is the quotes that says that the DAs aren't the rumored chapter.


And GKs can be the other part - of the Stormraven story ;)


I wouldn't worry about radicals and ISTs. this stuff would be on the Inq supplement, not the GK codex this time. Or even if the ISTs don't make the cut, you can always ally your new Inqs to IGs in black uniforms :P

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Just throwing it out here, but GK/DE couldn't possibly be released in the summer, could they? I mean the 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy is to be released this summer. Or maybe I got something completely wrong.



He's not far off the money folks, give the man a goldfish!
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Hold on people, hold on. None of these quite fit in with the "Blood Angels are only half the story" [sic] snitck that GW posted last month at the announcment of the BA release. That had me thinking back to 2nd ed when BA's had to share a codex with... ...DAs? I don't know how the other half of the story could be any other army. If someone figured it out [or the hint was revealed elsewhere] and that it doesn't relate to DAs I'd be grateful for the extra info.

Hmm... do they refer perhaps to the story about the Blood Angels helping the Grey Knights against some daemon and being rewarded with the Storm Raven STC / template ??


I hadn't thought of that connection until you mentioned it...

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From ErikTheRed on warseer:


Inquisition/GKs has been "confirmed" to be the next codex also by the italian GW events coordinator (on an italian forum). He also told us to go read well the fluff about the Stormraven on the BA codex...


Don't know if it has been mentioned, but my daemonhunter senses are tingling!

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Just throwing it out here, but GK/DE couldn't possibly be released in the summer, could they? I mean the 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy is to be released this summer. Or maybe I got something completely wrong.




The theoretical release would be more October, methinks...

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Anytime this year would be fantastic for me, as I'm just entering the hobby and decided upon GKs. Already had 4 boxes of PAGKs and a LR and Termy squad in the mail when I was told I couldn't get the dex in my order as it was discontinued.


Gives me time to paint everything up nice and all :ermm:

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