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=I= Coming in 2010?


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From shaso_iceborn on Warseer, necron rumour collection, page 5 last post


My source says about 18 more days till an announcement (though maybe not Necron in nature) for a 40k codex but, I am taking it with salt as I expect anyone else too as well.


we may find out soon (but not soon enough :lol: )

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They are giving you strange looks? Perhaps they've been listening to the whispers of Chaos....maybe they are corrupted...maybe you should...


PURGE THEM IN THE EMPEROR'S NAME! *whips out Nemesis Force Weapon and starts chasing around random people screaming Exterminatus*

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I just hope that our grandmaster ends up actually having a weapon skill anywhere near the demon's that he is supposed to be so great at slaying...


On a more serious note, seeing as they just announced the new WFB rulebook whichever 40k codex coming next should be the next "Incoming!" email notice.

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On a more serious note, seeing as they just announced the new WFB rulebook whichever 40k codex coming next should be the next "Incoming!" email notice.


This ties in with shaso_iceborn's 18 day prediction. Well, 16 now since he posted it two days ago.


If we are getting two more 40k codices this year, August and October are the perfect months. GW did say that this year would be surprising, hence why I think it's not unrealistic to have two more codices. We also know that GW wants to hype the hell out of the Dark Eldar at Games Days, so DE in August makes no sense, it wouldn't leave enough time to muster up enough hype.


My guess is the next Incoming! will reveal... Grey Knights. Right now Daemon Prince Adramalech is silent, saying that neither GK nor DE are close enough yet for him to start talking. I'm sure he's waiting for the Incoming!.

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They are giving you strange looks? Perhaps they've been listening to the whispers of Chaos....maybe they are corrupted...maybe you should...


PURGE THEM IN THE EMPEROR'S NAME! *whips out Nemesis Force Weapon and starts chasing around random people screaming Exterminatus*


Brother Kaelgrim is indeed right ;).

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This ties in with shaso_iceborn's 18 day prediction. Well, 16 now since he posted it two days ago.


Now I need a womans voice on my alarm clock saying "T minus 15 days, 12 hours and 3 minutes, and counting....



They are giving you strange looks? Perhaps they've been listening to the whispers of Chaos....maybe they are corrupted...maybe you should...


PURGE THEM IN THE EMPEROR'S NAME! *whips out Nemesis Force Weapon and starts chasing around random people screaming Exterminatus*


Brother Kaelgrim is indeed right :tu:.


Business as usual... :tu:

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And a guy in local forum here went to Gamesday France and Cruddace told him that =I= stuff is only for next year... :tu:


Fortunately Cruddace can't always be trusted. For example stating that Tyranid Lictors would get better when they somehow got worse (That's another discussion though.)

GK going before DE makes sense to me, but if GK are for next year I'll be lynched by the GK player at my club! :x Better be this year!

Other than that I'm looking forward to not running circles around the Daemon hunters with my Eldar without having any major resistance.



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Well as sisters are currently quite good on the table and not many new people are playing them so no need, they wait until they get updated to give you nice load of plastic crack in boxes and maybe some more traditional pewter for some new characters? Along with a new codex probably.


GK confirmation in 15 days, I'm gonna look like I'm having a nervous breakdown 3 days before! Oh no the finger twitching its come back....


I'll have a stay in here for a bit, should sort me out. http://journeysandadventures.today.com/files/2009/02/krakow-salt-mines.jpg


EDIT: look who jabbed DPA into an answer,

Originally Posted by Justicar Valius

(unlikely as only 40k army i play is Pure DH and we are safe from updates)

Says who?

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Wow... good thing I just got those Inquisition Chimera doors and symbols then for my birthday a month early... I must have gotten some of the last ones!


This is potentially distressing though.. did all my ISTs just become counts as Imperial Guard? Only time will tell... :P Granted I might be able to pull off a 'counts as' Imperial Guard army with my Inquisitor, retinue, and ISTs... *ponders*

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Another possibility is that in the next codex only the rhino and land raider (and probably the stormraven) are available as transport options. The imperium sees the chimera as sub-par and the only reason they don't use rhinos more is that they have become a rarity. In the past even all IG used rhinos
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That's distinctly possible. I checked Forge World's site and the other upgrades for the Chimera are still listed in the IG section. It's also possible that the molds for the Inquisition doors wore out or the kit simply wasn't a good seller enough to warrant being continued. It may be that the Chimera becomes a Forge World option for ISTs and not a Codex option. I would say that it was possible they were updating it with the change in the Chimera kit, but there hasn't been any sign yet of the IG options moving or changing so it's hard to say.
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If my Kaskirin are no longer useable as IST I'll be all like :D


If they just remove the chimera option for IST I'll be fine, I never use chimeras for them anyways.


And if it is pure GK as this suggests well then me and my crusaders will be annoyed, I'll probably have to go Godhammer :unsure:


If I can still go raaawwww I kill you charge with GK then that's ok but I still have to be able to do a shooting retreat using the Crusaders as well or I'll be uber annoyed.

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I hope they don't nix inquisitors and stormtroopers. The main reason being that I just dropped a boat load of money not too long ago on 16 IST's, Inq with MM servitor, 2x mystics, 3x rhinos, and a pack of melta guns to convert some of the normal IST's to melta baring IST's with my dremel. I guess there would be some resale value for the IST's with guard players and the Rhino's with marine players. I expect when the new codex comes out that some models will be invalidated, but if they drop the inquisition, that's half a codex worth of units and models that are invalidated. From former stories that I've read, I know it's entirely possible but I truly hope it doesn't happen.
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I need someone to doublecheck, but I can't seem to find the Grey Knight squad box sets on the GW website. Ah, wait, it's been removed from the Troops section, but still exists in the Heavy Support section, oddly enough. Can anyone confirm this so I can trust my eyes again?
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