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=I= Coming in 2010?


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I need someone to doublecheck, but I can't seem to find the Grey Knight squad box sets on the GW website. Ah, wait, it's been removed from the Troops section, but still exists in the Heavy Support section, oddly enough. Can anyone confirm this so I can trust my eyes again?


Everything is slowly disappearing, Pagk were logically going to follow

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I remember there being a lone Brother captain blister once (or maybe I'm imagining it due to lack of salt). There isn't anymore.


DH Callidus assasin 2 ship in 1-2 weeks, as does the lone GKT with the sword blister, the special weapon (non-kaskirin) Stormtroopers as well.


PAGK troops box is removed.


Everything else usually ships within 24 hours. Note this is only the DH stuff.


Otherwise Mel its only the WH dissappearing.

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I think the terminators will be the last to go seeing as how epic the models are. I'm practically dying for some concrete news out of GW on this


Well, The Necron thread says we are getting a codex (not Necron) announcement soon.

BB says that August is a Warhammer 40k month for sure. He's also still quite certain that the order is GK -> DE.


So... if something GK-related in going to be announced, it's going to be soon. If it not then we're waiting until September/October ;p

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This is potentially distressing though.. did all my ISTs just become counts as Imperial Guard? Only time will tell... :( Granted I might be able to pull off a 'counts as' Imperial Guard army with my Inquisitor, retinue, and ISTs... *ponders*


I have already bought and am reading the Imperial Guard codex in anticipation of this outcome.

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This is potentially distressing though.. did all my ISTs just become counts as Imperial Guard? Only time will tell... :teehee: Granted I might be able to pull off a 'counts as' Imperial Guard army with my Inquisitor, retinue, and ISTs... *ponders*


I have already bought and am reading the Imperial Guard codex in anticipation of this outcome.


I honestly don't think that IST will be removed. Considering that PAGK are now rocking in artificer armour (hello point costs++), I imagine that IST will there as mobile objective holders. The one unit that seems like it'll obviously be removed is the Daemonhost. Not sure what GW were thinking when they decided to include that.

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This is potentially distressing though.. did all my ISTs just become counts as Imperial Guard? Only time will tell... :P Granted I might be able to pull off a 'counts as' Imperial Guard army with my Inquisitor, retinue, and ISTs... *ponders*


I have already bought and am reading the Imperial Guard codex in anticipation of this outcome.


I honestly don't think that IST will be removed. Considering that PAGK are now rocking in artificer armour (hello point costs++), I imagine that IST will there as mobile objective holders. The one unit that seems like it'll obviously be removed is the Daemonhost. Not sure what GW were thinking when they decided to include that.


Aye. Looking at a SM honour guard with Relic Blade (closest equivalent in my opinion) they'd come out at 50pt a pop. Then when we add in how GW authors seem to really like making stuff cheaper I'd bet 40pt a pop. When we then notice GK don't wave about with Power Weapons I'd say they'll be around 30-35pt a pop.



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You saying that a power weapon and an extra attack is worth but 5-10 points? I'll have that, especially on a S6 T4 base with stormbolters making them assaulting in even better.... but then why not just take GKT above PAGK, this is the problem we have now. PAGK should stay at current cost with Justicar dropping to 30-35. Add AA and remove true grit (yeh i said it), remove broken rules etc then you are getting away from GKT in points costs and they become the premier troops in the game at killing stuff and GKT become the uber "I kill you unless you shoot me and my raider down" unit. This is how it should be.


On the matter of IST, they should be in the codex and competitive choices but you should not be giving yourself a handicap by not taking them. In a perfect codex this is true for every unit. Currently there are a few codecies that come close but there most likely never will be a perfect codex. You can always hope that some units will be like this though.

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Please excuse this comment if I'm incorrect for assuming this. But if numerous Grey Knight and SoB models are gone from the store, not to mention that the codexes have been pulled....couldn't one simply assume that a new book & models are underway. I mean what's the usual turn around from codex & models being pulled to new books being introduced- 6 to eight months right? How many months has it been since the DH codex has been pulled?


