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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Argh... Come on GW, at least 4 armies desperately need a codex(DH, WH, DE and Necrons) while at least 3 more need one to play against 5th ed codice (Tau, DA, BT).


Still, it's a nice tie-in for GKs, but that means at least another 5 months (if the regular schedule is kept and a codex comes out in October)...



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I didn't mention a new dex :D


However, a Daemon (non SM release) in August, paves the way for maybe? a GK release after that? :D


You're right, you're right, my apologies. When I read

There go those rumors out the window...Not Grey Knights, not Dark Eldar...Deamons!!

I jumped to the conclusion that you meant codex instead of just models.

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As far as Inquisition... I'll remain hopeful, and presume the fact that my local store only has metal blister packs in store, not even One codex, is a good sign. for why, see what happened here with Space Wolves old codex disappearing. it can't be Age, as we have the full plastic kits for Dark Eldar still around, for example.


Pure speculation tinged with hope, perhaps, but let me live in my imaginary world where my old Grand Master can return from his role as Overseer of my chapter* to actually taking the fight to the Daemonic, and leading the chapter by example.



*...long story, specific to my successor chapter, involving a heretical inquisitor, a battle alongside a Chaos warhound, and fighting Kryptman before the excommunicate inquisitor was defeated. also goes some way to explaining the lack of recruits, or even two companies worth of marines.

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GW are scared that GK won't sell enough so they make it so playing GK means you have effective weaoons heavily available (incinerators and psycannons) against all these new Daemon players (ones that wanted to do a plague bearer/horror base or bandwagon jumpers). Boost the revenue generated by us to minimise risk.
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repeats the gamers mantra; "wait and see"...


I've do so enough times to get blisters in my mouth... Repeat the DH/WH's mantra "Oh well, there are other hobbies..."



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I split my Daemon Hunters into little strike forces that are attached to my Marines and Guard. Even then I rarely field them, with the exception of an inquisitor and a vindicare.
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logically maybe GK (with lovely plastic models, and the stormraven!) could be after daemons? (when do gw do things logically though...?)


repeats the gamers mantra; "wait and see"...

Yeah, wait and see indeed. I think the moral of the story is don't presume anything when it comes to forthcoming releases. Still, Daemons was well out of left field and none of the rumours pointed to them did they.


I'd guess that we'll see something announced for GD'10 but with this surprise announcement it's anyone's guess at the moment.


internet rumours are still just rumours, not matter how credible the source appears to be.

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logically maybe GK (with lovely plastic models, and the stormraven!) could be after daemons? (when do gw do things logically though...?)


repeats the gamers mantra; "wait and see"...


But to have the daemon hunters codex be able to compete with the daemon one, it would have to be ridiculously powerful, so it doesn't really matter if it does come out after the daemons, as the daemon Hunters won't be doing much Daemon hunting :)


That said I would love to see some plastic daemon hunter models, as the current ones ooze character.

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I'm pleased nobody saw this coming. Goes to show that GW can keep things secret and helps put the rumour tarding* into perspective.


* where people make rumours up and claim it's legit because... actually I have no idea why someone would do this. Maybe they don't have any friends.

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I'm pleased nobody saw this coming. Goes to show that GW can keep things secret and helps put the rumour tarding* into perspective.


* where people make rumours up and claim it's legit because... actually I have no idea why someone would do this. Maybe they don't have any friends.






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I have heard, 3rd hand, that the next dex is going to be "Inquisition" and will contain GK, SB, and general =I= units.


Source: very trustworthy friend talking to the local store manager, who claims to have been told this at the big managers meeting in Vegas. Take it for what you will. I'm still in the camp of "won't believe it until I see it," but that's what I heard. I trust the friend who told me to acurately convey the information he had, not quite so sure about the manager he heard it from.


Hopefully true and good news. ;) *crosses fingers*

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1) Nothing is being pushed back since nothing was ever announced in the first place :)

2) Those models need to come out some day. Since codices are continuously released, by your logic everything non-codex is a push back...


Though I'll agree that I am disappointed by the news.

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I agree since no one has the release schedule which with that I'm not asking for a post of one, best thing to do is wait a few months and see. You will know 3 months in advance of anything being released anyway right? So chillax!!!!
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Other then models being removed from the lineup there has been no information regarding DH being released. I must say that a lot of people on here simply worked themselves up into believing that it was the next codex.


Daemons models getting released isn't exactly left field, they've been waiting for those models for how long?

I'm still after a plastic Daemon Prince for my Warriors of Chaos....

