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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Forgive my potential ignorance, especially if this was metnioned in this as I'm not looking through 30 pages to find out, but didn't the writer of the Space Wolves Codex saw at the end of an interview when the SW codex was complete something about him writing the DH codex?


Another thought to this. SM codex writer has done two codices, IG writer has done two codices, SW writer has done one....

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So mostly an update and a few tidbits on top.


I'm sorry to say that won't happen. This is 5th and in 5th edition every army has to be hyped into awesome and have completely massacred fluff that's barely readable. I'm sorry, but that's why in the grim darkness of the 41st millenium there is only war.

A little more seriously though, I really hope it's just a cool update with sweet models. I've gotten somewhat used to fighting CC marines that actually know how to spank some butt when they get the chance to.



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Not every army has its fluff murdered. Some jsut leave it bruised and broken.


I still maintain on the fluuf of GK:


To believe anything written by Ben Counter on the matter of Grey Knights or which dreadnought weapons existed pre heresy is against the imperial creed and is punishable by exocomunicate traitoris.


I am scred though. If Matt Ward gets his hands near my codex I may just keep using the old rules.


Chaplains for the incorruptable? *shivers*


Jump packs? *shivers*


It could go VERY badly.

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I'd love expanded fluff. Chaplains? Why not... The Incorruptible might still need guidance when faced by stuff that would reduce a regular Space Marine to tears. Jump-pack? Once you've teleported on the field, you might still feel the need to scoot around quickly. Techmarines? Hey, when Mars is your neighbor, might as well pick up some hobbies, like repairing tanks! Etc, etc, and so on, and so forth...


I want GKs to be different from Space Marines, but that doesn't mean systematically refusing everything that's part of Codex Astartes. While a separate entity, GKs are still Space Marines at the core.


I've yet to read "The Grey Knights Omnibus" (it's on my bedside table, waiting for The News of the Upcoming Codex), but surely it can't be that bad...



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To believe anything written by Ben Counter on the matter of Grey Knights or which dreadnought weapons existed pre heresy is against the imperial creed and is punishable by exocomunicate traitoris.
Ben's work isn't that bad. The first two were actually quite interesting. Ben's writting is hardly akin to CS Gotto after all.l
I am scred though. If Matt Ward gets his hands near my codex I may just keep using the old rules.
Last rumour I heard was that Phil Kelly had been handed those reins.
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I haven't read through all the pages of this thread (although I have skimmed over most), but has there been any clarification yet as to whether this is a Grey Knights/Daemonhunters book or whether it will include Witch Hunters as well?
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Just DH. There is conflict on if it is just GK or not though.


Yeah, Harry said it was Phil Kelly working on the Grey Knights a long time ago (some time last year). Basically the Grey Knights codex was to be his next assignment following Space Wolves. He did a great job on SW; I would have done a few things differently, but it is still a great codex. Before Space Wolves, Phil did the latest codex for the Orks, which was also very good. I'm confident that he will do us proud.


Although the name is Codex: Grey Knights, I am fairly confident that Inquisitors will be in the book. If you go all the way back to the very first Grey Knights list, found in the back of one of the two Realms of Chaos books from the late eighties, there were Daemonhunter Inquisitors available in addition to all of the various Grey Knights units.


I can see dropping the Assassins, as they don't really fit with a Grey Knight-centric list. Daemonhosts certainly will be out as well, obviously. IST might stay in, depending on what changes are made to the GK and their units. If they shore up the shortcomings, which can be done with just a few adjustments, then IST won't be necessary and can be dropped, too.





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Forgive my potential ignorance, especially if this was metnioned in this as I'm not looking through 30 pages to find out, but didn't the writer of the Space Wolves Codex saw at the end of an interview when the SW codex was complete something about him writing the DH codex?


Another thought to this. SM codex writer has done two codices, IG writer has done two codices, SW writer has done one....


