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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Looks like back to the old speculating! LOL I am kinda glad to hear that they wont be suped up blood angels because I didn't start that army based on how weak they still are to daemons... Lets see if we hear something solid this year from GW about any sort of release. Maybe January?
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Well the only thing that particularly interested me in those rumours, the IST becoming the same as IGST will more than likely be true, so I'm not fussed by the rumour creation.


Not going to object to a delayed release either, might mean that my Radical army might be legal for long enough to actually play it before all my retinue pieces become illegal.

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Oh, and if people haven't heard, Beerfart (from dakka, originator of the rumors there) just admitted that he made them up "to see how big a false rumour thread would get".


This doesn't necessarilt make the rumours any less true :)

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I mind, I've got money to spend on new plastic models. I am actually looking forward to reading the fluff update of a codex based of the writting that has been in the newer codices that have been coming out. Playing with abilities for my personal favorite army is something that want to happen RIGHT NOW! I understand that it will take time but still... Plus I'm very curious on how GW will have GKs deal with armor.


And if I won't be able to field an enire GK army anymore (which is a real concern) I will say goodbye to 40k period.

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For what it's worth, I was talking with several people the last few days about where to take my Witch Hunters/Sisters of Battle forces. My next planned expansion (after securing the Grey Knight models I wanted) was to begin trying to track down some of the fun 'wierd' stuff in the Codex, arco-flagellants, etc. The comments from the guy in the know didn't say a lot, but at the same time they said a decent amount in what they didn't say.


I was expressing my concerns about seeing things going away and being discontinued, leaving me in a bad spot in trying to expand my forces, particularly the units I was looking at. He had several comments along the lines of "when you see things going away you know that you're about to get the love... they did it with Space Wolves." We were discussing arco-flagellants and how I might model them since the pewters were no longer available, his comment was "If you wanted to do them now... (conversion advice snipped)". The now seems to imply that he was pretty confident they weren't going away. He dismissed the idea that the Inquisitors and Retinue were going away or being nerfed, and when I was mentioning at the beginning of the conversation that I was fairly confident there would be updates soon, within the next year or two his comments were "Definately not two years... sooner than you think."


In the end, his advice (concerning my Sisters forces mind you) was that if there wasn't anything pressing that I was trying to do right now to take the money I was going to spend and save it.. "I don't care if it's in a jar buried in the back yard" type of save it. This seems to imply to me that good things are still coming, and are going to be showing up sooner than we are worried about and under the radar.


Yes, we're working with things people are allowed to say, but I've got faith in what I'm hearing. It could be we're all in for a bit of a surprise in the next year (late 2010, early 2011) which from the sounds of things will leave us all happy happy campers. Yes, it might not be as soon as we'd like (as in, now), but the implications were very very soon.

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This is the good stuff I've been hoping to hear more of. I don't need specifics and I can gladly wait until the end of the year or the beginning of next, but much beyond that I really fear our beloved =][= is going to be left in the dust of every other army.
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I just wonder - new White Dwarf is what issue?


May? But i have one copy in my posession & there is nothing about Inquisition and PDFs.


June? I seriousely doubt that this number actually is out of printers & someone buy it.


Also guys consider that warseer picture as PhSh collage due to high and accurate depiction impossible for actual scanned image.


Another fake?

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June? I seriousely doubt that this number actually is out of printers & someone buy it.

I got my copy of the June issue on the 26th of May. The pdf "rumour" is true. Doesn't mean the Codices aren't on the way though.

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I'll try to keep it on a positive light - maybe GW wasn't ready to release GKs like the rumors made us believe, but since the repercussion became so big, the gave in and are throwing us a bone.


Or they really have the GK almost out of the door, but now at the last minute they decided to give the next time slot to DE - and are throwing us this bone for the same reason above.


Maybe it's not DE's fault, or anyone else's fault - new WFB ed is around the corner, and they must had realized that they'll need much more release slots to give this thing a proper coverage, putting a lot of 40k stuff in the backseat.

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I'll try to keep it on a positive light - maybe GW wasn't ready to release GKs like the rumors made us believe, but since the repercussion became so big, the gave in and are throwing us a bone.


Or they really have the GK almost out of the door, but now at the last minute they decided to give the next time slot to DE - and are throwing us this bone for the same reason above.


Maybe it's not DE's fault, or anyone else's fault - new WFB ed is around the corner, and they must had realized that they'll need much more release slots to give this thing a proper coverage, putting a lot of 40k stuff in the backseat.


Based on what harry said, you are totally off the mark.

1) DE were planned for the end of the year. There was no question about whether it would be DE or Gk in that particular slot, barring some kind of unexpected situation.

2) There was a time slot open in August, and it seems that Games Workshop had put forward the idea of releasing the updated Grey Knights there

3) GW managed to keep the actual content of August under wraps, which is why harry (and DPA) were surprised to see Daemons show up; they were quite expecting GW to go forward with the GK codex.


Hopefully this clears up the situation a bit. There was no slot-stealing.

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I'll try to keep it on a positive light - maybe GW wasn't ready to release GKs like the rumors made us believe, but since the repercussion became so big, the gave in and are throwing us a bone.


Or they really have the GK almost out of the door, but now at the last minute they decided to give the next time slot to DE - and are throwing us this bone for the same reason above.


Maybe it's not DE's fault, or anyone else's fault - new WFB ed is around the corner, and they must had realized that they'll need much more release slots to give this thing a proper coverage, putting a lot of 40k stuff in the backseat.


Based on what harry said, you are totally off the mark.

1) DE were planned for the end of the year. There was no question about whether it would be DE or Gk in that particular slot, barring some kind of unexpected situation.

2) There was a time slot open in August, and it seems that Games Workshop had put forward the idea of releasing the updated Grey Knights there

3) GW managed to keep the actual content of August under wraps, which is why harry (and DPA) were surprised to see Daemons show up; they were quite expecting GW to go forward with the GK codex.


Hopefully this clears up the situation a bit. There was no slot-stealing.


What would met my first idea ;)


Anyway, it further gives weight to the idea that PDF is a newer idea (I know that the PDF already exist in another countries, but it's not part of a global strategy), probably triggered by the GK rumors, or at least by the general bad vibe gave by the =I= players so far - rumors aside, they were justifying the lack of minis as "something great is coming!" news. And this "great thing" is not in the horizon, what is bad for them, so they are trying to fill the gap with the PDF, cause otherwise the army will be truly unsupported until the future update, whle DE have everything still available. The problem is, they need to restock the minis, otherwise the utility of the PDF is null.

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Oh, and if people haven't heard, Beerfart (from dakka, originator of the rumors there) just admitted that he made them up "to see how big a false rumour thread would get".

I didn't get my hopes up in the first place for just this reason. Until I see GW posting grey knights on their upcoming releases I'm not letting my hopes get up. Hope is the first step down the road to disappointment. Let that be a lesson to all inquisitors. trust no one not even yourself.

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Not to hope is to despair and that opens your mind to the daemon. However pale or far it seems, one must always open his eyes to the light of the Emperor...


I'm already awaiting a new wave of rumors, be it to be happy or to bitch against GW!



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