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=I= Coming in 2010?


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I think people should pay attention to the fact they are releasing new Daemon models. :D


Could that be... only half the story? Haha! I'm only pie-raphrasing here :blush:



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With both DH and WH coming to PDF I highly doubt we receive a new codex next.

With daemons in AUG perhaps the natural progression is GK/INQ/DH (whatever it will be called) to follow right after or at least within the next 2x 40k codex releases.

After all DE have been done for over a year just give those poor bastards their codex and be done with it.

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What to make of the online PDF announcements than? Also, why the it is still called Daemonhunters Codex, unless there was no specific name given to the store yet.



Im slightly suspicious, but Ill play Khrustchev during the missile crisis here.

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Well, there's always this:








I would also like to add the fact that in maelstrom both ranges are also noneexistent(WH) or with 2 miniatures while stock lasts(DH) but DE are still there full force, and maelstrom is a big miniature provider if not the best one for GW





If this ain´t true i am starting to see GWs biggest troll, so many clues pointing to speculations arrrggggg

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Well, what the modeling mayhem site has posted fits with what I was told; that at the last managers meeting in Las Vegas, it was announced that the next codex will be "Inquistion" and contain WH, DH, and =I= units.


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I may not be the brightest person with uber search-fu skillz, but can someone please shed light on this.

It looks to me like fan art, but why there are GW and 40k markings on that picture? Is this a novel or something else?


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Maybe it's to give credit as to the guys he used the IP of? (wouldn't suprise me with GW's IP laws)


Now lets say this is going to be real codex art. There would be NERDRAGETM due to a drop pod in the background and a mk8 collar on the middle guy even though he is in terminator armour (thigh armour confirms it). Unless we get the new Mk9 power armour :P we would be the first to use it after all, right?

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No.... nobody has mk9 power armour yet. Mk8 just got issued to higher ups and some chapters got a few. Mk9 isn't even created in fluff...yet.


Where does it say any armour is reserved for the smurfs?

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because they get the shiniest newest toys, and teh ultramarines are the mariniest of all of the marines of marines of space; they have to have it.

MK9 is calgar's pajamas.


BTW i love your sig, wait till you see ward being a co-author of DH....

Grey knights weilding grey weapons and their grey dreadnaughts with grey talons shooting grey missiles and grey lances with grey lightning from their grey eyes

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I hear the new elite choice is the Ultragrey marines <_<


As far as I'm concerned, the next GK codex can have a picture of Margaret Tatcher in the nude if it means I get it sooner...



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As far as I'm concerned, the next GK codex can have a picture of Margaret Tatcher in the nude if it means I get it sooner...


The amount of awesome in that sentence just astounds me.


But enough of the denials people. =][= is a definite most likely for the new codex. Taking down all the models and everything is just getting rid of product that isn't moving and storing it away somewhere until people go nuts for OOP crap and pay 50 times what it's worth (for some god awful reason) or just getting rid of an irreplacable product since the current line is being cut off from production in case if someone calls up with missing parts in a box set. Simple as that as it's preventing a customer service nightmare, and we all know GW's incredibly impressive track record when it comes to Customer Service. GK has minimal selling power right now unlike something along the lines of Chaos Daemons Bloodcrushers.


Speaking of 'Crushers, everyone else was saying "No way they are going to release a plastic bloodcrusher!" and barely any time passed when it was found out that a box set of 3 was coming out.


And to answer the point of "why bother with putting the codex on the site?" It's really simple. To get people interested in it or knowledgeable about the army to boost additional sales for an upcoming release. Believe it or not, GW does know what they are doing.

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