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=I= Coming in 2010?


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I find it odd an Incinerator costs more than a Psycannon, since the Psycannon is better in almost every way.


Something tells me the data sheet is a bit of a spoof. The sheer fluff behind the Grey Knights screams Fearless. I don't see why they would switch it out for ATSKNF, bump us up to a 2+ save, and then raise the price by over 10 points per model. The fact that there is a 'Grey Knights' rule makes it even more ambiguous, and subject to a dump-truck full of salt. My vote goes for this being a spoof.


As for the picture, I think I've seen that before. The poses look...almost verbatim what the metal figs look like. I mean, I'm not debunking the image or anything, but I'm seeing a lot of red flags, at least from my perspective.

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Hope beyone hope is that's real, and the 'Grey Knight' special rule incorporates Stubborn (and makes them immune to Pinning).


As fearless has caused me to lose far more GK from losing CC than I care to remember.


Hopefully, if this is true, the 'Grey Knight' special rule is a fat one, with Anti-Daemon, Anti-Psychic, Shrouding and Teleportation all wrapped up into one nice package. :D

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Vhayler (sp?) come out here and take a bow! You have fooled many and have gotten it posted on 3 frickin websites besides warseer! That was brilliant. Should of posted the newest version at first though.
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Its a landraider with a vindicator weapon.


Well DUH :D


but what stickmonkey describes has a long barrel and plasma cannons, so not 100% Ares

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1. It's basically the exact same layout as the Blood Angels Tactical Squad entry (it even points to the same page 24).

2. A number of the entries are in exactly the same place (Atsknf).

3. It lists the points as per model, when units are bought as a combined total.

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Someone didn't read my whole post! Bad B&C, bad! :cuss


If you're going around posting it, you could at least use the latest version which fixes some of the, ahem, issues.



And it's actually based on the Space Wolves codex, since I don't have the BA one.

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Codex covers Ordo Malleus, Ordo Xenos, and Ordro Hereticus and is written to make it a 1 stop shop for 4 separate armies.


Grey Knights will still be their own army, as they do operate autonomously at times from the Ordo Malleus. They will have a direct and powerful synergy when placed with Ordo Malleus Inquisitors.

Ordo Xenos will prominently feature Deathwatch Kill Teams, but will make use of ally rules to construct a broader support beyond warbands and stormtroopers. Wargear will play huge role.

Ordo Hereticus will have some tie-in to the Adepta Soroitas, but not to the end that the current WH codex is. The army will play as a hybrid of Malleus and Xenos


First Wave:


New plastic Grey Knights in Power Armor (with all the weapon bits to make Squad Alaric)

New Deathwatch Marines box (will contain options to customize per the RPG. Including heavy weapons, apothecary, techmarine, librarian, jump pack, and a Storm Wardens shoulder pauldron) [ass expensive too]

Storm Raven (will have shareable Inquisition parts for the Valkyrie)

1 named Inquisitor for each Ordos



That's my thoughts. Tell me I'm right, tell me I'm wrong. Just think this sounds logical


New Plastic Grey Knights in Power Armor: Likely to be $30 - 35 for a set of five, similar to the Death Company and Sanguinary Guard, but it largely depends on bits and options.

New Deathwatch Marines Box: Likely be closer to the $50 range, as the sheer amount of bits would justify its cost. I don't know. They'll likely reduce the number of bits to keep it in line with the Tactical Squad box, but suggest ways to convert for things like Apothecary and Techmarine. That's probably it: Leave out essential bits for that sort of thing so they can promote sales for the Space Marine command squad box and other specialist kits.

Storm Raven: My guess is going to be either similar or slightly more expensive than the Valkyrie.

We'll probably see a few models kept around, like the Inquisitor Lord box sets, as well as the Grey Knight Terminators.


Think about it this way, they will mark everything with =I= symbols in the Deathwatch box and drop it for $50 (which for 5 PA guys base and options is ass expensive.) Even if you don't play any type of marine army, that box is going to look really hot. Add in that any RPG'ers will be able to grab that box to make their one character or for their whole group. And we, the primary army players, will buy several boxes for the options. The Command Squad is still going to stand as the best SM army way to get a plastic Apothecary. Ours will be different enough to warrant an arm, backpack, and torso front.


