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=I= Coming in 2010?


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IF GKs DO get Artificer Armor, what does that mean for our GKTs? It may be that we might be able to... dare i say it... have a Termie-less GK army... THATS VIABLE. *ducks under a stream of promethium as cries of "HERESY!!!" fill the air*.


It's going to come down to debates on Power weapons vs Sweeping Advance, more models in a transport vs resilient (invul save) models in it, WHICH transport with which unit... you get the idea.


Of course, GKTs could be changed fluffwise to be the only people who have survived being a stunt double for a villain in a Chuck Norris movie... at which point you put them on the table, point at the other army, say "Bang!", and win.



Seriously though, what do you think?


I'm pretty sure both will have their places. After all, as you mentioned, the fact they have power-weapons is nothing to sneeze at. They can easily handle Nobz, MCs and other termies with relative ease, something AAGKs would still not do.


With 2+ save and a good Shrouding (ie nightfight), AAGK would be very good "backfield" players. They could kite around, shooting their Stormbolters and then defend the home objectives in CC when it come to it. Termies will be an aggressive unit, charging away in their LRC or LRR.


That is IF we get AAGK... It still a rumor, even if it's a Pie-given rumor!



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My Local GW store manager said November, Nothing official obviously, but though I'd put it out there.

Sounds probable. Necron january as rumoured and SoB somewhere around march/april next year.

But this means that DE are next. Which is also a good news I guess.

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With 2+ save and a good Shrouding (ie nightfight), AAGK would be very good "backfield" players. They could kite around, shooting their Stormbolters and then defend the home objectives in CC when it come to it. Termies will be an aggressive unit, charging away in their LRC or LRR.


To be honest, firing storm bolter rounds at extreme range is generally how I use my Grey Knights now :) halving the odds of taking a wound from small arms will only make me happy. Something tells me that a 2+ save and shrouding is perhaps too good to be true, unless the points cost increases considerably.


That said, do I only think that because I am so used to playing with what are generally considered overcosted and underpowered units? :/

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That is IF we get AAGK... It still a rumor, even if it's a Pie-given rumor!



Do NOT disrespect the Pie God!


I could see AAGK without special weapons doing well if they are appropriately costed with AA and Shrouding. The kiteing against non fleet units would be good.


However remember only if the transport is a smouldering wreck will the PAGK have somthing to fire at. Unless there is some potent LONG RANGE antitank for DH will kiteing be a reliable use for AAGK as you can only cram in so many melta suicide IST squads (and that's if they are even still in there).


I will still most likely take one AAGK squad and one Grey knight hero (if there is a 2 wound one I might take one otherwise Shem will remain as a GM) no matter what happens for the first few months until some tactic springs up in someones head (may even be mine)

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I could see AAGK without special weapons doing well if they are appropriately costed with AA and Shrouding. The kiteing against non fleet units would be good.


However remember only if the transport is a smouldering wreck will the PAGK have somthing to fire at. Unless there is some potent LONG RANGE antitank for DH will kiteing be a reliable use for AAGK as you can only cram in so many melta suicide IST squads (and that's if they are even still in there).


Now, this is pure speculation, but I like to think that a redesign would have happened with common-sense as a significant factor. They have to be aware that people are playing with pure Grey Knight armies - therefore it is reasonable to assume that they will provide Grey Knight units that will tools for both killing personnel (which we are already very proficient at) and armour. Purgation squads don't need to be changed, except a reduction in the cost of the special weapons. I would like for my four psycannon purgation team (A.K.A the Eldrad Ulthuán Assassination Squad) not costing me more than a Land Raider...


However, I don't see them giving (P|A)AGKs anti-tank weaponry as that would make them dangerously close to regular Marines; Grey Knights are not tankhunters. I think we will see vehicles that excel at killing other vehicles, some kind of alternative to Land Raiders and Dreadnoughts. Perhaps Landspeeders or similar? What do you guys think?

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Don't forget psyker powers. I'm sure we'll see at least one designed around killing/disabling AV.


Now then for some news, here's this little blurb from the DE thread @Warseer:


Well.. i spoke to Jervis at Salute today and whe i mentioned i was a dark eldar player he had a little grin and then said "Well your going to be happy, but not for a little while yet. But when you do see them, they'll blow your socks off"


I guess that kind of puts them nearer to the october timeslot that was suggested for them.


Delicious "Grey Knights in August" rumor mongering.

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Grey Knights are not tankhunters


Yeah, it's amazing how the P/AAGK have nothing that can hurt Soul Grinders...


Unless you're thinking of the Justicars one Melta Bomb.


GKT have TH/Hammerhands open to them, but it isn't a lot either.


Blowing up Dameonic Vehicles is also something the Grey Knights should be stella at.

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Blowing up Dameonic Vehicles is also something the Grey Knights should be stella at.


Maybe some of the anti-tank abilities will be psychic in nature, that would be fine.


