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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Anytime this year would be fantastic for me, as I'm just entering the hobby and decided upon GKs. Already had 4 boxes of PAGKs and a LR and Termy squad in the mail when I was told I couldn't get the dex in my order as it was discontinued.


Gives me time to paint everything up nice and all :)


Try E-bay

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MadCowCrazy's thread seems to suggest December for a GK or hunters dex of some some sort and October is for DE after an announcement at UK games day or something

Verythrax draconis, told you so ;)


Well at least they deserve it as well and with all the rumours of the all mighty jes resculpting every DE model already you had to expect it.

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I think Verythrax meant stop the back and forth ^_^

Exactly ;)


MadCowCrazy's thread seems to suggest December for a GK or hunters dex of some some sort and October is for DE after an announcement at UK games day or something

Verythrax draconis, told you so :)


Well at least they deserve it as well and with all the rumours of the all mighty jes resculpting every DE model already you had to expect it.




I don't have aproblem with DE getting the update they deserve, I was just TOO happy that they would need to wait our turn first :D

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If DE is good, or still can compete is out of question. DE is uber-powerful now due the difference in editions - something like what happened with SWs, but even more powerful.


DE players want a codex update due the new models, or just to try something new. An update to them will surely nerf them compared with the actual codex.


Us, in the other hand, need some update just to be playable :o

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Brother Kaelgrim, Dark Eldar can do very very well in the current 5th Edition rule set, and with the current rise of mechanized armies. However, this is an optimization of their lists, directed against mechanized armies, and mechanized armies only. This is achieved through taking numerous Dark Lances- which of course do very well popping Land Raiders, and just about any other tank. However, if such a list were to square off against a horde army (such as foot slogging orks, IG, or Nids), they just won't have the right tools to win through. Just like any other army out there (DH and WH included)- if you optimize to deal with one specific type of army- you'll be unable to win out with a different type of army.

Furthermore, the Dark Eldar can also field alot of skimmers (although they are very breakable if they stand still), and take full advantage of the new 5th Edition skimmer rules (with the cover saves- much like Nobz Bikers).


Grey Knights, or Daemon Hunters for that matter suffer from a lack of anti-tank; which really hurt the army overall in the 5th Edition.


However, the armies of the =I= are not without their pluses either, with their ability to ally/, take ISTs, numerous anti-psyker abilities (in a game where psychic powers are getting more and more important/ powerful), and the above average stats on the average model in the GK/ DH army which can ensure that the Inquisition can rip apart standard troops from other armies.


I do not know, nor do I pretend to know what the next codex will contain for the Grey Knights, Sisters of Battle, or the Inquisition as a whole. Or even when the next codex will come out. But if you look at the rumors, and the current trend in 5th edition codexs, some general trends repeat from book to book. Although I am rather pleased that Games Workshop is updating their older books within this current edition (BA and SW)- and hopefully all of the codexes will be released in 5th edition before the eventual 6th edition is released.



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I'm sorry but I highly disagree with your backing argument. A highly competitive army should not have to depend on allies. It should be possible for all lists to thrive using the units only detailed in its own codex. As it stands, it's great for those who want to pick and choose the best of the Imperium on a whole has to offer but most of us don't want to rely on Lemun Russ' or heavy artillery units. No other army has to fall back on this desperate solution! In some ways I really hope they deal away with the allies and inducted rules in the next codex. Or at least keep it all under the Inquisitorial banner.


I hope Matt Ward writes the DH book laugh.gif
"And the Daemonhunters owe much to Guilliman and the Ultramarines, for they did much that was awesome, and all Daemonhunters wish they could kill daemons as awesomely as the Ultramarines."-Matt Ward on DH


... lol, so awesome. In some ways I hope Matt Ward is let off his leash to write the rules (oh, if you think BA are bad imagine the complaints with us!) but to write all the fluff? Why not include a whole team of nutcase fanfic writers with deluded thespian aspirations and the combined mental attitude of a spoilt ten year old. Well, it would make a brilliant reality TV show.

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Can we get an updated post on where the rumors are at, at the moment?


I would like to see what is slated for where (rumor wise) and who says GK's (SoB, -=][=-, WH, DH) are here to stay and who says they're on the chopping block. DE in october? =][= in 2011?

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DE announced UK games day september, released October, GK/DH (we don't know) in December, SoB/Eccliesarchy (sp?) sometime 2011

Source? Is this hearsay? Has it been posted on an official site? Is this more leakage from one of the alleged "insiders"? Please specify.

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DE announced UK games day september, released October, GK/DH (we don't know) in December, SoB/Eccliesarchy (sp?) sometime 2011

Source? Is this hearsay? Has it been posted on an official site? Is this more leakage from one of the alleged "insiders"? Please specify.


See the Heresy online link at page 19 (Boreas post about MCC thread. Read the HO thread from that point on)


About the codex, maybe with the HH series going on, and the Garro audibook coming, can we expect to have the Inq origin explained? :D

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The thread Mad Cow has been keeping up to date is a compilation of rumors from various sources around the web, mainly taken from people who have proven to be reliable in the past.


For example:

Harry of Warseer, who has long been known to provide tidbits, though he has tightened up on the amount he gives out since the rumor crackdown.


Demon Prince Adralmalech, also of Warseer- new to the scene (under this name on that site at least), provided early descriptions of sanguinary guard.


BrassScorpion of Dakka Dakka, considered reliable by many on that site, though I havent gone through the archives to find a specific example.


Steppingonyou of Warseer, Has been reliable on the fantasy side of things.


As for myself, I'm Purge the Heretic on all the other sites, (I'd signed up for B&C with this name long ago just to lurk), I know nothing firsthand, I merely gather information and pass it along.


Thanks again to Madcow for providing me a place to do so.

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I hope Matt Ward writes the DH book :P

No, Matt Ward needs to do the Dark Eldar Codex.


"And the Dark Eldar owe much to Guilliman and the Ultramarines, for they did much that was awesome, and all Dark Eldar wish they could kill sadistically torture people to death and eat their souls as awesomely as the Ultramarines do. All Dark Eldar aspire to be as amazing as the Ultramarines, and wish they had been born human so they would have a chance to become Ultramarines."-Matt Ward on Dark Eldar

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About the codex, maybe with the HH series going on, and the Garro audibook coming, can we expect to have the Inq origin explained? :P

Go to the GW website, the specialists games section, and download the free Thorian Handbook for the Inquisitor game.


The origins of the =][= are contained within...

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