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=I= Coming in 2010?


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They take a long time to put the pdf's up, could we expect some changes eg Rhino 35 points and/ or standard Force weapon rules?


Unfortunately, i doubt it.

If the rumors are true about GKs being updated in the next 6 months, they wouldn't make any changes.

The PDFs might be late because GW are too busy writing our new codex, or making our plastic Knights for all we know :)

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No need to be so vicious about it.

by asking a question ?? how is that even possible.



Having those models already, in addition to the new codex releases was part of a tie-in to get more players into using these particular two armies.

but the stealers are unplayable in w40k and both them and the termis requier serious rebasing to use in normal games. +SH did not boost the sales of the nide dex in anyway as it had the same all flavor of the month armies have[what wasnt so in 4th ed , they had good sales months after the codex hit the stores].



Also, the release of a Grey Knights/Daemonhunters codex would give GW a good excuse to release the Storm Raven kit, as it will generate sales from both Blood Angels AND Grey Knights players (it states in the BA codex that Grey Knights had usage of the Storm Ravens first).

only there are no plastic or metal new models for GK so the chance for new dex are 0. GW wont do a dex that has no full plastic range of models to support it.

same with the raven . A codex goes to pring 3 months before it goes to shops and is ready from 3 to 4 months before it goes to print . no one saw anything and no one heard anything about new GK . they are not even in the one year plan GW has . and this means if GW starts to work on it today the fastest you would get a new dex is in 6 months . And GW would not put something like GK in christmas time.


The new Daemons models are encouraging larger/new Chaos Daemons armies, to give a solid foe for the Grey Knights to take on, meaning a possibility for more GK/DH players, or the expansion of existing armies with new (plastic?)

take a look at the demon part of the forum . it is dead. most people playing demons and those who originaly started them were people who had demon armies in WFB . and WFB demons are a very different army from what we have in w40k . + the same was said about demons and codx csm , that chaos players seeing the new models will want to first get demons for their csm lists and then make demon armies. Only they didnt. the dex didnt start to sell better when demon models or the demon dex came out.


Contrary to popular belief, DH and GK models sell rather well, especially due to the GK portrayal in the Dawn Of War games.

they sell realy realy bad , compering to plastic ranges like sm or IG , even older armies like tau or eldar sell better. only plastic that sells worse is DE , but they more or less dont exist . Sob sell worse too , but I blame this on needing more models for an army then GK and the less good combination of guard.

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Contrary to popular belief, DH and GK models sell rather well, especially due to the GK portrayal in the Dawn Of War games.

I think i read somewhere thet Sisters of Battle are the worst selling army/model range. Not sure on that exactly, though.

Sorry, but I'm not buying this. If the Grey Knights would sell, this would've been translated in a regular update of the codex and keeping the models in sight of the customers. Right now they're ignoring the codex, and most Inquisition models have been banished to a fate of mailorder only. Judging from the armies one is likely to encounter (on tournaments or in casual games), you'd be hard pressed to find any army with elements of the Inquisition.


While I do enjoy bringing my Sisters to the table, I can see that people that start out in the hobby will not even consider going the path of the Inquisition. Having S3 T3 "marines" that pay 50+ for a Rhino without the repair rule, or have S4 T4 with a multitude of special weapons and a decent choice from an arsenal of shiny vehicles makes for an easy choice, especially when you can purchase the latter in the blink of an eye, and you need to have access to a credit card, internet, etc for event the basic Inquisition troops.


Only army I've seen less then Inquisition is Dark Eldar, and that's probably because they don't enjoy the 3+ save the Inquisition does... (that and a range of the most hideous minis ever released),

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@Jeske, Space Wolves were also a 3rd edition army, and they only just recently got redone. They also came in pretty well under the radar, too. Not much was known about them until the codex was ready for printing.


Why do you think we won't get a new codex? DHs sell better than DE, and they have been planning on patching them for a while.

DE are getting an entire new product line released for them, do you think GW would be so tight as to not make plastic GKs and GKTs? It gives them a great tie-in release for the Storm Raven, too. GW is all about getting it's players to buy more, and what better way than to get them into a new army? There's a codex, HQ unit and 2 troops almost guaranteed.

People starting new armies makes money, which explains the 'flavor of the month' approach with the 5th edition releases.


