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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Unless GW adds some GK anti-tank. I know most players are against it, but it might take a different form than regular weapons (meltaguns/lascannons). I don't consider it unlikely to see more psychic powers, for one.


I don't think it would be logical to keep ISTs only to help GKs kick tanks. GKs are like Chuck Norris, they don't need help. Ever...






ps: I still hope they keep them, just because Radical =I= are cool!

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Unless GW adds some GK anti-tank. I know most players are against it, but it might take a different form than regular weapons (meltaguns/lascannons). I don't consider it unlikely to see more psychic powers, for one.


I don't think it would be logical to keep ISTs only to help GKs kick tanks. GKs are like Chuck Norris, they don't need help. Ever...






ps: I still hope they keep them, just because Radical =I= are cool!


I'm pro that actually as I play pure GK.

But I don't see why they should be mutually exclusive.

Dark Angels, Space Wolves etc have drastically varying 'styles' too. Look at all the 'wings'.

Pure Inquisitor, pure GK, mixed,... it should all be possible. :unsure:

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My idea for anti armour is make the psycannon have the option to be either 3 str 6 attacks or 1 str 9 attack, a super heated psy bolt with the other 3 normal bolts molten and mixed together kind of thing like frag or krak with missiles


Also shrouding has to be changed to be either 2 x 3d6 or 3 x 2d6

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I very much doubt that Shrouding will remain similar. It's just too much annoyance to roll dice and measure every time someone targets a GK unit. This is a mild annoyance with the current codex; now imagine that same rule but with many more GK units on the field! Posters at Warseer proposed some fairly good ideas, such as a constant cover save vs ranged, the Stealth USR, or a mix of both. GW has been trying to reduce these kinds of repetitive and time-consuming rules. I kind of expect the Necrons' We'll be Back rule to be change too to a simpler version.


As for AT weapons... GW's having a blast with Psyker powers these day, it's their new trend for codices. I fully expect Grey Knights to pack some powers that can deal with armour and that will be good against any army, not just Daemons. after all, they don't just deal with Daemons, but with anything touched by Chaos. Space Wolves and Blood Angels got some pretty wild powers, and Tyranids some interesting support powers. Now imagine what a force composed 100% of psykers might be able of :D


I'm really looking forward to the slew of new options, and finally being able to fight on even ground with newer codices. The Stormraven alone has me drooling in expectation.

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I can't wait for new special characters and maybe an expansion to the GK fluff. We honestly don't know that much about them other than their mission and some fights here and there. Nothing on individuals and the day to day workings of the Chamber Militant.
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Very little to suggest... err, have you read this page? Harry's specifically said that Grey Knights would come out in 2010... back in 2009. And today he confirmed that this is still the case.


Daemon Prince Adramalech (who knew about various things, including the winged jet packs) has pretty much said that yeah, Grey Knights in 2010. And today Harry backed him up.


Sure, it's not "100% Steel-solid !!Confirmed!!" information, because schedules and release plans can change at any time (as it seems to be the case with DE and GK switching places), but honestly you can't say that this is very little. ;) Or do you consider Harry not a credible source? Because considering his track record, I must wonder what 'credible' means for you.


Edit: Seems like you just skimmed through the topic, because the "BA are half the story" isn't even related.

When I say very little, I mean very little concrete credible evidence. This thread has a lot of speculation, sure, lots of excitement too but there's really nothing to suggest that this is a done deal.


I'll reiterate what I've said before, nothing has been worked on post design and this means nothing is production line ready and probably won't be for a good number of months.


Believe what you want but the odds for GK's in 2010 aren't promising, especially when you look at the release schedule for the other systems and what we've had already this year.

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It's only the recompilation of older rumors & murmurs, but for me it seems symptomatic.




Grey Knights as the next Fall 40k codex, with conflicting reports on both sides! Note that the Storm Raven entry in the Blood Angels codex mentions the Grey Knights by name as its other main user, and it would make a lot of sense for Games Workshop to make sure that the Storm Raven kit gets tied into a strong Marine release slot to maximize sales. Its very possible that if the kit wasn't ready in time for the Blood Angels, the Grey Knights would do just as well.
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I hope Inquisitors will end up in WD supplement and will be usable in all armies of the Imperium.

