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=I= Coming in 2010?


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There is a difference between the truth and opinion, Jeske.

A truth is that Squats will never be coming back, and your views on the Inquisition codex are (very negative) opinions.

This is a rumors topic, and we've strayed from it for a bit too long now. There is no need for unsupported naysaying about the release of the codex. As the old phrase says, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Not meaning to sound harsh or offensive at all, just please keep the negativity to a minimum :P


In my earlier posts, i was merely analyzing the upcoming release, and considering they have very recently done a tie-in with Space Hulk, was making the hypothesis that Grey Knights might come not too long after the Daemon models hit the shelves. We should be due for another 'Incoming:' email pretty soon anyway. We'll see.


Keep in mind also, that just because an army has not been updated since 3rd edition, does not mean they will be neglected completely. Space Wolves are a prime example, they were re-released. It makes no sense as to why they wouldn't do the same for Grey Knights.

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sw are a bad example , they got upgrades each time a new sm dex came out . they also had a full plastic line of models to support it . So it does make sense . In fact the way both SW and BA worked with their old dex they were actualy better in many ways then the new 5th ed dex they got .

I dont know why you think am being negative here. There is no rumors about a dex coming , there is no leaked models , nor are there any DH/WH mentioned in this years GW plan.



As the old phrase says, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

first time I hear something like that . What I speak about are facts and then way they look as for today , the DH dex or new DH models wont come[unless you count IG models as DH models too , then it is a bit different] within 6 months.




In my earlier posts, i was merely analyzing the upcoming release, and considering they have very recently done a tie-in with Space Hulk, was making the hypothesis that Grey Knights might come not too long after the Daemon models hit the shelves.

only we knew that the nids and BA codes are coming before we got to see space hulk . And as said before am not against a new DH or WH codex. It would be cool , what I dont understand is the strange optimism build around one short text in one book and the fact that DH should at least technicly be good against demons .

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Again Im gonna side with the jeske I highly doubt your getting a new dex anytime soon for the whole no new minis have been leaked or any word of them being made or anything sure you may not get the Squats but it would be great if you did get a new codex but relying on the bit in the BA codex is not really substantial.
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Well we haven't heard anything for any codex coming out this year, and there's almost always 3 per year after a new edition of the rulebook. The question is, what is the 3rd one for this year?

Just like The Jeske said, we haven't heard anything for DH/GKs, but he haven't heard/seen anything for any other race, either. It is more likely to be a 3rd edition codex that needs a new miniature line, just in time for christmas, to boost sales for the particular army. That's why the speculation is circling DH, WH and DE. Just before christmas is the perfect time to release a large new model range, but seeing as Daemons are getting new models, it won't be a full range, just a large first wave.

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We know for a fact that Jes Goodwin has had a big input into creating an updated DE for the 40K universe and we'll see the end result soon enough.

yeah and people said it a year ago and two years ago and the codex is still not there . the army missed 2 editions right now and we are around half of 5th.



Just because something isn't immediately visible doesn't mean it doesn't exist

immediately like in what 8 or 9 years till the DE dex came out ? the talk about how Goodwin has the whole dark eldar army model range was there end of 4th ed . It was there when orks were pushed back [but they did csm instead] and the second year in to 5th ed we still have not even one pic or leak of the DE dex.



I am curious about what GW are planning for GD10

space marines.

Really? What SM's pray tell?


As for Jes, well, he's made the statement himself that he's been working on DE in the last podcast that GW released a couple of years ago. More recently there's been little official but having spoken to someone who works with Jes Goodwin he has been involved in the DE project cradle to grave so to speak and the finishing touches have been made. They are ready to go into production now but it's debatable whether the launch is going to be GD10 or towards the end of the year.


In terms of rumours coming out about 3 months before the codex release? That's a real obvious statement as the stores know 3 months before release what is coming, so it's hardly a rumour now is it?

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It's just a mod says that the thread ins nice and dandy that people start to throw reasons to disprove that... -_-


Sure, everybody have his own opinioon, and no opinion is more valuable that any other, at least as far as rumours are considered. But, when the main content of the thread is to speculate a about the future codex, release date and content, having an ocasional fun with wishlists and building/studying of the related conspiracy theories, those "Inq is dead and gone!" posts sounds dangerously close to trolling, at least IMHO.

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I would rather put money on a army that sells well to be the Xmas slot eg marines are mostly done so Tau or Eldar since both their sales beat the crap out of the =I=.


Do you think it might not sell well becuase they ar ethemost expensive armies that you can buy? Space Marines cost half the money I do for a fully equipped squad brand new. Tau are pretty close to that as well at 70$ for firewarriors and a devilfish. If Sisters and Grey Knights were plastic and had a codex not so full of holes then they would probaly sell better.