The Genestealers are playable, blu-tac them on small bases, use a Terminator base for the Broodlord and you're done. I have seen some awesome Space Hulk Terminators painted and based to be used in 40k, so it is possible.


Also, we haven't needed new metal minis, as they are still among the best quality GW has made. Not bad considering the models were released 7 years ago.

The thing we want is plastics, as it is cheaper for us to buy and for GW to manufacture. They have also said somewhere that they never intend to discontinue an army again (it would drastically reduce the life-expectancy of the GW head staff).


The lack of people in the Daemons forums may have something to do with B&C being a mostly power armor forum. The same reason we don't have Orks and Tau threads on here. Daemons are only included because their spiky, power armored friends are here as well.


@ Obliterator

SoB are still competitive, you just have to rely on your own skill, rather than new, overpowered rules and units. Same with Grey Knights, but they are even harder to play.


Inquisitors with Mystics are still a popular choice for IG armies out there, especially in tournaments. As much as we don't want it, keeping the Allies rule in would boost the sales of the new DH/GKs, as any army could throw in a few GKTs and an inquisitor, all with the stats they deserve.

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I agree, some awesome new plastics for GK and =][= are a perfect choice for IG and SM players looking to expand into a new army without having to start from scratch. You buy one set of minis and you can ally them into your force. What IG player wouldn't want an option to add some GK into their line up when they are expecting to play chaos? Or if a BA or SW SM player wants some cheap fodder to take the assault so they can counter assault, an inquisitor and a couple units of IST makes a good choice.


Sorry, but I'm not buying this. If the Grey Knights would sell, this would've been translated in a regular update of the codex and keeping the models in sight of the customers. Right now they're ignoring the codex, and most Inquisition models have been banished to a fate of mailorder only.


This is exactly why they haven't been selling for the last few years. Based on things I've read online and what I've heard from friends I honestly think it would take very little for GW to breath new life into the =][=. Plastics, some updated rules and the inclusion of Xenos Hunters could really turn things around and make the =][= a decently popular army.

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Jeske, Space Wolves were also a 3rd edition army, and they only just recently got redone. They also came in pretty well under the radar, too. Not much was known about them until the codex was ready for printing.

sw were an upgrade to the sm codex. each time a new sm codex came out they were getting new rules[like rending AC] , new gear etc.


Why do you think we won't get a new codex? DHs sell better than DE, and they have been planning on patching them for a while.

because normaly when they pull stuff away from shops and stop printing codex [ah by the way the french german etc version were stoped being done a few years ago , the sales must have been realy bad] , the forms for new models are ready . No such thing now. In all the books ment for 5th ed , INQ was replaced with forces of the empire , there close to 0 update for both WH/DH as special scenarios goes [and yeah I know each IG buff is also a buff for INQ armies] . DH do not sell better then DE. DE just dont sell at all , the forms that made some of DE the models are gone . And the part about how DE are planed to get a new dex is something that returns every 3-4 years. And still no new models in sight , no rumors . + what is important why would GW make an army that may flop [like it did last time] , when it can make a new tau or eldar dex and be sure of success ?


It gives them a great tie-in release for the Storm Raven, too.

were are the pics of the models or the rumors from people that know stuff that the model is coming and that it will be used by DH? sm players when they heard about the landers though that it wouldnt make sense to make such a "cool" transport and give it to just one chapter . and then exactly that happened . your wish thinking here and basing what you want to happen from a single entry from a single book . But guess what DA invented the two hvy weapon dread and they cant use it [unlike ultramarines]. Same happens here.



Also, we haven't needed new metal minis, as they are still among the best quality GW has made.

this is not how GW works . When they make a new army then A the focus since around codex eldar is always plastic all the time . They just wont do an all metal army , because they sell bad. they also never ever make a new codex without new models . when a model line is not yet ready they even go as far as pushing away certain less selling dex[like what happened with orks and csm] . If GK or SoB models are not ready ,then there is not going to be any INQ codex in the near future.

They have also said somewhere that they never intend to discontinue an army again (it would drastically reduce the life-expectancy of the GW head staff).

tell me when DE dont get any new codex for god knows how long and new models are not made[and by new I dont mean new as fresh , but no new casts] it does look like discontinuing a line for me. GW says a lot of things . When chaos players were given their dex and there was a huge out cry from players , they told us they want to stream line the dex for everyone and give armies a more uniform look ... and then they did sm , ig , sw and ba which are many things but not streamlined.

