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=I= Coming in 2010?


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I'd be suprised if allies stay in. First because it mean people have to buy less models (as they can use their existing SMs), second because it causes all sorts of rules and balance issues.


I thinks they're integrating the GKs in the fluff all around, possibly to collectively remind everyone they exist! I'm also pretty sure they'll stay "elity", that is they will cost more than regular marines. My guess is they'll stay around the same price, that the Justicar will be reduced to somewhere around 35pts and that wargear will decrease in price (5 pts incinerator compared to a free flamer, 15 pts psycannon compared to a free Heavy Bolter, etc). They might also gain some regular stuff (frags) and their special rules will be made to work (ie auto-psychic hood when targeted by psychic and demonic powers, a shrouding that actually works). Anyways, I'd be surprised to see armies of 50+ models at 1500pts!




Yeah especially given how the SW can go pretty elite. And the BA from what I heard on a podcast were pretty elite costwise across the board.

Would be silly for the GK suddenly to be cheap and spammeable! LOL.

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I just thought of something. Bear with me.


- We have heard that GK, SoB and =][= will not be a combined codex (pretty reliable sources)

- We have heard that codex =][= is incoming (according to some)


Now GW has plain out lied before, basically like those celebs shouting they are positively, deinately won't participate in a movie/host a tv show/cheat on their husbands. whereas a week later it is revealed they are.


Another option is that we get a codex:SoB and a codex:Inquisition, Since SoB fall under the ecclisiarchy (I just know i spelled that wrong) and the GK are inquisitorial forces


food for thought

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Can't access Warseer from work, but Valhyar as reported some nice thing at HO. A post by Harry that will boost Gks players' hopes!


Time to order my FW GK dread, I guess! (now, with good 'ol autocannon anti-tank goodness OR Psycannon coolness??)




edit: liky to thread:


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On debunking the combined codex rumours:

Yes. Certainly when these projects started that was the way of it. Grey knights and Sisters were two different books with two different writers. I can't imagine that would have changed.


On how soon any type of GK release would be:

It's also possible that GW may release a kit or two this year - Grey Knights Terminators in plastic maybe? - without releasing a new Codex for them.

Next two I would say.

Unlikely they will start releasing new minis without a new codex.


On the likely units to be including power armour 'with robes' and stormravens:

All of that sounds about right.

Expect plenty of power armour.


On when he feels the GK codex will be out in 2009 - still for 2010?:

I did ... I still do [believe it will be out in 2010].




Ever the pessimist, I'm still taking rumours with a grain of salt. Wait until GW more than hints it within a newsletter/press release of sorts.

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2 things.





Originally Posted by Azzy

Um, no. According to every reliable source, from Brimstone to Jervis himself, Grey Knights and the Sisters of Battle are NOT getting combined.

Yes. Certainly when these projects started that was the way of it. Grey knights and Sisters were two different books with two different writers. I can't imagine that would have changed.



Originally Posted by Ironhand

Add to which that while there seems to be a consensus that the GK will probably be in the next 5 or so Codexes to be released, there is no agreement about exactly where in the queue they are.


It's also possible that GW may release a kit or two this year - Grey Knights Terminators in plastic maybe? - without releasing a new Codex for them.

Next two I would say.

Unlikely they will start releasing new minis without a new codex.



Originally Posted by Purge the Heretic

Apparently many of you have missed alot, since the threads on this subject keep delving into wishlisting too quickly and getting locked, but there are many threads here on warseer that give us hints and hope of a Grey Knights codex this year.


Summarized From Demon Prince Adralmech who had given us descriptions of the Sanguinary guard back in January:


"The Stormraven will be in the codex"


vision of "power armor, robes, and a "broken" sword"

(He repeatedly states the broken sword is not literal, Grey Knight insignia is a sword through a book)


All of that sounds about right.

Expect plenty of power armour.



Originally Posted by Vhalyar

Apparently Phil Kelly's writing the book, so it's most likely in very good hands

He wasn't originally. I think Andy Hoare was writing the book originally before he left GW. Maybe Phil took it on when he left? Honestly I don't know who is doing it now or how far along the book would have been at the time he left.


Seems to me Phil Kelly gets credited for writing every book on this forum. I know he is a power house but they guy has to sleep.



Originally Posted by Vhalyar

Reading through that topic I linked, it seems like Harry already expected GK/DH/Inq/Whatever-Shape-It-Takes for 2010, back in January 2009.

I did ... I still do.



Originally Posted by Purge the Heretic

Well apart from a few comments from those in the know, which seem to indicate that grey knights might be out next, but might not, and posts in other threads which hint they are close, but DE may be first.

This is about the size of it. You seem to be keeping up with the rumours very nicely.

By Harry
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Well I actually think it goes Blood Angels, Dark Angles, DH/GK whatever, Dark Eldar stuff I don't know



BA only half story thing? Fits

Power armour, robes, broken sword? Fits


Now they just have to put the bit in about Sammael loaning his jetbike to the AdMech to study in the Dark Angel codex and we are golden.

