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=I= Coming in 2010?


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really? thats pretty amazing..so every bandc member has seen this thread then?


No, it means that each BnC member that has any interest in the next Grey Knights codex has looked in on this thread a couple of dozen times each. The view counter gets a new tick everytime you come back to view it over and over. He's just saying that this is one long as hell thread, and that the view counter is about as large as the membership of the whole BnC.

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Hey, long time lurker here posting for the first time.


I was in at my game story yesterday (a pretty big one) and there was a notice on the counter saying "Upcoming releases - Dark Eldar, Gray Knights." When I asked about it, the store owner said that when he called Games Workshop earlier that week to do one last restock before GW's price change, he asked if there was any way he could restock any of his gray knight blisters, and he was told "Don't bother, there will be new boxes to order by the end of the year."


Take it how you will. I, for one, am willing to chalk it up to an employee talking about something they really don't know... but I can hope.

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With the Chaos Daemons 2nd wave coming, it is incredibly likely that Grey Knights are soon to follow. GW are known for doing that sort of thing.

The most recent example is the Space Hulk re-release.

It's a little more than coincidence that after Space Hulk was brought out again, both the Tyranids AND Blood Angels got their codexes updated


Just some food for thought :D

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Just saw that Stormtroopers with assault weapons are no longer available on the US GW website.


Also, the Chimera is listed as no longer available under Daemonhunters, though it is available for IG.


The Stormtrooper bit is certainly interesting. Most people just use Kasrkin for their stormtroopers, though, so that could mean either discontinuation from lack of sales, or they're thinking about releasing plastics. The former seems more likely, methinks.

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Just saw that Stormtroopers with assault weapons are no longer available on the US GW website.


Also, the Chimera is listed as no longer available under Daemonhunters, though it is available for IG.


The Stormtrooper bit is certainly interesting. Most people just use Kasrkin for their stormtroopers, though, so that could mean either discontinuation from lack of sales, or they're thinking about releasing plastics. The former seems more likely, methinks.


I believe it's because they are metals, and IG players are wainting for a 2nd wave of releases for quite some time now, so I believe plastics will come for those, specially if they plan to keep them and/or make them more relevant as =I= choices in the future. Since they are availabe for 3 armies, they are one of the most suitable IG choices to go plastics next.

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With the Chaos Daemons 2nd wave coming, it is incredibly likely that Grey Knights are soon to follow

ok. when the demon dex came out , did you guys get new models ? no you didnt . when the GK dex came out did the demons get new models ?

Why is it likely that just because demons get a 2ed wave the GK will get models too. On what are you basing this ?

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It would make sense, they hope many will buy daemon stuff and others will get pissed of getting pounded by Daemons (unlikely to happen). Than gw will come with the "ultimate" anti Daemon dex in form of Daemon hunters.
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It would make sense, they hope many will buy daemon stuff and others will get pissed of getting pounded by Daemons (unlikely to happen). Than gw will come with the "ultimate" anti Daemon dex in form of Daemon hunters.


I don't think Daemonhunters will be the same codex we've grown used to. It's my belief that the agents of the Ordo Malleus, as well as the Adeptus Sororitas, will be far more flexible in their effectiveness against other armies. Grey Knights in particular, I estimate, will likely have a few more abilities and gadgets that will be useful against all armies, rather than just against Daemons, though the occasional daemon-target-only ability or two will likely survive the transition.

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DarkKnightCuron, as spot on as you are with stating the direction the future DH codex should go, I have high doubts. Can't shake the idea that GW will trash us even further by making the next dex even more anti-daemon and less anti-everything else and thus even less competitive.
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With the Chaos Daemons 2nd wave coming, it is incredibly likely that Grey Knights are soon to follow

ok. when the demon dex came out , did you guys get new models ? no you didnt . when the GK dex came out did the demons get new models ?

Why is it likely that just because demons get a 2ed wave the GK will get models too. On what are you basing this ?


No need to be so vicious about it.

I'm basing it off what GW did with Space Hulk. Space Hulk is Blood Angels Terminators and Tyranid Genestealers, correct?

GW used the hype behind Space Hulk to bring out the new Tyranids and Blood Angels codexes respectively, seeing as people who bought Space Hulk now have a whole heap of Genestealers and Terminators. Having those models already, in addition to the new codex releases was part of a tie-in to get more players into using these particular two armies.


Now look at the current situation; Chaos Daemons are the army that Daemonhunters are meant to be good against, but in fact, they walk all over us like any other army due to very (3rd edition) out-dated rules. Also, the release of a Grey Knights/Daemonhunters codex would give GW a good excuse to release the Storm Raven kit, as it will generate sales from both Blood Angels AND Grey Knights players (it states in the BA codex that Grey Knights had usage of the Storm Ravens first). The new Daemons models are encouraging larger/new Chaos Daemons armies, to give a solid foe for the Grey Knights to take on, meaning a possibility for more GK/DH players, or the expansion of existing armies with new (plastic?) GKs, IST's, etc.


This generates sales for Daemons, Blood Angels and GK/DH's in addition to providing hype for the GK/DH's, as they will have new rules and models to better destroy the forces of the Daemonic. See my point now?


Contrary to popular belief, DH and GK models sell rather well, especially due to the GK portrayal in the Dawn Of War games.

I think i read somewhere thet Sisters of Battle are the worst selling army/model range. Not sure on that exactly, though.

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I think i read somewhere thet Sisters of Battle are the worst selling army/model range. Not sure on that exactly, though.


Expensive metal models, while not being as points expensive as Grey Knights means it one heck of an investment to make.


You want a squad of Sisters with special weapons? $150 AU. Add another $60 AU for a transport and you have one troops choice and about 175 points...


You want an Exorcist $100 AU and it will be here in a few weeks.


A 500 point sisters army will run you up about $400-500.




Buy Space Marines. Pay $150, get starter box.




My Wallet cries itself to sleep an night, dreaming of plastic Sisters of Battle.

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Until the midterm of the 4th edtion, SoBs and GKs were rumored on several occasions as being selling quite well, there were top sellers, just behind the usual suspects, or even matching them during the Inquisitor/Eisenhorn heydays. They used to be the most awesome miniatures in GW line until they started migrating the main stuff to plastics. What is very logical, since they became more expensive.


And of course, everything went downhill in the 5th edition, cause of codex creep. But it's not just =I= that's selling bad, Necrons, Eldar and Tau are far from be the hits they were used to be.

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GW seems to procrastinate the releases of any army that doesn't accept Marneus Calgar as his spiritual liege.

We just need to let GW know we are still here, buying their models

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The canadian version of the GW website doesn't have any Ordo 'Dex listed anymore, I guess they will show the new ones in the advance order soon !!


Both the Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters codices were removed from all the GW websites ages ago. I forget how long ago, but they were the first things to go. It's been at least 2-3 months - I think... :D

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Just a note, the web page for where the codex would go ("codex and sets" for other armies) was taken down on the US page a while back. HOWEVER, a new slot titled "Codex" HAS been put up, ALTHOUGH THE CODEX IS STILL MISSING FROM BOTH DH AND WH. Expect them soon?
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