I agree; Inquisitors would reflect fluff better if they could work with any Imperium army. However, I can see lots of potential for balance issues with a unit that features across multiple codices, so making a unit that reflects fluff while still working in the context of the game might be tricky, and GW's policy has long been that game mechanics>fluff.

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It's only the recompilation of older rumors & murmurs, but for me it seems symptomatic.




Grey Knights as the next Fall 40k codex, with conflicting reports on both sides! Note that the Storm Raven entry in the Blood Angels codex mentions the Grey Knights by name as its other main user, and it would make a lot of sense for Games Workshop to make sure that the Storm Raven kit gets tied into a strong Marine release slot to maximize sales. Its very possible that if the kit wasn't ready in time for the Blood Angels, the Grey Knights would do just as well.



Seconded. The Storm Raven is an amazingly solid vehicle (referred to as Marine Monolith) and tying it to the GK's in the BA codex is a sure fire way to get ANY GK player's interest. (If we are able to have the BA options, this will cover armor and horde problems the GK's have. We will also be able to liberate a tactic from Necron Players that should help keep focus off our guys as a whole.)


Demand for a SR model is really high, so if GW would hold it for a GK release it would have to be sooner rather than later. Summer codex would be July, with Fall codex being October.

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It's only the recompilation of older rumors & murmurs, but for me it seems symptomatic.




Grey Knights as the next Fall 40k codex, with conflicting reports on both sides! Note that the Storm Raven entry in the Blood Angels codex mentions the Grey Knights by name as its other main user, and it would make a lot of sense for Games Workshop to make sure that the Storm Raven kit gets tied into a strong Marine release slot to maximize sales. Its very possible that if the kit wasn't ready in time for the Blood Angels, the Grey Knights would do just as well.



Seconded. The Storm Raven is an amazingly solid vehicle (referred to as Marine Monolith) and tying it to the GK's in the BA codex is a sure fire way to get ANY GK player's interest. (If we are able to have the BA options, this will cover armor and horde problems the GK's have. We will also be able to liberate a tactic from Necron Players that should help keep focus off our guys as a whole.)


Demand for a SR model is really high, so if GW would hold it for a GK release it would have to be sooner rather than later. Summer codex would be July, with Fall codex being October.


ANY GK player? ANY Imperium player in fact! :D Don't forget how popular are the GKs between the PA players. And it's a ingenious marketing idea. That way you keep attention over the Blood Angles releases for a longer timespan, get hype for the GK release. I really doubt the model isn't done. They are holding it on purpose.

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That BOLS entry is amusing. I sent them a direct link to Harry's post yesterday, and all they mention is... of all things the Stormraven. :P

Not Harry's confirmation, not any other rumor. For a site that's so quick to post any and everything with barely any double checking that's a surprise.

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That BOLS entry is amusing. I sent them a direct link to Harry's post yesterday, and all they mention is... of all things the Stormraven. :huh:

Not Harry's confirmation, not any other rumor. For a site that's so quick to post any and everything with barely any double checking that's a surprise.



Bols is the weakest place to go for rumors cause of it. Not because it's "second-hand info", but simply because they don't give a good treatment to it.


Just like when all the forums got all kinds of GK confirmation OVER the DE, and they post "The DEs are next!" :P


PS: and the comments on the comments section are just as good <_< direct reflex of the kind of info they pass on...


And the occasional arrogant, completely unrelated comments from Melissia there makes me want to punch a baby sometimes...

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People if you actually took the time to read her posts and understand the theme and message she complies in her way of writing you would understand its not just irritable rants or vengful attacks agaisnt anyone who plays SM's.


What she tries to convene is her dedication for her hobby, her love for her SoB army and the fluff, history, rules and style of the SoB.

Too many people there forget that and think that SoB are just female SM's. Which they are not.

Instead of critisizing her flavour of words, maybe read into why she is passionate and blunt sometimes. Over at Bols and here too, people make stupid comments or compare or say stupid remarks that are unsorported and irrelivant to the game.