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. If Sisters and Grey Knights were plastic and had a codex not so full of holes then they would probaly sell better.

A we cant check that as both dont have plastic models and B there were armies both in w40k and WFB who were full plastic and still sold bad , because their dex sucked or the models sucked or both at the same time.


Space Marines cost half the money I do for a fully equipped squad brand new. Tau are pretty close to that as well at 70$ for firewarriors and a devilfish

cool . now go and buy 10 sob , find out you dont want a sb . go buy a metal blister to get a hvy flamer or melta gun , then go a buy a plain joe [no FW ] rhino . it costs more then buying 10 csm and a rhino/razorback [specialy as you more or less have to mail order it , as out side of UK or GW shops it is practicly impossible to get models for them] . Same with the GK you start with 2x8 + special weapon set up 12 terminators 3 dreads 3 LR [crusders to get parts for all versions] . it costs more then buying 2 battle forces . + you dont have to pin models . But the most important part is , when you buy eldar or tau you get an army that works[ok less good then it worked in 4th ed , specialy as eldar go] , when you buy a pure GK army you buy an army that doesnt work . People dont buy armies that dont work , hobbiest and fans do , but not normal gamers. Just look what happened to DA , full plastic range , nice number of upgrades [bike battle force with extra bits ] and the whole line flops on sales hard. then take a look again at chaos . again almost full plastic . But one of the two main models for the list[oblits and demon prince] are metal , there is no options to replace them with , what coupled with a bad dex drops the sales again [and chaos was the best selling w40k codex after sm and not just one or two months after it hit shops , no all the time].

That's a real obvious statement as the stores know 3 months before release what is coming, so it's hardly a rumour now is it?

I mean 1-2 months before it goes to print , people that do translation get it 5-6 months before and the final version is sent to them before the english version is sent to print [of course more then once GW did last minute changes and sent it two or three weeks too late and we end up with different rules in national dex] .

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Then shouldn't we have heard about a new 40k codex by now?

Seeing as nothing solid has been leaked from these translators, i guess you mean to say that there will be at least good 6 months with no 40k releases?

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Then shouldn't we have heard about a new 40k codex by now?i guess you mean to say that there will be at least good 6 months with no 40k releases?


It's a WFB new ed release year, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.


I feel happy for the WFB players, since GW had put them as low priority the last years, but 40k is the cash cow, so I have mixed feelings on this.


If it happens to give WFB more market and bring it close to 40k sales, power to them.

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Well, with a "simplified" WFB (from what I hear), GW might just reel in some more customers. I started with WFB a few years ago and the fussyness of it made me move to WH40k (I got tired of to endless wheeling measures and trying to get to clip 1/64th on an inch in order to get a full charge anyways...). But now, with all my codice on the backburner (DH/WH/Necrons/Tau), I'm convincing my gaming group to re-try WFB.


For now, WH40k can go to hell. I'm tired of playing against 5th ed codice. The challenge was neat at first, but right now I'm unhappy with both the performance and diversity of my codice. Sisters can perform well, unless your opponent knows you're going to play them as your options are so limited anyways...



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Then shouldn't we have heard about a new 40k codex by now?

Seeing as nothing solid has been leaked from these translators, i guess you mean to say that there will be at least good 6 months with no 40k releases?

His name is Reds8n and he says DE are at printers.

His name is Harry and he says DE come in autumn. Pie for the pie God!

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Apparently so, but i've heard rumors that DE had already been printed a few months back, and GW was waiting for the right time to release them.

It's good to see WFB get an update, it may give me some motivation to paint the rest of my Empire :)


Back on the subject of DH, Mat Ward better not get his fluff-destroying hands anywhere near our codex before it's done. Grey Knights will end up being the Ultramarines special forces or something stupid like that.

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I don't lurk in the rumor mills much, last time i did was a few months before the Tyranids were redone, so i don't personally know the credibility of Harry and Reds8n's rumors. I have heard that Harry was told to keep quiet by GW in the past few months though, so i'm assuming he is pretty accurate ;)


Ward is the retcon master; destroyer of fluff.

With hope, our fluff won't be ruined by his taint

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Harry has over 7000 posts at warseer and is the giver of knowledge, of little hints.

Reds8n gives more at once but not as often and is the equivalent of Harry on Dakka Dakka and is widely respected on warseer too.

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But right now, even the most famous rumor-bringer are not certain... Don't forget that DPA has brougth conflicting rumors and he's the one who brought us the August daemon release rumors, IIRC!


Stupid GW marketing. The rumor blackout is the most idiotic marketing plan a company can come up with.



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