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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Having a browse over on the GW website I've just noticed (and this is probably me just being slow, but there you go!) that Arcos are no longer available. Looks like they may be a prime candidate for ebaying given the price of all things WH/DH.
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Take this as a 'friend-of-a-friend' thing, but I just heard from a pal of mine in England. He's saying GK are coming after DE (who are the next book). He got to look at the first few pages. Apparently 'knights carry 'psybolters', which are Storm Bolters with the pistol special rule. Also a global special rule allowing them to re-roll failed saves from 'No Retreat'. A S8 AP1 psyker power that if it penetrates a vehicle, all passengers take S5 hit. A S5 shooting power that lets you pick a number between 2-6, that is the AP and number of shots. A power that makes all deepstrikes (friendly and enemy) within 18" not scatter, and one that doubles the number of 'No Retreat' wounds caused on an enemy in assault.


I would happily take that. Sadly this seems a friend of a friend that's wishlisting kind of thing.

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Take this as a 'friend-of-a-friend' thing, but I just heard from a pal of mine in England. He's saying GK are coming after DE (who are the next book). He got to look at the first few pages. Apparently 'knights carry 'psybolters', which are Storm Bolters with the pistol special rule. Also a global special rule allowing them to re-roll failed saves from 'No Retreat'. A S8 AP1 psyker power that if it penetrates a vehicle, all passengers take S5 hit. A S5 shooting power that lets you pick a number between 2-6, that is the AP and number of shots. A power that makes all deepstrikes (friendly and enemy) within 18" not scatter, and one that doubles the number of 'No Retreat' wounds caused on an enemy in assault.



...and that all Grey Knights count as scoring. Also, any opposing units within 72" of a Grey Knight do not count as scoring. Grey Knights also have a psychic power which confers the "Rainbow Weapons" rule (see below) on all enemy weapons. Lastly, they will have fast units that deep strike on flying unicorns who have the "Bad, 80's, inspirational, rock anthem" ability (see below).


Rainbow Weapons: Any unit affected by the Rainbow weapons rule will confer a 1+ invulnerable save on any unit they target (may only target opposing player's models) until the end of the next full game turn.


Bad, 80's, inspirational, rock anthem: Allows the unit to move 48", fire all weapons, assault with I10, +2 attacks, count all wounds inflicted as if caused by a NFW that slays outright and ignores invulnerable saves and eternal warrior. After a unit with the Bad, 80's, Inspirational, rock anthem special rule is finished attacking it disengage from combat up to 10d6+72" on a d6 roll of 1+. If at any point in the game you spontaneously break into "You Got the Touch", "Eye of the Tiger", "You're the Best Around", or any other suitable training, competing, blowing stuff up montage anthem from the 80's and early 90's, you may place a large blast template over any enemy unit that attacks with S10 AP 1 Rolling Scatter dice as normal and subtracting 12 from the scatter roll.


- "You got the touch. You got the power. When all hell's breakin' loose you'll be right in the eye of the storm." :yes:

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A S8 AP1 psyker power that if it penetrates a vehicle, all passengers take S5 hit


Apart from the ruling (that inspires so much debate with 'The Doom') that Psychic Powers don't effect using embarked, even with Codex trumping main book, can you imagine the problems this would bring up?


Failed Moral tests, Going to Ground, etc.


It's a big can of worms just waiting to be opened 'officially'...

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Take this as a 'friend-of-a-friend' thing, but I just heard from a pal of mine in England. He's saying GK are coming after DE (who are the next book). He got to look at the first few pages. Apparently 'knights carry 'psybolters', which are Storm Bolters with the pistol special rule. Also a global special rule allowing them to re-roll failed saves from 'No Retreat'. A S8 AP1 psyker power that if it penetrates a vehicle, all passengers take S5 hit. A S5 shooting power that lets you pick a number between 2-6, that is the AP and number of shots. A power that makes all deepstrikes (friendly and enemy) within 18" not scatter, and one that doubles the number of 'No Retreat' wounds caused on an enemy in assault.



...and that all Grey Knights count as scoring. Also, any opposing units within 72" of a Grey Knight do not count as scoring. Grey Knights also have a psychic power which confers the "Rainbow Weapons" rule (see below) on all enemy weapons. Lastly, they will have fast units that deep strike on flying unicorns who have the "Bad, 80's, inspirational, rock anthem" ability (see below).


Rainbow Weapons: Any unit affected by the Rainbow weapons rule will confer a 1+ invulnerable save on any unit they target (may only target opposing player's models) until the end of the next full game turn.


Bad, 80's, inspirational, rock anthem: Allows the unit to move 48", fire all weapons, assault with I10, +2 attacks, count all wounds inflicted as if caused by a NFW that slays outright and ignores invulnerable saves and eternal warrior. After a unit with the Bad, 80's, Inspirational, rock anthem special rule is finished attacking it disengage from combat up to 10d6+72" on a d6 roll of 1+. If at any point in the game you spontaneously break into "You Got the Touch", "Eye of the Tiger", "You're the Best Around", or any other suitable training, competing, blowing stuff up montage anthem from the 80's and early 90's, you may place a large blast template over any enemy unit that attacks with S10 AP 1 Rolling Scatter dice as normal and subtracting 12 from the scatter roll.


- "You got the touch. You got the power. When all hell's breakin' loose you'll be right in the eye of the storm." :(


#1 did i mention i thought it was wishllisting?


