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A concept that I loved at the SW codex that could be adapted very nice to the GKs is the sagas B)

Not that great rulewise, but one of the fluffiest ideas I ever saw in a codex. People complain that the 5th ed is throwing the fluff out of window, but the SWs make me disagree. It's like reading a 3rd and 5th eds codecies at the same time!


I really believe that GKs must have to become more generalists gamewise, but all that whining and moaning that "daemons are not daemons" makes me wish that they give them very nasty OP rules against daemons for the GKs B) And if it's Phil dealing the cards, there's still a chance :o

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Oh man Sagas are amazing.


Hmm Vows are taken, Sagas are taken, how about Ballads?


"Brave brave Sir Stern, rode forth from Titan.

He was not afraid to die, oh brave Sir Stern.

He was not afraid to be killed in nasty ways, brave brave brave Sir Stern"

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Oh man Sagas are amazing.


Hmm Vows are taken, Sagas are taken, how about Ballads?


"Brave brave Sir Stern, rode forth from Titan.

He was not afraid to die, oh brave Sir Stern.

He was not afraid to be killed in nasty ways, brave brave brave Sir Stern"


Brave Sir Alaric ran away.

Bravely ran away, away!

When the daemon reared its ugly head,

He bravely turned his tail and fled.

Yes, brave Sir Alaric turned about

And gallantly he chickened out.

Bravely taking to his feet

He beat a very brave retreat,

Bravest of the brave, Sir Alaric!


Yes, bravely he is throwing in the sponge...


Suddenly I got an weird inspiration for a "theme" for my GK army :P

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I think a good replacement for sagas would be an "Inquisitorial mandate", with the inquisitor given certain powers to field certain units, make them troops or convey army wide special rules.


I see GK as much more cold and calculated, meaning SC based armies wouldn't have as much of a place if they stemmed from a GK hero, but if they stemmed from an inquisitor, that's a different story, as each inquisitor is highly individual with different levels of power and influence over the imperium and any force he requestitions.

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A guy I talked to today said he called customer service and inquired about the DH army. The service agent confirmed that they are redoing the DH codex. he did not ask about any details because he's relatively new to 40k and does not know any of the rumors around the arrival of the DH or even why they were taken off of the shelves, which make this story even more believable. I had to tell him all that I have read/heard and he was amazed. I thanked him for giving me the information as well. Now we just need to talk about release date.
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That's their standard answer concerning the removal of certain models from the online store. MadCowCrazy contacted them three times already and always got the exact same information back. I wouldn't read too much into it.
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Well, unless they lie - which would make me hate them - I like the fact that they are at least planning to remake them and not squat them. Though, that doesn't answer the question of why we don't have any missions in the battle book.
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I think a good replacement for sagas would be an "Inquisitorial mandate", with the inquisitor given certain powers to field certain units, make them troops or convey army wide special rules.


I see GK as much more cold and calculated, meaning SC based armies wouldn't have as much of a place if they stemmed from a GK hero, but if they stemmed from an inquisitor, that's a different story, as each inquisitor is highly individual with different levels of power and influence over the imperium and any force he requestitions.

I'd largely agree, except I'd like to see a GK special character (Stern?) that allows GK termis count as troops, aka Grimnar and Wolf Guard. This fits the fluff and opens up additional options.

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Off topic but I'll respond to that


I don't mind her position. Yes, she wants love for her favorite army. Who doesn't?


Its the directly antagonistic approach she takes that bugs me. I can be passionate without behaving as if the entire army is MINE and attacking anyone who disagrees. I like some of her posts and often agree with her position, but not the means by which she conveys it. Thats it. And being a female gamer does not protect her from criticism. If I saw a male gamer saying the same things with the same tone, I would be just as put off by it.


Funny I find that Melissa get attacked then she responds bluntly to her attack and his/her off base comments about Sisters.


I want a sisters related codex pair them whit what ever and give me Plastic! While I making demains I might as well say I want before Grey knights!

