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=I= Coming in 2010?


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In fact, if we think about Spearhead, the GK release just after sounds about right. Coming from a tank-heavy supplement, and just after a major release featuring a tank heavy army (BA), that could be a very favorable timing to release the GK book.


People will be on the spirit of investing on tanks and such, and a new shiny army to use them is not a bad idea. And the tie-in with the Storm raven is a no-brainer, and it's more obvious in this more mechanized context.


For DE own benefit it would be better to have them out in a different situation, were they don't need to compete with other armies market and metagaming wise, so a bigger focus can be put on them.


One thing that I personally believe is that the Sisters (or the =I= supplement) will not be much behind the GKs - if GW are really taking the =I= out of the codices and release the GK codex without those units, they will need to give an answer to it fast enough to fight the uproar and put the new design to be proved.


If they just release C:GK out of the blue, without =I= units and don't say a word on it until like mid-2011, everybody will think that =I= (or even the SoBs too) are gone all together, and it will be more damaging than our actual waiting as "Forces of the Imperium".


I agree that Necrons are the next in line after the SoBs. They are the non-imperial army more damaged by codex age, and the other candidates, Eldar and Tau have fairly newer codices to really dispute that spot - and there almost no rumors on them, but the necron rumors are already starting to appear.


EDIT: isn't Tomb Kings the oldest WFB armybook without an update? It's the only one with a different cover style :P

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In contrast, here's someone's theorized release schedule, to which DPA replied saying that it was "Close, in fact very, very close."


April: BA

May: LotR supplement + O&G plastics

June: Spearhead with some plastic kits

July: Warhammer 8th

August: Warhammer Armybook of some kind:

September: Warhammer starterkit

October: Codex: Whatsoever

November: Armybook

December: Usual Christmas stuff, possibly 2nd wave of Codex: Whatsoever

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Oh hey, BOLS doing a big mish-mash of a list with various rumors without citations or sources. I just find it so much simpler to pop in at Warseer every so often and catch up with specific threads; at least then I know who said what and can manage my salt supplies :)
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Well i wouldn't be surprised if


December: Usual Christmas stuff, possibly 2nd wave of Codex: Whatsoever


Was second wave GK = Stormraven, makes perfect sense actually

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This has repeatedly been shot down by people because the rumour went that there were two different authors. I however, believe it is still possible.
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yeah but they also explicitly denied the indomitable fortress was a custom one off build and would never be made available to the public. denying and hiding in plain sight are the two marketing strategies GW uses.
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Other than that Jervis Johnson has repeatedly denied it!


Not that I want to be a contrarian, as I do believe the codice will be separate, but AFAIK JJ said that only once, at a Games Day more than a year ago. Yet, I often read that "JJ said repeatedly". Apart from that GD, has that been heard from reliable sources?



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Well i wouldn't be surprised if


December: Usual Christmas stuff, possibly 2nd wave of Codex: Whatsoever


Was second wave GK = Stormraven, makes perfect sense actually


Codex: Whatever could also be Dark Eldar. Their first wave of models is ready, but not the second, which would fit the proposed schedule.


edit: Nope, that was only stated once by Jervis as far as I know.

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Well i wouldn't be surprised if


December: Usual Christmas stuff, possibly 2nd wave of Codex: Whatsoever


Was second wave GK = Stormraven, makes perfect sense actually


Codex: Whatever could also be Dark Eldar. Their first wave of models is ready, but not the second, which would fit the proposed schedule.



Sure, but I don't want that to be true, so it can't be true right? Can it? ;)

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Just headed over to my local GW store today, and I was both stunned and amazed when my friend who works for the store told me a bunch of models were being pulled, and therefore were on sale, *including*, but not limited to, the GK in power armour, and the GK termi's, meaning that either Daemonhunters is being pulled (EXTREMELY unlikely) or the models are going to be remade, hopefully with a new dex following, seeing as they did the same thing to the Tyranid Codex (took off website, stopped selling old gargs, ect.) before announcing the release of a new Codex release.


Crossing my fingers for new GK!



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If your going to go to BolS to check rumours, go look in the lounge. Its far friendlier and (most of the time) more mature than whineseer.


So... if people were to take this to the bookies, what odds would they give C:GK to be next? Could make a daemon of a run out of this. :D

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Other than that Jervis Johnson has repeatedly denied it!


Not that I want to be a contrarian, as I do believe the codice will be separate, but AFAIK JJ said that only once, at a Games Day more than a year ago. Yet, I often read that "JJ said repeatedly". Apart from that GD, has that been heard from reliable sources?



Jervis said it once at Games Day. An e-mail or two supports it. Harry has said that the seperation remains true to the best of his knowledge, it could have changed but he doubts it. Others who have been correct in the past have repeatedly denied a joint Sisters/GK book.


As to how much of a role the inquisition will play in either book, I've been able to find any substantive rumors outside of stickmonkey's posts on warseer which I find questionable in many regards.

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Based on what we've heard, we can be relatively certain that Sisters and Grey Knights won't be sharing a book.


As for the presence of the Inquisition, it's really just speculation at this point. Will they be represented in either, neither or both books? Maybe they get their own supplement? People are just guessing at this point. Having a presence in a predominantly Grey Knights book would make some sense - as the ties are fairly tight in the fluff. Having Inquisition as a white dwarf only supplement someday would also make some sense - either as a playable army or some sort of allies only thing.


Personally, I'd like to see the Inquisition made into a white dwarf supplement. I run my Grey Knights as pure Grey Knights, and my Sisters are the same way. So I won't miss the Inquisition presence. 8-)

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I think being divorced from SoB (they are eccliessarchy after all) makes perfect sense. The Grey Knights have a member in the inquisition! If they were divorced that would be horrible for me. Stick them in a Dameon hunters book and it will make me all warm and fuzzy inside.
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Based on what we've heard, we can be relatively certain that Sisters and Grey Knights won't be sharing a book.


As for the presence of the Inquisition, it's really just speculation at this point. Will they be represented in either, neither or both books? Maybe they get their own supplement? People are just guessing at this point. Having a presence in a predominantly Grey Knights book would make some sense - as the ties are fairly tight in the fluff. Having Inquisition as a white dwarf only supplement someday would also make some sense - either as a playable army or some sort of allies only thing.


Personally, I'd like to see the Inquisition made into a white dwarf supplement. I run my Grey Knights as pure Grey Knights, and my Sisters are the same way. So I won't miss the Inquisition presence. 8-)

There's a couple of problems with having GK, SoB or =][= as a WD suppliment and that is predominantly down to the fact that there would be no or very little in the way of new models to support the suppliment. If that were the case then it would purely be a 'tweaking' of existing rules as apposed to having the chance to buy and field new minis and tanks and, lets face it, with the current range available there isn't that much scope for using new rules.


The forces of the inquisition need a good overhaul in much the same way that the DE have been worked on by Jess Goodwin for the last few years. Problem is I'm not sure anyone has been working on the =][= and they definitely haven't been focussed on =][= anywhere near as much as DE if ANY work has been done.

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Just as long as it is September or before I'll be fine.


Also an inquisitorial supplement would be good. It would be Inquisitors, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers and maybe some other stuff (see 7EALs inquisition project to see other units that I wishlist into the inquisition). It would sell well due to the abilityies they could bbring most likely.

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