#2 You sir win an internet.

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#1 did i mention i thought it was wishllisting?


Indeed. I suck at quoting and am too lazy to pour through this *ahem* short thread to find the original, so I just quoted your quote...a quote of a quote if you will.

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A S8 AP1 psyker power that if it penetrates a vehicle, all passengers take S5 hit


Apart from the ruling (that inspires so much debate with 'The Doom') that Psychic Powers don't effect using embarked, even with Codex trumping main book, can you imagine the problems this would bring up?


Failed Moral tests, Going to Ground, etc.


It's a big can of worms just waiting to be opened 'officially'...


I don't think it's really the same thing. Doom of Malntai doesn't specifically state one way or the other whether it affects transports or not - hence the confusion. If this supposed new GK psychic power specifically states it affects passengers, that more or less clears things up.

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So what happens when the passengers take 25% casualties and fail the moral test? what happens if their transport had moved flat out in the turn before? What heppens if they want to take Cover saves from the attack? What happens if they go to ground? What happens if they're Black Templers?


Having *anything* in the game that damages units in transports opens up a boatload of questions, that 40k doesn't currently have rulings for.

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So what happens when the passengers take 25% casualties and fail the moral test? what happens if their transport had moved flat out in the turn before? What heppens if they want to take Cover saves from the attack? What happens if they go to ground? What happens if they're Black Templers?


Having *anything* in the game that damages units in transports opens up a boatload of questions, that 40k doesn't currently have rulings for.


Indeed. Plus it's hard to imagine a psychic power that is less useful against Daemons. :tu:

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So what happens when the passengers take 25% casualties and fail the moral test?

cant disembark because there are no rules for it and so they automaticly fall under the "try to do a fall back move but fail" and are destroyed.


hat heppens if they want to take Cover saves from the attack?

you can only claim a cover save when your on the table so no cover.


What happens if they're Black Templers?

if they pass Ld they try to move , but there are no rules for disembarking outside of your own movment phase or when the transport is destroyed , so the action fails. If they fail the Ld tes then it works the same as every other non fearless unit , they cant make theif fall back move and are destroyed.

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And the amount of outcry that would be heard when you kill 25% of a squad with this, they fail their Ld and you try to have the squad destroyed...


That's my whole point with this situation.


The Doom added something to the game that's already causing controversy, with almost no rules to explain how it works.


An 'offical' attack that can damage units in transports. That would reaure a FAQ/Errata of the Main rule book just to make work...

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And the amount of outcry that would be heard when you kill 25% of a squad with this, they fail their Ld and you try to have the squad destroyed...


That's my whole point with this situation.


The Doom added something to the game that's already causing controversy, with almost no rules to explain how it works.


An 'offical' attack that can damage units in transports. That would reaure a FAQ/Errata of the Main rule book just to make work...

You can be forced to take a Ld test whilst in a transport regardless of the doom.

Imperial Guard Command Squad with multiple plasma guns, loses 25% casualties to "Gets Hot".

Small squad with a psyker attached who suffers a perils of the warp and kills himself.

Squad of five stormtroopers with two plasma guns suffers two casualties to gets hot.


Just because it was rare as hell doesn't mean it couldn't happen in a game previously.


This is getting slightly off topic though, back to waiting for PDF's of codices to see what GW does with them.

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You've got it! This request is going out to Gentlemanloser: May the Aegis protect you and your stormbolters always hit their mark!


I heard from my aunt's sister-in-law who just happens to be sleeping with a dude who works for a hobby store that sells a small amount of GW products (mostly Fantasy and mostly to the same kid) that "the shiny knight dudes in that 4000K game" (I assume he means GK) are going to "totally get way cooler." Apparently their "thingy with the shooting from other dudes" (the shrouding?) will "get, like, totally more blinding and stuff." Also, "the daemon dudes are totally gonna be hurting. Like, seriously dude, hur-ting"


I have taken this as a very good sign.

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There's not really any 'rumours' floating aorund out there at the moment to give substance to the thread any more. :rolleyes:


WTB moar GK rumours...


Even faked leaked coxedes!


Okay Gentlemanloser,


I was a fake leaked codex playtester for GW, and I made a copy:




Please provide feedback so that I Phil Kelly can make final adjustments prior to going to the printers.



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Pfft! That's no fun, I know that's a homebrew! :D


yeah, I didn't try hard to hide it. I think you even provided some feedback for me when I worked on this project back in the fall.


You need to upload a changed versus under a psuedoname to games-workshop. :)


I probably should have just mailed a copy in to Jervis, but I had heard they weren't very receptive of fan-made work. Should have done it anyway with a note added to "do it like this, and try not to frack it up!"



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Another tidbit.. this time concerning Inquisition grenades...


"Like using psychout greandes and having an Int. of 10 with now cover restrictions"


I'm assuming the now should be a no, giving essentially frag grenades that also sort of act like a howling banshee mask. Imagine the chaos that can cause with presumably Grey Knight charges! He also mentioned something about a new class of Monolith, but that's a different army entirely.


Anyway.. more details and rumors as I hear about them!

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plastic sisters? (any rumours?)


I think you've asked this 5-6 times in the last three pages :unsure: Don't worry, any news of plastic sisters will be announced with much happiness and fervour, you won't miss it!



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