I have a feeling that Deathwatch is going to come in several flavors [Assault, Tactical, Devastator, and Kill-team/Neopolitan]. I see them making this box as the uber Death Company/Wolf Pack box. Self contained guys (for the purists/RPG'ers) with options to be spread out for kit bash (for practical gamers). Certain options will have to be pulled from other kits (Heavy Weapons), but "Deathwatch only" options (plastic Devastator heavy flamer) will be included.


If you look at the stuff still available for purchase, things point the way. TDAGK's are still there, Inquisitor boxes, the characters and singles are there, the PAGK special weapons are still there too. The only thing missing are the PAGK squad box and the codex.

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I found this looking for ways to scratch build Assault Cannons.....




Land Raider Ares anyone... I would hate to see how many points that beast would be....



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More from Stickmonkey:


Nope, Ares is close, but design is different. the main gun actually runs through the left side of the body about 3/4 of the length. but exposed on top.



Definitely not a landspeeder. The wings sweep forward and at the body of the vehicle were nearly the length of it. Like the Valk wings. single cockpit forward, but with the landspeeder front. cannons slung at shoulder of wing, but cowled to body. 2 exhaust trails from center rear.


Valdor is the same idea, yes. But in a LR body, and a much more cannon-y cannon. OF course, its art, so who knows.


Those T-hawks in the SW book look much to small and off shape to be T-hawks, but I'm pretty sure they are not StormRavens...


So it's not at all an Ares. The cannon placement and length resembles the Valdor's but on a LR chassis, so it's an entirely new variant.

Finally, that landspeeder sounds a hybrid between a FW Lightning and the standard speeder. Really cool stuff... if GW gives them a model.


I'm not sure how someone would go around modeling the gun of that new LR.

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I'm not sure how someone would go around modeling the gun of that new LR.


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Nope, Ares is close, but design is different. the main gun actually runs through the left side of the body about 3/4 of the length. but exposed on top.



Definitely not a landspeeder. The wings sweep forward and at the body of the vehicle were nearly the length of it. Like the Valk wings. single cockpit forward, but with the landspeeder front. cannons slung at shoulder of wing, but cowled to body. 2 exhaust trails from center rear.



Holy crap if all this is true, GK are getting a bigger overhaul than i thought

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We can likely expect to see the Incoming! article for August within the next couple of days....so let's see how it goes.


I want the Inquisition codex.....but whether it's DE or GKs.....it's more money out of my bank sadly lol

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More from Stickmonkey:


Nope, Ares is close, but design is different. the main gun actually runs through the left side of the body about 3/4 of the length. but exposed on top.



Definitely not a landspeeder. The wings sweep forward and at the body of the vehicle were nearly the length of it. Like the Valk wings. single cockpit forward, but with the landspeeder front. cannons slung at shoulder of wing, but cowled to body. 2 exhaust trails from center rear.


Stormraven, maybe?

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More from Stickmonkey:


Nope, Ares is close, but design is different. the main gun actually runs through the left side of the body about 3/4 of the length. but exposed on top.



Definitely not a landspeeder. The wings sweep forward and at the body of the vehicle were nearly the length of it. Like the Valk wings. single cockpit forward, but with the landspeeder front. cannons slung at shoulder of wing, but cowled to body. 2 exhaust trails from center rear.


Stormraven, maybe?


Thats what I'm thinking, at least until we see any images. The description he gave made it sound a bit to small for that though, so i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't

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Resume, please?


No Warseer here in the office :)




There ya go!



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I don't know of the validity of this datasheet, but I do notice that there is no "fearless" special rule, however there is a "grey knights" special rule that I would hope would include the ability to choose to pass or fail any morale checks. If this is the case that would allow for all the benefits of being fearless without any of the draw backs, and for 30 points a model, yes I think it is deserving.
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