The lack of people in the Daemons forums may have something to do with B&C being a mostly power armor forum. The same reason we don't have Orks and Tau threads on here. Daemons are only included because their spiky, power armored friends are here as well.

ok and the slanesh and 1ksons forums are mostly dead too and power armor[slanesh one hasnt had any posts in what 3 days ??] , only the armies suck . Demons are a bad army it is plain and simple , no matter what people say about playing for fun and not to win no one plays stuff that just doesnt work . Yes there can be old time vets that post in such forums , but demons dont have that kind of people .



Or if a BA or SW SM player wants some cheap fodder to take the assault so they can counter assault, an inquisitor and a couple units of IST makes a good choice.

the way BAs and SW are cheap the inq ist would have to cost around 6-8 points each to be seen as a viable option.

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SoB are still competitive, you just have to rely on your own skill, rather than new, overpowered rules and units. Same with Grey Knights, but they are even harder to play.

I never said they weren't competitive, just that you see them less :D .


This is exactly why they haven't been selling for the last few years. Based on things I've read online and what I've heard from friends I honestly think it would take very little for GW to breath new life into the =][=. Plastics, some updated rules and the inclusion of Xenos Hunters could really turn things around and make the =][= a decently popular army.

While it's true that from a hobbyist perspective, it might be easy to breath new life in the Inquisition armies, I doubt that this would be the same from a GW perspective. The way GW is going right now is that they try to make sure that most of the basic troops are available as plastics. For GKs, this would be feasable by providing sort of an upgrade sprue like they did for BT, but turning the Sisters into plastic would mean that they need to invest in designing all new sprues, as the metal minis could not be reused. Most likely, we'd be seeing new HQ boxes as well, with plastic canonesses with lots of weapons options (like the marine and Chaos commanders).

While I do hope that you're right about this (I'd love to see plastic GKs the quality of the new BA or BT models) I don't see it happen any time soon. And cutting all support from an army (not upgrading FAQs, no new models, etc.) to sell more in a month? That's just poor marketing. You basically remove lots of chances to reach new Inquisition players during that time of no support, players that will likely start out a new army and forget about the Inquisition.

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tell me when DE dont get any new codex for god knows how long and new models are not made[and by new I dont mean new as fresh , but no new casts] it does look like discontinuing a line for me.
...so ice cream or custard with your humble pie sir?


The amount of time and development GW have put into DE would make it a foolish decision indeed to shelve at this point in the proceedings. We know for a fact that Jes Goodwin has had a big input into creating an updated DE for the 40K universe and we'll see the end result soon enough.

Just because something isn't immediately visible doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Watch this space...


Back on topic though, we are in for a looong wait for anything =][= related. We know there's nothing on the radar within the next 3 months. I am curious about what GW are planning for GD10, my money would be on DE or at least a sneak preview of DE at the event but at the moment it's anyone's guess. Looking at what is due an update, tau, necrons, DA, BT, we (that is =][=) should be in line for something soon but given the fundamental need for an entirely new line in minis I can't help but think that we'll be lucky to see anything in the forseeable future.

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Looking at what is due an update, tau, necrons, DA, BT, we (that is =][=) should be in line for something soon but given the fundamental need for an entirely new line in minis I can't help but think that we'll be lucky to see anything in the forseeable future.


Very true Sir. And that's assuming that GW focuses on the most out of date / weakest codices first. As we've seen previous releases, that's not always the case. While I agree that the 5 codices you listed are definitely most in need of updates (along with DE of course), I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a new Eldar codex in there somewhere, and maybe even a new Ork codex - even though both Eldar and Orks are far more competitive than the others listed.


Only time will tell I suppose. I agree that we probably won't hear much anything in the way of 40K until Gamesday.

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Looking at what is due an update, tau, necrons, DA, BT, we (that is =][=) should be in line for something soon but given the fundamental need for an entirely new line in minis I can't help but think that we'll be lucky to see anything in the forseeable future.


Very true Sir. And that's assuming that GW focuses on the most out of date / weakest codices first. As we've seen previous releases, that's not always the case. While I agree that the 5 codices you listed are definitely most in need of updates (along with DE of course), I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a new Eldar codex in there somewhere, and maybe even a new Ork codex - even though both Eldar and Orks are far more competitive than the others listed.