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Just to clear up the robe thing, that was posted by Daemon Prince Adramelch and he enjoys making vague allusions. I'm pretty certain that robes is a reference to the tabards and clothes worn by Justicars, Brother-Captains and Grand Masters, not full on robes like Dark Angels. (And before someone says, 'but then, he's talking about Dark Angels and not Grey Knights!', keep in mind DPA has corrected people who said that by adding that he's not being literal.)


Edit: I see I was too late :(


Half the story = Codex: Blood Angels being about Blood Angels and, as was later revealed, Flesh Tearers.

Fleet based = Flesh Tearers making extensive use of the Fleet USR.

Winging its way = Winged Jump Packs


Broken sword = Not literal, a reference to Heraldry where an object that is superimposed by a different one is 'broken'. See 'debruised'.

Robes = Again not literal, tabards and cloaks.

See above for what DPA said about it being Dark Angels.


In addition, he's made allusions to the Stormraven being released with an army other than Blood Angels. Who's using the Stormraven, other than Blood Angels? :)

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The Emperor knows I want you to be right but its just been, ZOMG inquisition for ages now...


Well I suppose Gw would kick his but if he gave Dark Angels away that quickly.


Also did I ninja you? First time i've ever done that... :)

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You did :)


Here's some quotes since they are quite telling, but MadCowCrazy's post on HO doesn't have them all so it can be difficult to track down.


About GK, DA and BT:

Did i ever say that i meant the sword was broken in the literal sense?
Ok i'll throw you a bone, the sons of the lion are not the only chapter to utelise a sword in their heraldry.
If Black Templars come out anytime soon i'd be a happy Daemon Prince but if thats the case then they've managed to avoid even my daemonic powers....which not much does. Any way getting off topic a little here. Back to the Necron discussion.....


About the Stormraven:

It will be released just not with anything Blood Angel related....
You'll find out once you've read the background to the Unit in the new Blood Angel codex.
[someone said Grey Knights] Spoilsport although you do win a cookie
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Wow, well that confirms it for me. When is it coming out???


So GK's are going to be released this year? Hmmmm... The Black Library should consider recruiting from some of the imaginations kicking around here.


My problem is that there are some people who desperately want this to be right but without any significant evidence from a truly credable source.


BA's are half the story? Storm Ravens being available for other units? A chapter with a sword in it's heraldry? Does this definitely mean that GK's are next in the queue or even on the horizon?


It's dead easy to take what scant odds and ends people have been putting out and make them add up but the problem is that if you look at the gossip it can be made to fit any number of scenarios. GK's are a possibility, but so are dark angels. Other side of the story? Angels of death, check. Sword on heraldry? check. Storm raven?....Hmmmm, Raven Wing anyone?


Call me a sceptic but there's really very little to suggest that GK's are imminent, let aone SoB's or the =][=.


I'd have to say that I reckon Tau aren't gonna be far off the pace for getting a 5th ed revamp. There's an Orca suddenly appeared in WW's GW which seems a coincidence to me and the forthcoming FW battlesuits could also be an indication that they're planning on cashin in on the tau cash cow...

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Very little to suggest... err, have you read this page? Harry's specifically said that Grey Knights would come out in 2010... back in 2009. And today he confirmed that this is still the case.


Daemon Prince Adramalech (who knew about various things, including the winged jet packs) has pretty much said that yeah, Grey Knights in 2010. And today Harry backed him up.


Sure, it's not "100% Steel-solid !!Confirmed!!" information, because schedules and release plans can change at any time (as it seems to be the case with DE and GK switching places), but honestly you can't say that this is very little. :) Or do you consider Harry not a credible source? Because considering his track record, I must wonder what 'credible' means for you.


Edit: Seems like you just skimmed through the topic, because the "BA are half the story" isn't even related.

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Besides, this is the Inquisition! We don't need such silly things as proof and just cause or reasons to do things. Gut feelings are all we need to purge the heretic!


QFT, and I do not care if it comes out tomorrow or as the last dex to be updated AS LONG as it is well thought out and written. I'd rather a diamond later than a lump of coal now

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I'm pretty sure that won't be a problem. There are, right now: PAGK w/NFW, PAGK w/incinerator, PAGK w/psycannon, GKT w/NFW, GKT w/incinerator, GKT w/psycannon and BC Stern. I can't see GW taking any of these away. Unless there is some major major change like taking away the arm mounted SB or the NFW, and if that happens, well, it just won't be GKs anymore!


I do fear for the Inquisitor models, though. Some players have exquisite =I= and retinue models and it would be a shame if they can't use them. The other thing that might or might not be is the IST squad.



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I do fear for the Inquisitor models, though. Some players have exquisite =I= and retinue models and it would be a shame if they can't use them. The other thing that might or might not be is the IST squad.




I dearly hope your wrong since I'm close to finishing 1500pts of Radical Inquisitor.


I'm so concerned about the new codex I went out and got the IG codex to figure out if I could somehow fit my army into that codex.

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