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Off topic but I'll respond to that


I don't mind her position. Yes, she wants love for her favorite army. Who doesn't?


Its the directly antagonistic approach she takes that bugs me. I can be passionate without behaving as if the entire army is MINE and attacking anyone who disagrees. I like some of her posts and often agree with her position, but not the means by which she conveys it. Thats it. And being a female gamer does not protect her from criticism. If I saw a male gamer saying the same things with the same tone, I would be just as put off by it.


Funny I find that Melissa get attacked then she responds bluntly to her attack and his/her off base comments about Sisters.

Well lets face it, you don't get excommunicated off the B&C for being mildy annoying do you.


The real problem lies in the fact that Melissa stood firmly in the far right wing, far conservative side of the hobby. Passionate yes, considerate? Not so much.

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I missed the whole thing with this Melissa person, but how does being inconsiderate make you conservative?
If you take a look back at some of the, ahem, 'discussions' that she stoked you'll have a better idea (hello kitty sisters anyone?)
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Well, the rumor flow has gone down to a trickle for GKs, DEs and Eldars. I guess we'll have to wait for end of May for further news (most of news till then will probably be devoted to Spearhead). Blasting a fellow player, no matter how one likes her or not, is not a good way to keep a thread alive...



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The thread as a whole is still fine, please keep the comments and discussion relating back towards the original point, which is the various rumors and what if's we've heard about the DH / WH new Codices, and not towards comments about members of the B&C past and present.
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Here's my thoughts on the next 8 months or so, based on what I'm hearing from some trusted sources. Granted, rumors are and always will be rumors and until GW announces something - nothing is set in stone. So, take with a grain of salt if you will.


We've already seen that April belongs to the Blood Angels.


May has a new LOTR release in War of the Ring: Battlehosts, as well as some new minis to go along with the new book. I'm guessing that the second half of May is going to focus on GW making a marketing push towards White Dwarf subscriptions for the upcoming Spearhead release in June's White Dwarf issue.


June will have Spearhead, but as it's only a White Dwarf supplement and not a full major release (although they are releasing some very cool new models with it) - we've still got an open spot for a new release. Signs are pointing to June belonging to a new core book for Warhammer Fantasy. 8th edition maybe? I think that's right - I don't follow Fantasy very closely.


July will be the release point for a Grey Knights/Inquisition codex. While the codex itself clearly needed more work than any other on the shelf right now, the modeling side of it wasn't in need of as much work as they share some common ties with existing space marine kits (Land Raiders, Dreadnoughts, etc) - compared to both Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle who are both having a major overhaul on the entire model line.


August and September are looking to be Fantasy heavy months (maybe some LoTR in there somewhere?). We're likely to see a new Fantasy starter set - similar to AoBR that we had for 40K, as well as an army book. Talks are that we will be seeing either Tomb Kings or Orcs&Goblins getting a new army book. If I had to put money on it, I'd say the army book hits in August, and the starter set is September. Also, look for a Dark Eldar announcement at UK Gamesday.


October is more than likely going to be the release window for Dark Eldar. New codex and a very heavily re-worked model line.


November will be whichever army book didn't get released in August out of Tomb Kings and Orcs&Goblins.


December isn't likely to have any new army books or codices (is that the plural of codex?) Probably going to be some other cool "black box" item. Perhaps something stand alone - along the lines of Space Hulk or additions to their modular terrain board.


2011 is even more up in the air when it comes to the rumors. You might as well flip a coin and randomly pick stuff for next year - as things this far out always seem to be in constant motion. But, I'm going to throw out (and this is purely a guess) Sisters of Battle/Ecclesiarchy in January and Necrons in April.

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Well Orcs and Goblins have been confirmed for new models in May. Tomb Kings and ogre kingdoms are the talked about WFB armies.


Now what gives you July? Please tell me where if you can, I just want to know! I would say in the next 6 months is a given but other than that I have no idea.

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