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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Woah hey, where did this "Harry said it's Phil Kelly" rumor come from?

This is the last thing he's said about who's behind the book:


I think Andy Hoare was writing the book originally before he left GW. Maybe Phil took it on when he left? Honestly I don't know who is doing it now or how far along the book would have been at the time he left. But it is as likely to be Phil as anyone I guess.


He also said that it seemed a little strange, though not impossible, for Phil to be writing the Dark Eldar, Ogre Kingdoms AND Grey Knight books.


As for Chaplains, don't you think that maybe one of the reasons why they are so incorruptible even when facing the worst the warp can throw at them is because of Chaplains? Being able to field the Reclusiarch or even the Master of Sanctity would be awesome. I fully expect Chaplains and Apothecaries to be in.

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While he's not very good with WHFB army books, he's got a fairly good track record in 40k.


Orks are still competitive and have an impressive number of viable army types.

Eldar are still competitive and the codex has aged rather well.

Tyranids (4th ed) were rather good and pretty creative in the customization department, it's only with the advent of mechanization that they faltered into nidzilla for competitiveness.

Space Wolves are a little too crazy on the power scale, but they are super fun and can field multiple types of competitive army lists.


I'd be overjoyed with a codex in the same vein as Space Wolves.

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DPA is spilling the goods, lets have a couple of quotes shall we?


Maybe he suffered perils of the warp and his head exploded

It's ok i've got plenty of spare heads which can take over


My visions have been painful to endure of late, mainly due to the nature of their content, damned shiny warriors of that shrivled up husk


The legendary Daemon hunters of Titan...............?


Do they have a new shiny ride also..................?


Alas not for spearhead :P

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In addition:


More a minor irritant than anything else but they have a habit of blocking my warpsight with there gods damned shinyness :D
The denzins of Comorragh will have to stay in the shadows for just a little while longer i'm afraid ::cool:

Next week should be interesting.

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Given how the talks are about plastic storm troopers I can confidently say GW would like some extra ground for the Storm troopers (If they go plastic). And which other armies can take Stormtroopers other than IG? But I'm just speculating.


My interpretation of the rumours thus far are that we will see a C:GK, C:SoB, and a C:Inq.


Speculation: The Inquisition one may or may not come as a fully fledged codex per se, but might allow for the running of a Inquisitor parent list with inducted Guard (especially Stormtroopers!), SM, SoB, and GK elements. That would allow for people to play the kind of ragtag Imperial lists that make Inquisition forces so interesting to play; the main complaint appears to be that certain rules clash horribly together, so there will probably be tight restrictions on what these inducted units can be.




My bet is on 2 codices (GK and SoB) and Inq as a supplement - with GKs arriving before DE :D

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the inhabitants of comorragh hmmm? That's the Dark Eldar right? Good... Good...

It is yeah. We can pretty much count on GK being released next :cuss

Which is good, ever seen the Tyranid codex came out I lost all desire to paint. Now the itch is coming back, and I better get a Stormraven kit to bring it under control.

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Until not too long ago, Harry was still saying that he couldn't get a confirmation on which army was coming first.

There's the fact that apparently DE got pushed back and GK pulled forward, hence the confusion.

So obviously, until GW steps forward with an announcement, it's impossible to say "yes, Grey Knights are next".


It's not a case of a bulb lighting up just now or doubting or just starting to believe in anything, but of more rumors piling in to support their release first.

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My interpretation of the rumours thus far are that we will see a C:GK, C:SoB, and a C:Inq.


Speculation: The Inquisition one may or may not come as a fully fledged codex per se, but might allow for the running of a Inquisitor parent list with inducted Guard (especially Stormtroopers!), SM, SoB, and GK elements. That would allow for people to play the kind of ragtag Imperial lists that make Inquisition forces so interesting to play; the main complaint appears to be that certain rules clash horribly together, so there will probably be tight restrictions on what these inducted units can be.




My bet is on 2 codices (GK and SoB) and Inq as a supplement - with GKs arriving before DE :cuss

I'm not sure about this, simply given that the new 5th Edition rules seem to be trying to move away from using Allies. However, maybe the Inquisition will have access to Space Marines and Guard Platoons in their own Codex, with blocks similar to what appears in C:SM or C:IG? (this is pure conjecture; I'm merely pointing out what I've seen as a trend in new Codexes)

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I believe that Inq will become a supplement simply because it's the way that sells more. There's legions of SM players and lots of IG players that dig inquisitors fluff and gamewise, and don't play as inquisition. Coincidence or not I believe Inq is being used as allies more than never in 5th ed, due the codex creep :cuss


And the 5th edition seems to be quite heavy in add-on supplements, like battle missions and spearhead. And GW seems to be investing on tricks to make WD relevant again.


And GW said that Inq will still be around, abd also said that GK and SoB will take a bigger place under the spotlight (see that the "leakers" mention "GK" instead of "DH" and some rumors said that the latest releases didn't had DH/WH stuff merely because the name would change in this edition). Adding 1+1 together...


These are the main reasons.