LOL if they give me hordes of stuff and a huge codex... I'm not going to complain. :)

I merely mean I'll already be happy if I 'just' get that bare minimum. :blink:

And the GK's can use more fluff barely anything is known about them. And regarding what is known there is massive division on some things.


Also I loved Ben Counter's interpretation.

And I am in the pro Chaplain camp. If anything the GK's should have quite a few wisened experts as a backup.

Grey Knights can't afford having excessive safeguards. A Chapter based aroun 'never falls' and 'purity' etc should really be extremely extensive in this kind of thing.

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And the GK's can use more fluff barely anything is known about them. And regarding what is known there is massive division on some things.


Isn´t this very fluffy indeed :)


On a more serious note. I haven´t noticed any new rumours about the DH/GK in like two weeks, though DE has got some new rumours. I want (real) juicy rumours damnit!

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Well, if the rumour posted on the 16th stating that the announcement for the next 40k codex was 18 days away, we have less than a week (!) till we found out if the GKs are next or not!
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Roll up, roll up, place your bets!!!


In the red corner, weighing in at 3+ years of games and model development by one of GW's finest and respected developers. Their development has been witnessed by many and a few months ago they were looking like they were in fine fighting form, the servants of the khaine, enslavers of the galaxy and back from a 12 year hiatus, the one, the only, Dark Eldar!!!!


In the blue corner we have our contender! They're rumoured to have been worked on by Phil 'the Power' Kelly and they're currently shrouded in mystery. No-one has seen sight of them in public for a number of weeks and we've not seen any snapshots of their current status so we'll have to wait to see what their physical condition is... please welcome into the ring, defenders of the Imperium, the iron fist of the Ordo Malleus... the Grey Knights!


I'm taking bets now folks, so roll up and try your luck...

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I'm taking bets now folks, so roll up and try your luck...


I take that bet good sir! I bet one internet that Codex: Grey Knights will be released before Codex: Dark Eldar.


Famous last words...

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I think that GK are next, because DE are still available on the GW website. I started 40k few months before the 5th edition with DH and I really hope that they are coming soon. I am getting bored with my failures.




Failures!? I'm going to assume that you aren't implying that there is some kind of deficiency with the Emperor's Finest as they are ;)

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Yeah, Harry said it was Phil Kelly working on the Grey Knights a long time ago (some time last year). Basically the Grey Knights codex was to be his next assignment following Space Wolves. He did a great job on SW; I would have done a few things differently, but it is still a great codex. Before Space Wolves, Phil did the latest codex for the Orks, which was also very good. I'm confident that he will do us proud.

He did write the army books for Warriors of Chaos and partially wrote Beastmen in Fantasy though. They're hardly the strongest around, tournament standings for them puts Warriors in the 2nd/3rd tier and Beastmen are 3rd tier. If you're seeing it from a power perspective.

They're good fun playing however. If you're seeing it from a fun perspective.


IST might stay in, depending on what changes are made to the GK and their units. If they shore up the shortcomings, which can be done with just a few adjustments, then IST won't be necessary and can be dropped, too.

Given how the talks are about plastic storm troopers I can confidently say GW would like some extra ground for the Storm troopers (If they go plastic). And which other armies can take Stormtroopers other than IG? But I'm just speculating.



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Given how the talks are about plastic storm troopers I can confidently say GW would like some extra ground for the Storm troopers (If they go plastic). And which other armies can take Stormtroopers other than IG? But I'm just speculating.


My interpretation of the rumours thus far are that we will see a C:GK, C:SoB, and a C:Inq.


Speculation: The Inquisition one may or may not come as a fully fledged codex per se, but might allow for the running of a Inquisitor parent list with inducted Guard (especially Stormtroopers!), SM, SoB, and GK elements. That would allow for people to play the kind of ragtag Imperial lists that make Inquisition forces so interesting to play; the main complaint appears to be that certain rules clash horribly together, so there will probably be tight restrictions on what these inducted units can be.

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