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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Love me some non-GK DH rumours. Personally I don't like the price increase of the IST but they do get some nice special moves to play with.


And YAY for big psychic powers for the inquisitors.


IGST are pretty terrible. If this is true (and it's somewhat dubious - the OP later said that this was an August release) then hope that the IST get some better rules/options.

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I know my DH playing friend would be thrilled to have rending nemesis FWs. Makes me reconsider whether throwing that Wraithlord at them is a good idea or not.

Not cool (for me, it's actually awesome!), he was my only answer to them unless I wanted to kill them on the spot. :)

I hope the rumours really say something this time.



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Now, that's what I want! Now, if GW could give us a timeframe (3 months, 6 months, etc) I'd be happy. Let's say those rumors are real, I can now go on and build a second GK dread, add some Psycannon GK, etc...



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IGST are pretty terrible. If this is true (and it's somewhat dubious - the OP later said that this was an August release) then hope that the IST get some better rules/options.

Personally I don't see a problem with a BS4 AP3 weapon on soldiers that can choose special abilities like move through cover... :) It gives them a lot more viable options and roles rather than "sit here and don't die" which I'm a fan of. Of course, I'm also a big fan of Storm Troopers in general... gotta root for the underdog that consistantly exceeds expectations for me.

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Love me some non-GK DH rumours. Personally I don't like the price increase of the IST but they do get some nice special moves to play with.


And YAY for big psychic powers for the inquisitors.


IGST are pretty terrible. If this is true (and it's somewhat dubious - the OP later said that this was an August release) then hope that the IST get some better rules/options.


I think the DHST will be pretty close to the IG ones just for consistency sake, would be nice if they got an extra toy of two to play with. My standard IST squad goes from 70pts to 110pts. That hurts the bodies on table side of things big time. AP3 guns are nice though.

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Interesting rumors. I hope the bit about not giving us rhinos and razorbacks is true. I very much like that we are very different from marines in this aspect. The part about us being proficient in teleport deep-striking is neat as well. Now all we need is an HQ that lets us take terminators as troops. Then we can field 3 storm ravens, each filled with a squad of terminators and a dreadnought.


Speaking of which, I need to order those two forgeworld dreads while the pound is weak.

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Where's these CD news you guys talked about? I didn't find anything at the site. Any word on what minis are coming, or just a "More CD minis in August, bye!" statement?

The GW email from 5/16/2010


Incoming! Daemons


In August, the immortal legions of the Ruinous Powers - the Chaos Daemons - will pour forth once more from the Realm of Chaos to drown the Warhammer world and the galaxy of the 41st Millennium beneath a tide of blood and destruction. Even now, mystics are assailed by nightmarish visions of horror and death, the fractured minds of madmen echo with sibilant whispers, and the doomed clutch symbols of their weak gods closer to them.


A host of incredible new Citadel miniatures for both Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Daemons armies and Warhammer Daemons of Chaos armies will soon be released upon mortal battlefields. All will be revealed in July here on the Games Workshop website and in August's issue of White Dwarf magazine, so keep an eye out for more information.


Sooo.. "Here's some Daemon models, k thx bye!" approach ;)

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For CD minis that have some pics from GDUK 09? Goto their thread via : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...p;#entry2405262


I remember hearing some people here saying that Jump Pack GK's would suck... Do you guys think that there will be Jump Pack GK's or Jump Infantry (Teleportation and what not)

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Actually looking back over the rumors I want to call fake: Brother-Captain Stern made into a non-IC? Rending on regular NFWs and not 'ignores invulnerable saves on a 6' or some variation, keeping the "Without Number" for daemons, True Grit being kept in when just about every other variation of it has been removed from the game. Especially if Phil Kelly is writing this.


Oh, and jump pack Grey Knights. :(

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It would make even more DA players stop using the DA dex.


They would be cool, oh so awsemely cool. I would reserve my stores stock and walk in and drop all the money I could on GK models including a stormraven (as long as it was just after septemeber or christmas).


The rules rumours make me drool. Apart from the fact that in my average game I roll about five sixes the rending GK is awseome. And at least i will still be able to use the IST, even if they aren't great.


EDIT: Darn ninjad by Marmande, :( Was speaking about jetbikes in the first bit

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Assuming the above rumor from DakkaDakka is accurate, here is a quick Mathhammer of what adding Rending and an additional CCW to a Grey Knight model does in comparison to our current rules.

