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=I= Coming in 2010?


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I dunno... look how much we're talking about it? :rolleyes:


Advertising is making people talk about your product and putting it into their constant minds. All we've been doing for the last how many months is drooling and slavering over every single tidbit that falls from on high, scouring the internet for every scrap of news like rabid dogs. If that isn't making us talk and focus on their product, I don't know what is.


It's a crazy like a fox plan, but we're certainly taking the bait!

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But indeed are any of us buying some nice =][= bits? No, so that argument means moot. We infact have no idea about when to spend and we may have the =][= penny jar that we simply save up everything for when it is released.
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Exactly... If we knew some things about a coming GK dex, we might be interested in buying that extra dread or LR so that when the codex comes out we can then buy the new shiny toys. Right now, as Justicar Valius pointed out, people seem more interested in ranting than in adding to their army. Luckily for GW, they have no real competitor for us to move to. But they have moved most DH/WH/Necron/DE player to total inertia. The more fortunate will maybe start a second army in the meanwhile. But given the recent price rise, I guess most players won't...




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I know I'm saving and waiting. I can't afford to buy a whole second army, especially since I just got my DH up to 1500pts. I also don't want to buy anything more for DH right now if there's any chance of new models or a dex coming along in the next 6 months and making me regret my purchase. I can't afford to buy stuff I'll never use. Even if the new dex is a year+ off I'd still rather know so I could buy a few more things and be comfortable in the knowledge I have time to get use out of them before they might get replaced on my roster. Until one or the other happens GW isn't going to be getting any of my monies.
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Well I personally have a thing for metal models, so I can still shoot for my goal of 3000k of infantry grey knights and be safe with my purchases either way. But what I'd really like to spend my monies on is a Grey Knights Codex :)


Guess there is nothing left to do at this point but wait, joy.

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Careful observation is part of the Inquisition... ^_^ I'm still hearing rumors about the Grey Knights and Sisters from my local groups and from those who are not expendible(s), so I'm not losing hope myself.
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Well i have a solid 2500 points of Grey Knights and Grey Knight Terminators. I've basically used all of the possible pose configurations on the current metal models, and i want some new plastics to boost my forces

I guess in the meantime, i can always buy more Land Raiders...

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Here's something pretty interesting. I just decided to pop on over to the French GW site to check out the French DH codex and it was no where to be found, so I went to the German site as well and it was the same. Now I used google to translate the pages to do my investigation, so I might have missed something. However, if they really are gone from the sites where they once were then maybe there will be updates when we finally get the PDF codex.
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I've got 15 Terminators, 30+ PAGK and 3 Land Raiders w/ the 3 different sets of Forgeworld doors. The only thing I'd be interested in adding would be a/some dreadnought(s) - but I'm waiting for a new codex to do that as I need my 3x Land Raiders.


Easily 2500 points of Necrons remain in my display case - unloved.


I got into the hobby after 5th edition hit, and I've always wanted a Sisters of Battle army - but after my Grey Knights... no more metal armies for me. So, I've set aside enough money to buy 2500-3000 points of Sisters if/when they get some plastic kits.


So, that leaves me with nothing to assemble/paint right now, and nothing to play with much hope of having a competitive game. I got bored so I ordered myself a bunch of space marine goodies and am going to make myself a DIY chapter using the blood angels codex. That should keep me occupied until I get some Inquisition or Necron love.

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That should keep me occupied until I get some Inquisition or Necron love.

When you take this out of context... It makes some vague form of sense, I think, it's too vague to know.


Other than that since the WH/DH codices are supposed to go up on GW's site (hopefully updated) I'll no longer be called cheap for not chasing down the real deal until I can chase no further. Preferably they'll actually make some more models (in plastic) so I don't have to be called cheap for not chasing down every single one that's left until I can chase no further. :P


Speculation time: a thought hit me (it hurt) which made me wonder what will happen to the acts of faith. They'll be replaced by plain and boring universal special rules that offer little variation or something like that?



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Speculation time: a thought hit me (it hurt) which made me wonder what will happen to the acts of faith. They'll be replaced by plain and boring universal special rules that offer little variation or something like that?




Well, if newer codice are anything to go by, they will be simpler (my guess is a leadership test) but more powerful.