So lay off just because you are not in her league of stylish writing, rules mind or knowledge of the game and the army she plays.

I think she is one of the most knowledgable people on any site who can give your more information on the SoB than anyone else i know.


And she is a female gamer too, rare and should be respected for her passion in the game. We need more players of the female gender and who are passionate to take there army beyond just collecting, playing and painting them. We need more of people like her on these forums.

So lay off, keep your comments to yourself, and stop trying to push your intrusive comments onto others.

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Off topic but I'll respond to that


I don't mind her position. Yes, she wants love for her favorite army. Who doesn't?


Its the directly antagonistic approach she takes that bugs me. I can be passionate without behaving as if the entire army is MINE and attacking anyone who disagrees. I like some of her posts and often agree with her position, but not the means by which she conveys it. Thats it. And being a female gamer does not protect her from criticism. If I saw a male gamer saying the same things with the same tone, I would be just as put off by it.


Now, back on topic.



I think the Stormraven could be a great addition to the GK army as it gives a nice bullet sponge like the Monolith.


I'm not too read up on the Sisters but I find it very hard to seperate them in my mind from the Witchhunters as a whole. Though splitting them would be a great chance for a greater look at the Sisters.

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^this B)


On the WH thing, I think that taking the SoBs out of the WH detracts from them. They are a bit plain to be on their own - the problem is not the army or the units, but what really enriches the SoBs is the context. They shine much more when their role as a chamber militant of the Inquisition is clear put. Sure, putting the Ecclesiarchy causes almost the same effect, but the Ecclesiarchy makes it a bit... silly.


I see a SoB/Ecclesiarchy based army as a remnant of the days of the Genestealer Cults, Lost and Damned and Adeptus Arbites. They sure are absurdly fluffly and they reeks of grimdark. But the 40k universe, when the universe is represented on the table, it's much more about epic, heavy specialized combat. We don't have heretics on Chaos lists, or zealots with the sisters. Cause since 4th edition the feeling of the game is much more edgy, like just a big dog fight. It becomes incredible difficult to put some "small fries" in the same power level as the "big players" without make it look ridiculous.


Think with me: the IG, the Hammer of the Emperor, the main force defending the humanity (don't forget, SMs are the exception, not the rule) and they die like flies! That's why they needed to beef them up in the 5th ed taking a cue from the FW approach. They needed to be "credible" - so lots of tanks can convince me that they stand a chance against a marine task force, a chaos incursion, whatever. But, the arbites? They are even less trained and ill equipped than IG. Sure, Judges are much more powerful, but the main army is simply not credible enough. They lack vehicles, firepower and unit types to make them "credible" on the table against any army that exists in 40k.


That's why existed scenarios and adversaries. An arbites list against a Genestealer cult is a something full of win and I pray to play something like this one day. But it simply doesn't have a place in 40k anymore. Blame the expanded fluff.


The WH army miraculously saved the SoBs from that. Putting them with the Ecclesiarchy again seems what the players want, but I don't think it's that a good idea. But it's much better than having the SoBs alone. I play a SoB pure list, but always saw my army as an arm of the almighty =I=, doing it's bidding. I fail to see how interesting a list with zealots and fratelis militia would "feel" in the 5th edition. The Sisters look so bad ass these days, that I imagine them getting pretty annoyed with all those idiots wandering on the battlefield, obscuring targets and messing up with they strategy and military precision :o


I like how Soulstorm portrait them: as something so unusual on a battlefield that even the marines know that the things got pretty bad for the Imperium to consider to send them - and even the astartes feel uneasy with that thought B)

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The main things I'm looking forward to/wishlisting out of the new codex are thus


1. A GK calvary unit, hopefully jetbikes. That would rock.

2. Dedicated transports for different GK units, we do have easy access to Mars B)

3. Improved and varied psychic powers. Word on the street is Phil Kelly is working on our dex, so I'm looking forward to the types of awesome powers that came out of the Space Wolves (I LOVE Njal's stuff, hope that somehow manages to make it in)

4. Improvements to the GK special rules, make them a bit more generalized.

5. I would love some more special characters and fluff. We need more stories about the GKs.



Ok I think I'm done with my dreams :o

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