I also added a middle ground for comparison of what our current models could do with just an additional CCW on the charge (no Rending).

By the way, MEK stands for Marine Equivalent Kills (WS4 T4 3+ armor save)


Current PAGK NFW on charge (circa 2002)

=2 Attacks x66% hit x 83% wound x33% penetrate =0.37 MEK


Current Justicar / GKT NFW on charge (circa 2002)

=3 Attacks x66% hit x 83% wound x100% penetrate =1.66 MEK


Equivalent PAGK NFW on charge (adding 2nd CCW, but not Rending)

=3 Attacks x66% hit x 83% wound x33% penetrate =0.55 MEK


Equivalent Justicar / GKT NFW on charge (adding 2nd CCW, but not Rending)

=4 Attacks x66% hit x 83% wound x100% penetrate =2.2 MEK


New PAGK NFW on charge (per rumor)

=3 Attacks x66% hit x 66% wound x33% penetrate =0.44 MEK

=3 Attacks x66% hit x 17% Rend x100% penetrate =0.34 MEK

=0.78 MEK


New Justicar NFW on charge (per rumor)

=4 Attacks x66% hit x 66% wound x33% penetrate =0.59 MEK

=4 Attacks x66% hit x 17% Rend x100% penetrate =0.45 MEK

=1.04 MEK


New GKT NFW on charge (per rumor)

=4 Attacks x66% hit x 83% wound x100% penetrate =2.2 MEK


Assuming the rumor is accurate it looks to me like the addition of a 2nd CCW and Rending almost doubles our combat value vs Space Marine equivalents for the PAGK but the loss of Power Weapon on the Justicar takes away about a third of his kills. GKTs get better by about a third.


Similar, but limited comparison vs vehicles of S6 vs S6 w/Rending:


...adding Rending to a S6 weapon does the following:

Vs AV10 =no change: 17% to Glance, 33% to Penetrate (typical rear armor)

Vs AV11 =no change: 17% to Glance, 17% to Penetrate

Vs AV12 =was 17% to Glance, is now !7% to Penetrate

Vs AV13 =was no chance, is now 6% to Glance & 11% to Penetrate

Vs AV14 =was no chance, is now 6% to Glance & 6% to Penetrate



The fact that CC attacks hit rear armor, which is typically AV10 means we gained nothing vs. most vehicles. We did gain a limited chance to take out vehicles with rear armors of AV12-14.


Like the rumor, take what you like from the above calculation…

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On the IST, I think people are missing the point. Sure hardly anyone uses them in IG, but that's because they're not TROOPS.


Make them identical to the IG version but scoring (and maybe some wargear options if we are lucky) and they become a whole lot more appealing, especially given that GK, while troops, are going to be uber expensive, whereas IST can provide a (compariatively) cheap choice for scoring units.


I can see armies with 3 x GK terminator squads, with 2 - 4 IST squads in Chimeras..... only now with AP3, the ISTs are more than just scoring units, they can actually kill something.

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From what I have taken from the latest rumour the Daemonhunter army can be played 2 ways. GK heavy or full of stormtroopers. The thing about Assasins not being able to be with knights strengthens this assumption. The fact that ISTs will (possibly) return is good news for me as my IST squads can go back to being ISTs and not Guard stormtroopers in INQ colours :)
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Im going with August. You can slap me if im wrong, but its what beasts of war say, an there pretty reliable.

I'd love that, but so close GW should have lifted a bit of the curtain about the GK's incomming.


Especially as I feel that GK's are high on most people's "Cool" list so if they'd come out with good rules and shiny models they would be an almost garanteed sales hit.


It's not to late, but august is getting to be more and more unlikely..

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Im going with August. You can slap me if im wrong, but its what beasts of war say, an there pretty reliable.

I'd love that, but so close GW should have lifted a bit of the curtain about the GK's incomming.


Especially as I feel that GK's are high on most people's "Cool" list so if they'd come out with good rules and shiny models they would be an almost garanteed sales hit.


It's not to late, but august is getting to be more and more unlikely..


I was speaking to Jervis at Games Day a while ago, and he told me 'We love surprises.' Just because they have been hopelessly inept at keeping anything under wraps recently doesn't mean that they can't...

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