Only time will tell I suppose. I agree that we probably won't hear much anything in the way of 40K until Gamesday.

I'd actually put money on Eldar being within the next 4 releases. That's not based on fact mind but more the case that Eldar would seem to be a good release around or shortly after DE. Also with the recent WD rules release it appears that offical eldar stuff is being worked on at the moment.
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...so ice cream or custard with your humble pie sir?


You understand that humble pies are filled with meat, yes? ^_^


And in the grim dark future, we put custard on our meat pies. I don't understand why this is so hard for people. ;)

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We know for a fact that Jes Goodwin has had a big input into creating an updated DE for the 40K universe and we'll see the end result soon enough.

yeah and people said it a year ago and two years ago and the codex is still not there . the army missed 2 editions right now and we are around half of 5th.



Just because something isn't immediately visible doesn't mean it doesn't exist

immediately like in what 8 or 9 years till the DE dex came out ? the talk about how Goodwin has the whole dark eldar army model range was there end of 4th ed . It was there when orks were pushed back [but they did csm instead] and the second year in to 5th ed we still have not even one pic or leak of the DE dex.



I am curious about what GW are planning for GD10

space marines.

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I think i read somewhere thet Sisters of Battle are the worst selling army/model range. Not sure on that exactly, though.


Expensive metal models, while not being as points expensive as Grey Knights means it one heck of an investment to make.


You want a squad of Sisters with special weapons? $150 AU. Add another $60 AU for a transport and you have one troops choice and about 175 points...


You want an Exorcist $100 AU and it will be here in a few weeks.


A 500 point sisters army will run you up about $400-500.




Buy Space Marines. Pay $150, get starter box.




My Wallet cries itself to sleep an night, dreaming of plastic Sisters of Battle.


A standard Sisters squad, say 7 Sisters of Battle, 1 sister superior, 1 heavy flamer, and a meltagun along with their ride is $122.90 US or 73.50 GBP. Of course that nets you 2 extra sisters. Thats a bit pricy compared a standard unit for all ot

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My source is still talking about Inquisition stuff... sooo.. I'm not ready to decide it's doom and gloom just yet. I believe the quote was:


"So to rap up, we have a Bazzar Bizzar, New Daemon Models, and maybe people who hunt them, Spearhead, a War of the Ring Campaign to make your own figures, and then The GREATEST rules ever invented on less then a month and its not even really Summer yet!"


This still looks promising to me ;)

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I like the feeling of pessimism soiling the atmosphere in this thread by the jeske alone. I have some faith in GW still even if actually keeping their customers doesn't seem to concern them on their high thrones.


I'm keeping a look out for land in my crow's nest and hope it's not surrounded by sharp cliffs hidden beneath the water. ;)



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I like the feeling of pessimism soiling the atmosphere in this thread by the jeske alone. I have some faith in GW still even if actually keeping their customers doesn't seem to concern them on their high thrones.


I'm keeping a look out for land in my crow's nest and hope it's not surrounded by sharp cliffs hidden beneath the water. :D




This brings up a good question: why is thejeske so hell-bent on convincing us =][= players that our favorite armies are destined to languish in the realm of the forgotton? Could it be a missguided but well-intentioned attempt to save us from ourselves? An attempt to prevent us from getting our hopes up to high and thus being all the more devastated if we are wrong? Or does he take some perverted pleasure in dashing the hopes of those who insist on playing "lesser" armies?


My fellow men and women of the Inquisition I pose that it is neither! I suggest to you that thejeske is but the voice of a larger movement intended to discredit the =][= with the hopes of further thinning our ranks and thus paving the way for the greatest chaos incursion man has ever seen! A nest of the most vile heretics and servents of the dark gods who desire nothing less than the extermination of every man women and child in the Imperium! Join me Brothers and Sisters in fighting this heresy! The dark gods speaking through thejeske must never be allowed to win!!!



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This brings up a good question: why is thejeske so hell-bent on convincing us =][= players that our favorite armies are destined to languish in the realm of the forgotton?


Because it's the internet, and raining on people's parade for no reason other than to be an ass-hat makes some kids feel "cool" or whatever.


Sure this thread is overly optimistic and prone to some wishful thinking, but there's no need to bring negativity in here.


