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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Well I still haven't seen any downloadable PDFs, however I've now heard buzz from my local rumor mill that there'll probably be new models in October for the Inquisition folks. That seems to fit with the various other rumors we've been hearing, and would fit with what was let slip to me earlier and posted in this thread.


Seems like we might not want to lose hope yet!

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and would fit with what was let slip to me earlier and posted in this thread


Would you mind refreshing us on what that was? :P

Post # 1043


I've heard several things in my neck of the woods concerning the fact that the work and rules is done... and that good things are indeed still coming in terms of awesome improvement. It could be as simple as trying to keep interest in peoples DH / WH armies so they don't leave the hobby. It could also be a total red herring move to try and throw off the scent, or be as simple as "alright, so since we've had a slight delay with the model prep, lets put the copies of the old 'Dex back out and release them in three months later than planned when we've got the product on hand."


Post # 1088


I was expressing my concerns about seeing things going away and being discontinued, leaving me in a bad spot in trying to expand my forces, particularly the units I was looking at. He had several comments along the lines of "when you see things going away you know that you're about to get the love... they did it with Space Wolves." We were discussing arco-flagellants and how I might model them since the pewters were no longer available, his comment was "If you wanted to do them now... (conversion advice snipped)". The now seems to imply that he was pretty confident they weren't going away. He dismissed the idea that the Inquisitors and Retinue were going away or being nerfed, and when I was mentioning at the beginning of the conversation that I was fairly confident there would be updates soon, within the next year or two his comments were "Definately not two years... sooner than you think."


In the end, his advice (concerning my Sisters forces mind you) was that if there wasn't anything pressing that I was trying to do right now to take the money I was going to spend and save it.. "I don't care if it's in a jar buried in the back yard" type of save it. This seems to imply to me that good things are still coming, and are going to be showing up sooner than we are worried about and under the radar.


Now I admit this is entirely unspecific and without a lot of detail, however I chose to not pry. It does fit with the theorized timelines though.. the fall release was talked about before. Nothing solid, but taken in context to the generic things (not the fake rumors that seem to have been dished out) it seems to fit.

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I want Ward on design and ADB on fluff. (can't wait for first heretic....)


Right there, you SoBs! (Sisters of battle, of course). That's the plan I want, he's actually a decent rules writer (but horrific fluff writer). Mat Ward is.


Look, talking won't make them come faster. They won't come today, or tommorrow. Just be patient, that's all you can do.


This thread is waaaayyyy too long.

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That's the plan I want, he's actually a decent rules writer (but horrific fluff writer). Mat Ward is.

Personally hope he doesn't get anywhere near a codex for a very long time, especially for an army that I play (GK's). Just my personal opinion though.



This thread is waaaayyyy too long.

Here I agree with you 100%!!! :cry:

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New minis in october makes me wonder if the codices will really not be modified when released as PDFs.


C'mon, our codices are good, just outdated. Fix the obsolete rules and points, give us some extra ICs and some models, like the stormraven and the repressor, and they could easily release them in a small release, like this deamons' second wave.

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About the picture - I don't like the idea of sergeants wearing no helmets in DH army.


There's usually an option to put a helmeted head on all squad members in the plastic kits... I don't like the idea of any marine going barehead to war, it's idiotic!



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And to answer the point of "why bother with putting the codex on the site?" It's really simple. To get people interested in it or knowledgeable about the army to boost additional sales for an upcoming release. Believe it or not, GW does know what they are doing.

they had problems with the fact that each and every imperial army runs and inq with mystics and a few run GK GM for the psychic hood and because of the out of print deck , people couldnt legaly play with them , specialy on tournaments when you have to bring an official printed codex , if it exists . By making a pdf every imperial player now can just carry a few pages with him .

the way GK or SoB sells look right now and how they looked before the models were pulled out of GW stores the theory about people being interested in them [specialy as you can counts as your INQ or GK GM] is false.

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Threads for the thread god!


Posts for the post throne!


In other news, none of the GW staff I've talked to recently had any idea when the PDF was actually going to go up on the website. One of them thought it already had :/

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That's the plan I want, he's actually a decent rules writer (but horrific fluff writer). Mat Ward is.
Personally hope he doesn't get anywhere near a codex for a very long time, especially for an army that I play (GK's). Just my personal opinion though.
This thread is waaaayyyy too long.
Here I agree with you 100%!!! :D
I've spent four months in an internetless wasteland and a thread I posted in is still on the front page?


Good Grief.


Fall timing would work well for me from a work/life schedualing perspective.

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I've spent four months in an internetless wasteland and a thread I posted in is still on the front page?


Good Grief.

I haven't seen a reason really to split it as it's still the same topic...


Now once there's an official announcement I'll close this one and open a new one with various scuttlebutt and new info, but as long as all we're going on is rumor and conjecture.. might as well use the same thread :)

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I've spent four months in an internetless wasteland and a thread I posted in is still on the front page?


Good Grief.

I haven't seen a reason really to split it as it's still the same topic...


Now once there's an official announcement I'll close this one and open a new one with various scuttlebutt and new info, but as long as all we're going on is rumor and conjecture.. might as well use the same thread :)


I think it would be cool if after the announcement this thread would be used for rumors for the codex after the next one!

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Despite the fact that people qouted my post, I don't think it's done anything.


I guess people, including myself, have too much fun with this thread. I hope it's keep very alive until we get a new codex!


I guess the upcoming PDFs will spark a new round of comments (positive or négative, depending on what's in the PDFs)...



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Take this as a 'friend-of-a-friend' thing, but I just heard from a pal of mine in England. He's saying GK are coming after DE (who are the next book). He got to look at the first few pages. Apparently 'knights carry 'psybolters', which are Storm Bolters with the pistol special rule. Also a global special rule allowing them to re-roll failed saves from 'No Retreat'. A S8 AP1 psyker power that if it penetrates a vehicle, all passengers take S5 hit. A S5 shooting power that lets you pick a number between 2-6, that is the AP and number of shots. A power that makes all deepstrikes (friendly and enemy) within 18" not scatter, and one that doubles the number of 'No Retreat' wounds caused on an enemy in assault.
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