Perhaps some kind of psychic power that can 'exorcise' possessed vehicles? :)

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Yup, there are loads of daemonically possesed vehicles out there. When somebody sees my antitank GK and yells cheese I will point out all the guys with Iron Warrior marines dead on their bases ;)


I think in the next codex, just the GK should have: Stormraven weapons, Landraider weapons (including new assault cannons), Psycannons, Hammerhand, a pure vehicle targetting Psy power, all the S6 NFW, Thunder hammers and Daemon hammers and somthing else that isn't many points but can deal with AV12 reasonably well.

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It's a tricky one. AV12 is right at the limit of what psycannons and NFW can reasonably deal with, but it presents little problem for lascannons. We don't really have a midrange AT weapon :/
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Heard World's End Podcast the other day, and in a discussion of BA they hinted at a thing or two that we'll probably see in the new GK book:


1) Haven't seen the fluff of the new Storm Raven, but I thought they said the fluff mentioned that the GK made frequent use of them

Anyone with the BA codex confirm that?


Aha - confirmed here: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2010/04/40k...rey-knight.html


2)Since the BA doesn't focus on their psychic prowess , but they nevertheless got a flippin' PSYCHER DREDNAUGHT, I can't imagine any way they could put out a new GK codex without one. The GK fluff most certainly portrays them as prolific psychers (including WHOLE SQUADS of them), so that seems almost certain to me anyway ...


Thoughts? Refutation?

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Check the thread :(


Yes, in the Blood Angels book the fluff says that Grey Knights have been using the Stormraven for a while before everyone else.


And yes, Grey Knight psyker dreadnoughts are an obvious addition since everyone single knight is a psyker. The Forge World GK dread is already a psyker to boot.

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However, I don't see them giving (P|A)AGKs anti-tank weaponry as that would make them dangerously close to regular Marines; Grey Knights are not tankhunters. I think we will see vehicles that excel at killing other vehicles, some kind of alternative to Land Raiders and Dreadnoughts. Perhaps Landspeeders or similar? What do you guys think?
It would make more sense for them to give OM forces anti-tank abilities though as the most common forces faced by them would be Traitor Guard increasing the need to deal with armor.
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Here's an interesting little titbit for people to mull over.


Whilst in the warhammer world store ove the weekend Phoenix Knight was chatting to one of the blueshirts and the conversation got onto the GK's withdrawal from the shelves. Unsurprisingly there was the 'speculation' that GK's are coming... but the most interseting element from my perspective is that the staff have been told to take ALL GK's off the shelves and BIN THEM!!! Seriously, any and all GK's that haven't already been sold are going to be thrown, discarded, destroyed...

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You don't say...


I think I should talk to my local GW employee. He'd let me take them of his hands instead of dunping them. I may be adding grey knight to my inquisitional forces. Or at least find out if that rumour is likely.

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Seriously, any and all GK's that haven't already been sold are going to be thrown, discarded, destroyed...


...wow. Seeing as they have some of the more beautiful models in the range, that's quite shocking. That either implies dropping the line completely, for good (which is highly unlikely), or a complete overhaul. Seeing as it isn't as if the GK models are ugly or too outdated, the most likely logical conclusion from that is that we're going to be seeing plastic Grey Knights.


I need to talk to my local store manager, if they really are going to be binning them!

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Well, we can safely rule out the idea that the DH line is getting removed permanently from the game. I've got confirmation from GW that DH is still getting support, but the current products are being discontinued with a "future release" planned. Whatever THAT means :)
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The Forge World GK dread is already a psyker to boot.

Where do you see this? I just reread the entry in IA 2 and couldn't find that anywhere. Come to think of it too the IA fluff on Grey Knights seems to contradict the 'current' (term used loosely) codex.

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The Forge World GK dread is already a psyker to boot.

Where do you see this? I just reread the entry in IA 2 and couldn't find that anywhere. Come to think of it too the IA fluff on Grey Knights seems to contradict the 'current' (term used loosely) codex.


Hmm you're right, my mistake. I was certain that the "power halberd" was, in fact, a nemesis force weapon. In that case I think it's safe to say that it will be converted to a NFW...

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Lol, oh ok. I wasn't trying to call you out, just wanted to know if I missed something.


I think it'd be cool (oh yeah, WISHLISTING ALERT!!!) if we had something close to the BA's 'blood talons' on our dreads in place of the dreadnought NFW. Like a +2 to str (so str 8) that adds an extra attack. Something like that would be pretty cool.

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Getting rid of the entire miniature line? And here I thought they were going to keep the Metal Grey Knight Terminators...


A plastic Kit would be really awesome though!


...Wait, what if they're planning on doing conversion kits for the Grey Knights?

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Frankly I hope the classics metal minis will at least linger in the collector's range even after plastics come out.


Contentwise I just want to see them have their weapons updated, Psycannon/Incin improved and/or some sort of AT weapon added.

A better Dread + Ven Dread. And perhaps some finetuning of the Landraiders etc. Something handling more/better Deepstriking too.


And a GM plastic Kit.


Give all that and i'm already content. So mostly an update and a few tidbits on top.

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