The fact is - everyone in here knows that the future is uncertain. We just try to keep our hopes up, as we have NO idea when and in what form we will see our beloved Grey Knights, Sisters and Inquisition forces get updated. We've just got to keep hoping, and someday we will get to celebrate.

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Either that or he's a secret DE player hoping for a DE codex next. ^_^


In any case it doesn't matter. We should get the codex sooner or later. GW wouldn't even bother putting up an online 3rd Ed codex if they were going to scrap =][= armies. Can't remember where this quote came from but remember that GW do plan to release a codex for each army before the next edition. So its just playing waiting game now. Besides, I think it's fun to keep us waiting, watching members here crack under the tension of awaiting more news from GW...



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The fact is - everyone in here knows that the future is uncertain. We just try to keep our hopes up, as we have NO idea when and in what form we will see our beloved Grey Knights, Sisters and Inquisition forces get updated. We've just got to keep hoping, and someday we will get to celebrate.


Maybe it's the Mistborn talking (I just finished Mistborn:The Final Empire) but I too am holding out hope for good things to come for our beloved Inqusition armies and thus I will leave you with these two quotes from that fantastic piece of high fantasy:


"...you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope..."



"Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope."


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why is thejeske so hell-bent on convincing us =][= players that our favorite armies are destined to languish in the realm of the forgotton? Could it be a missguided but well-intentioned attempt to save us from ourselves? An attempt to prevent us from getting our hopes up to high and thus being all the more devastated if we are wrong? Or does he take some perverted pleasure in dashing the hopes of those who insist on playing "lesser" armies?

am a realist . I remember stuff like what is happening here when the medus story line was on and how DE players were damn Jes is doing models and we get new story line ... new codex just around the corner . And nothing happened .

Am not bashing anyone and specialy not "lesser armies"[in fact inducted guard WH or DH are much better armies then the NM water warrior I play] , but be real people . One mentioning that GK were the first to use landers doesnt mean the new dex and new models are coming . It is not how GW works .


The dark gods speaking through thejeske must never be allowed to win!!!

and this is the part I never get in you western players. Here I am talking about GW desing philosophy and how their marketing works and you go all out in character , what makes 0 sense . besides did I ever say that DH or WH should not have new dex ? but think about it . its WFB/WH40k every second month , then its imperial/meq -xeno army . BT,eldar , tau will generate a lot more sales then WH/DH will [unless there are hidden plastic models for one of those no one has seen ] . considering the rumor mill starts around 2-3 months before codex goes to shops[because translators and foreing guys leak stuff] you are looking at 6 month maybe a year to get a chance [what doesnt mean you will actualy get a dex , GW may as well want to redo chaos or DA] for a dex. The demon second wave is not coming in a year. So one can not tie it with possible new DH codex or new DH models.

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I will not give in and say the =][= will be squatted, that shouldn't happen. However I have given up all hope on 2010 and there is not much left for early 2011 but then again there was never much hope, just a fool's hope.
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am a realist . I remember stuff like what is happening here when the medus story line was on and how DE players were damn Jes is doing models and we get new story line ... new codex just around the corner . And nothing happened .

Am not bashing anyone and specialy not "lesser armies"[in fact inducted guard WH or DH are much better armies then the NM water warrior I play] , but be real people . One mentioning that GK were the first to use landers doesnt mean the new dex and new models are coming . It is not how GW works .


First off, there's nothing wrong with being a realist. I'm not even saying you shouldn't state your opinion, as your opinion has as much validity as anyone elses. I'm simply saying there's little gained by arguing back and forth that anyone with the hopes that =][= will get a new dex in the forseeable future is foolish. Just let those who want to continue to hope do so and those who doubt can doubt and whoever turns out to be correct will simply be reassured their reasoning was sound. No need for bickering.


and this is the part I never get in you western players. Here I am talking about GW desing philosophy and how their marketing works and you go all out in character , what makes 0 sense .


It... was a joke... you know... haha, funny? I don't actually believe I'm some sort of inquisitor or anything, just trying to add levity to the situation. Thus the little winky guy that followed. This guy --> :)


I really hope "you eastern players" don't think all Americans are LARPing nerds you see on Youtube. That's probably only half of us ;) <--- Winky Guy indicating joke

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