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After the speculation in the last few pages that Daemonhosts might get squatted, I emailed GW customer service to see what they had to say on the matter.


Here is what I got back in reponse.



While the Daemonhunters codex has been discontinued, we have not heard of any impending 'Grey Knights' codex. We are not sure when the new version of that codex will come out, but our design studio will do all they can to keep as much of the older playable as possible.






John Spencer


Customer Service Specialist


FYI: This is what I wrote...


To whom it may concern;


I began playing Warhammer 40,000 early in 2009 after falling in love with the fluff of the Radical Inquisition in Codex:Daemonhunters. I have invested considerable time and money into building a force I love and am proud of.


Now with the withdrawal of that Codex and the imminent release of Codex: Grey Knights in its place, I must express that I am very disappointed that the army I have of Inquisitors, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers and Daemonhosts will now be 'squatted' and illegal.


I understand that we 'radical' inquisition players are but a small part of the community, but it is upsetting that all that energy put into an army will now be obsolete and a relic of a happier (and more diverse) time.

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Im sure you can still use your army (counts as is your friend!). Wait and see...is sort of a mantra with us 40k players at the moment!


Yeah, apart from the Power Armour Models in my army I could probably fit my list into the IG codex, but sometimes it tends to hype things up a bit to see if you come get something out of GW Customer Service.

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I don't see much point to that email you posted, kiwitexansfan. It doesn't say anything of note and frankly, everything said by a customer support rep concerning unannounced products/fan speculation can be thrown to the trash bin. They don't get any kind of super secret insider scoop on things.
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Indeed, given the pull on DH and WH codexes and models its looking more as a Forces of the Imperium combo codex.


Every single rumor source (and official statements as weell ) denied a unified codex.


Like I said before: you guys put too much tought in GW's logistic decisions. The fact that the SoB stuff is unavailabe as well is no indicator that they are coming anytime soon. The most optimistic rumor for them is early 2011.


GW can easily put all DE stuff as unavailable tomorrow and announce the codex for the following month. It happened before: SW codex got offline around 6 months before the release, but the for Nids it took much less.

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Or simply state that C:DH and WH can take X slots from X Codexes as allies and vice versa...no specifik unit entry or anything. Why make it messy.
There's no way to reference functions from other objects in this game that won't eventually become awkward, and/or subject to brokenness without being able to issue patches. Given that they don't publish the equivalent of 'Chapter Approved' anymore, cross references are untenable for future designs.


Unless this policy changes, and that is very unlikely while the bean counters are in power, the next Inquisition related book will be fully self contained.


It's a pity, I miss the little optional bits.

Its really simple. State straight out that any "army wide" special rules only affect other units in the codex that they are in, and that IG orders and similar rules may only target units bought from the same codex. FAQ if needed when a new system comes out and interferes with this.


And C:SW has gone alot longer than six months Im afraid... new players had to get a low quality PDF from canada.


As for "reducing the emphasis on the inquisitor" theyll probly drop the need for an inquisitor to unlock particular units.


Lastly, all the good rumor-mongers seem to be saying GKs next, DE in the winter... I dont see any reason to doubt them at this point. I think GW are idiots for not just putting for a release schedule 3 months out, but what can you do?

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I really hope they write a single book and use an "unlock" style element with the headquarters. Perhaps, there are three types of Inquisitor Lords: Ordo Xeno, Ordo Malleus, and Ordo Hereticus. Taking any Inquisitor will unlock inducted Guard, and each would unlock Space Marine Deathwatch, Grey Knights and Sisters of Battle respectively. Likewise, I think they should get access to Ordo Xeno Space Marines Captains, Grey Knight Grand Masters, and Sister Cannonesses, which would also allow the respective units to be chosen.


If someone made a list with an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Lord, they could for example take, PA Grey Knights, TDA Grey Knights, and Imperial Guard. I think this would be a great way to balance the book and give everyone lots of variety.


Edit: For the record, I think that any type of Inducted Space Marines should be very limited. I'd say maybe only 0-2 Tactical Squads, 0-1 Assault Squads and 0-1 Devastator Squads.

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I'm pretty sure allies and inducted units will go the way of the dodo (unfortunately for guys like me that have enough IG to provide support, but not enought so that I can play them standalone). What I'd like to see for =I= is a supplement (maybe in the White Dwarf, à la Spearhead) that simply provides rules for HQ and Elite Inquisitors that could be taken in any Imperial army. Probably won't be usable in tournaments, but a nice way to add flavor to any Imperial army in a casual setting...




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Dark Eldar Models apparently spotted


And it looks like the DE take an early lead over GK... what does this mean for our boys in grey PA?


EDIT: fixed link, added 2nd line


From that same thread, and also in the Warseer thread:

.. I don't think Dr. GOnads is talking about an August release for what it's worth. :lol:

Anyway, I hope they aren't coming out in August, that's supposed to be the GK's time.


..hmm... doubt it.


Reds8n is pretty much like Harry when it comes to rumors. or maybe it's the reverse... heh.

This pretty much means that things are still up in the air in terms of which army gets released first.

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