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I just thought of something about this missing Sisters box. Maybe they will "repackage" it into something useful with 7 sisters with bolters, 1 with a heavy flamer, and 1 with a meltagun, along with a Veteran Superior. I'm sure very few people do the Stormbolter routine in a Battle Sister squad so that should be out. That might actually be useful.
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I just thought of something about this missing Sisters box. Maybe they will "repackage" it into something useful with 7 sisters with bolters, 1 with a heavy flamer, and 1 with a meltagun, along with a Veteran Superior. I'm sure very few people do the Stormbolter routine in a Battle Sister squad so that should be out. That might actually be useful.

That's... unlike. Would be damn nice, but unlikely :D

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I just thought of something about this missing Sisters box. Maybe they will "repackage" it into something useful with 7 sisters with bolters, 1 with a heavy flamer, and 1 with a meltagun, along with a Veteran Superior. I'm sure very few people do the Stormbolter routine in a Battle Sister squad so that should be out. That might actually be useful.



Will never happen. The sister superior and the flamer is all you'll get cause it's points-free, like the flamer/ML combo in the marine squads. GW will always try to milk some money making you buy the special weapons separatedly.


In the case of the marines it's even worse, cause you'll need to buy a full box of 5 special weapon guys, just to get that lascannon guy to pimp your squad. And the other 4 guys alone can't make a dev squad themselves :D if you a have sarge laying around it's ok, since they kept the several weapon options and some doubles. Otherwise...

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I just had a thought, what if they pull a Thunderwolf calvalry on us? really cool rules and/ or fluff, interesting concept, but don't release any models for them (Thunderwolves) apart from one charecter who does not do the them justice(mr Steal Russ's backround while I ride my neutered dog squirrel thing), who will it be in the new codex, the oft imagined, sough, converted and hoped for Grey Knight Jetbikes, thats who!
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I just thought of something about this missing Sisters box. Maybe they will "repackage" it into something useful with 7 sisters with bolters, 1 with a heavy flamer, and 1 with a meltagun, along with a Veteran Superior. I'm sure very few people do the Stormbolter routine in a Battle Sister squad so that should be out. That might actually be useful.



Will never happen. The sister superior and the flamer is all you'll get cause it's points-free, like the flamer/ML combo in the marine squads. GW will always try to milk some money making you buy the special weapons separatedly.


In the case of the marines it's even worse, cause you'll need to buy a full box of 5 special weapon guys, just to get that lascannon guy to pimp your squad. And the other 4 guys alone can't make a dev squad themselves :P if you a have sarge laying around it's ok, since they kept the several weapon options and some doubles. Otherwise...


None of the sister superior options, flamer , or stormbolter that come with a Sisters squad is free points wise. The Sister Superior has a plasma pistol which is more than the price of a Sister, and Sisters pay too much for their stormbolters, but flamers aren't too bad at the price of one a da Boyz.

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None of the sister superior options, flamer , or stormbolter that come with a Sisters squad is free points wise. The Sister Superior has a plasma pistol which is more than the price of a Sister, and Sisters pay too much for their stormbolters, but flamers aren't too bad at the price of one a da Boyz.


You're right, I'm dealing so much more with my SMs, that I'm mixing things :D


But it's very possible that the flamers will be a free upgrade in the future.

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None of the sister superior options, flamer , or stormbolter that come with a Sisters squad is free points wise. The Sister Superior has a plasma pistol which is more than the price of a Sister, and Sisters pay too much for their stormbolters, but flamers aren't too bad at the price of one a da Boyz.


You're right, I'm dealing so much more with my SMs, that I'm mixing things :(


But it's very possible that the flamers will be a free upgrade in the future.


I hope so, flamers and meltas are what we do and we should be able to field more of them than IG and SM. We do not however. In fact IG have more Melta and its cheaper for them to field.

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Hey folks,


I just recieved a message over email about the new GW catalogue. Within the same email, though, it mentions Stormtroopers within it and, oddly enough, you can pre-order the old metal Stormtroopers, now in squads of five (four troopers with Hellguns, one sergeant with power sword), as well as separate blisters of special weapons (rather than having to buy all four at the same time). So much for plastic Stormtroopers :mellow:

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They're old models, reorganized into different "lots." These are the um.. at the most 3rd ed models.. could be earlier than that though. What seems more important is that they don't have Stormtroopers listed under the Troops section of the DH and WH now. It's possible they're just assuming people will be able to check under the Imperial Guard for them, or maybe they forgot. Hard to say really...


Curiouser and curiouser... hmm.. maybe I should make a jr Inquisitor in a blue dress named Alice...

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