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The only constant seems to be orks with any releases thus far since their codex recieving something almost each year since 5th Ed. But it's not a bad thing to want something and I must say being a daemon player and admirer of the Gks I'd like the codex released soon!
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Other then models being removed from the lineup there has been no information regarding DH being released. I must say that a lot of people on here simply worked themselves up into believing that it was the next codex.


Daemons models getting released isn't exactly left field, they've been waiting for those models for how long?

I'm still after a plastic Daemon Prince for my Warriors of Chaos....


The stuff that's going for Daemonhunters/GK/=I= (models being removed from product lines entirely, codex taken down, etc.) are things that have always preceded a codex release. That and not a few of the rumormongers are saying they are next.

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Yeah, but those rumormongers (Harry, more specifically) are starting to say GKs are not for this year.. Heck, what's another year, heh? I mean, getting beat-up by new codices is still fun. Oh, wait, no... Ok, but then I can still go around painting those cool new minies... Oh, oups, no new minies in a few years. Okay, okay, I'll add some guards to my army, then. And hope that once I've painted 60-70 T3 pocket-light-totting squishies, I can still ally them!


You know what? One of my good friends plays daemons, so I might just buy a box of August release and paint it for him. I really hate this "mystery builds hype" thing that GW has going on. Major movie studios build up hype with previews and tie-ins for sometimes over a year before a movie is actually shown. Games Workshop would benefit from a similar marketing plan. Most players I know (even online) have at least 2 armies, sometimes 3. They can afford paying a few bucks every months to get a unit here of there. Regular release and rule updates would keep all armies selling all year-long. How much money will they make with a major GK release? I'm pretty sure regular sales over the last 5 years would have been just as good.


Anyways, in the meanwhile my sisters can consistently manage draws against nids and SW.



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Anyways, in the meanwhile my sisters can consistently manage draws against nids and SW.




I'm managing to smash nids myself. But then again my friend loves two things; Monsterous Creatures and Genestealers. Exorcists and Bolters are all that is needed against them.


I LOVE killing a hive tyrant in a single volley of exorcist fire.


Sisters are still solid, in areas...we do need a codex but at least we are not Deamonhunter (Sorry).

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Yeah, but those rumormongers (Harry, more specifically) are starting to say GKs are not for this year...
What can I say?...quel surprise? Heh heh heh.
I really hate this "mystery builds hype" thing that GW has going on.
I think this could be a misconception that's self perpetuating because of the internet rumourmill. True, GW do play their cards close to their chest but i'd guess it's less to do with building hype and more to do with protecting their IP and forthcoming product lines from the less scrupulous types out there who could release similar models/concepts before GW's offical release. We all know that they're running a very tight ship when it comes to inside info being leaked out, the 5th ed release being a prime example of how they appeared to change their tac in terms of knowing what info was coming from where.


Given the fact that some of their work is being produced outside of Nottingham and outside of Europe whilst still maintaining confidentiality of their plans/moulds is even more of a surprise to me it has to be said but apart from those who actually work within the ivory towers of GW there's no-one who can definitively state what is being released and when.

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I really hate this "mystery builds hype" thing that GW has going on.
I think this could be a misconception that's self perpetuating because of the internet rumourmill. True, GW do play their cards close to their chest but i'd guess it's less to do with building hype and more to do with protecting their IP and forthcoming product lines from the less scrupulous types out there who could release similar models/concepts before GW's offical release. We all know that they're running a very tight ship when it comes to inside info being leaked out, the 5th ed release being a prime example of how they appeared to change their tac in terms of knowing what info was coming from where.


Are you sure another company can actually deliver the same style, quality and quantity of models that GW does? Do you really think they wouldn't slap any smaller model company with a truckload of IP suits? That would be like saying Marvel shouldn't have publicized Iron Man 2 almost a year before it came out, because some other company could have made a similar film. I don't pretend to know how GW is run. Maybe, maybe, there are some serious studies of how miniature games should be marketed. Maybe they really sell a whole lot more this way. But I learned something from finance class: less money now is usually better that more money later on. The way I see it, the alienate a whole lot of their customers. Those customers don't go out and buy a different model-base game. Why, because their is no other model-based game of WH40k/WFB's quality. Still, when the best-quality in an entertainment type is not good enough, people move on to a different hobby. Already, in my area, 4 WH-carrying stores have closed down. Most others are cutting back on the GW sections (replacing space with role-playing, CCG and boardgames). Heck, the closest hobby store won't carry GW at all because (and I quote the manager) "We don't like being strangled by a company that sells games for rich kids. Heck, I don't have enough money to play that game myself..."


Last month, DE and GK players had some fun playing "Codex Race 2010". The Rumormongers had their time. But this week, if you read around there are a lot of unhappy people. This could have been easily avoided and I see this a yet another GW fumble.



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