I dunno, just seems like there's a few things working together for a new GK or SoB or something inquisition related coming out sooner rather than later. This may be especially true if you can't even direct order the models anymore (unlike DE which I have heard can still be purchased via direct).


As far as the points costs for models, based upon the trends set by the recent 5th edition codexes costs for troops are most likely going to decrease if only by a little bit. Tossing out ISTs would unlikely as well, as these models sorta work like scouts in a space marine army list- but ditching the Chimera does make sense in this regard.


Although one thing is for sure. Whatever is in a new Grey Knight, Daemon Hunters, Inquisition, Squat book....it will most definatly be called cheap and cheese for the first few months. :o



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Please excuse this comment if I'm incorrect for assuming this. But if numerous Grey Knight and SoB models are gone from the store, not to mention that the codexes have been pulled....couldn't one simply assume that a new book & models are underway. I mean what's the usual turn around from codex & models being pulled to new books being introduced- 6 to eight months right? How many months has it been since the DH codex has been pulled?


I dunno, just seems like there's a few things working together for a new GK or SoB or something inquisition related coming out sooner rather than later. This may be especially true if you can't even direct order the models anymore (unlike DE which I have heard can still be purchased via direct).


As far as the points costs for models, based upon the trends set by the recent 5th edition codexes costs for troops are most likely going to decrease if only by a little bit. Tossing out ISTs would unlikely as well, as these models sorta work like scouts in a space marine army list- but ditching the Chimera does make sense in this regard.


Although one thing is for sure. Whatever is in a new Grey Knight, Daemon Hunters, Inquisition, Squat book....it will most definatly be called cheap and cheese for the first few months. ;)




Your just getting my hopes up that much more buddy! I have been suspecting the same thing for sometime too before reading this thread and I do hope they come out with something soon so I can finally start my GK army I've been wanting for so long! Would go nice in my display case battling my Chaos Daemons!

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Considering that PAGK are now rocking in artificer armour (hello point costs++),


Wait, what? PAGK are running around in Artificier Armor standard?


Information courtesy of Harry. PAGK all wear AA, so AAGK is more appropriate now :)

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Does anyone have a countdown on how long it's supposed to be till the announcement?


according to the original warseer poster's timetable, the announcement should be tuesday the 4th...the tuesday has me doubting, but the week seems right for august's incoming.


Keep in mind he said "around 18 days" and not "on the 18th day", so it can be a few days off.

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Does anyone have a countdown on how long it's supposed to be till the announcement?


according to the original warseer poster's timetable, the announcement should be tuesday the 4th...the tuesday has me doubting, but the week seems right for august's incoming.


Keep in mind he said "around 18 days" and not "on the 18th day", so it can be a few days off.


"At dawn, on the 2nd day, look to the East. I shall be there."

Brother-Captain Gandalf

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You saying that a power weapon and an extra attack is worth but 5-10 points?


For example Tyranid Warriors are 30pt a pop and they come with 3 T4 wounds protected by a 4+ save. 30-35pts for a T4 2+ save sounds fair to me in that case. And GK terminators aren't troop, am I right? It's only a guess though, but that's what I think. Whether I'm right or wrong only time will tell. :D


"At dawn, on the 2nd day, look to the East. I shall be there."

Brother-Captain Gandalf

This, is awesome.



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IF GKs DO get Artificer Armor, what does that mean for our GKTs? It may be that we might be able to... dare i say it... have a Termie-less GK army... THATS VIABLE. *ducks under a stream of promethium as cries of "HERESY!!!" fill the air*.


It's going to come down to debates on Power weapons vs Sweeping Advance, more models in a transport vs resilient (invul save) models in it, WHICH transport with which unit... you get the idea.


Of course, GKTs could be changed fluffwise to be the only people who have survived being a stunt double for a villain in a Chuck Norris movie... at which point you put them on the table, point at the other army, say "Bang!", and win.



Seriously though, what do you think?

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