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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Hey guys, i found these pics recently in 4chan. I'm guessing its probably a fan art or something but it looks good though.... :lol: :rolleyes:


Yeah, the second one is definitely fanart, and i'm a bit sceptical as to the composition of the second one. More than likely you'll find the original on DeviantArt


Also, rules 1 and 2

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Oh dear god.

The 'Supreme Grandmaster'

He may as well be named Marneus Greygar, with what could be called the Gauntlets of Titan

This artwork reeks of Ward. The artist MUST be in league with him

Things aren't looking good for the future of our fluff :'(


Clearly he wields the Nemesis Force Gauntlets of Titanmar, hallowed relic of the Ultra Knights. You scoff at Marneus Greygar now, but you'll be happy he's around when the Daemonic Possessed Hive Fleet comes pouring out of the Eye of Terror - heading straight for Titanmar, home of the Ultra Knights. The fate of mankind... nay, the entire universe - may be dependent on his tiny bearded baby-head.

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Oh dear god.

The 'Supreme Grandmaster'

He may as well be named Marneus Greygar, with what could be called the Gauntlets of Titan

This artwork reeks of Ward. The artist MUST be in league with him

Things aren't looking good for the future of our fluff :'(


Dude, it's fan art, not the real thing.


Worry ye not.

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Clearly he wields the Nemesis Force Gauntlets of Titanmar, hallowed relic of the Ultra Knights. You scoff at Marneus Greygar now, but you'll be happy he's around when the Daemonic Possessed Hive Fleet comes pouring out of the Eye of Terror - heading straight for Titanmar, home of the Ultra Knights. The fate of mankind... nay, the entire universe - may be dependent on his tiny bearded baby-head.


Well played!

I'm sure the Greater Swarmlord of Khorne will be able to deal with him though.


@Brother-Captain Alecto

I'm hoping it isn't a sign of greater things to come, this artist was commissioned for a Games Day once. Last year, i think? Not too sure. Both pieces of work are from the same artist though.

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Nice Kayven Shrike doppelganger too! Great artwork huh, but the lack of conceptual originality is very dull. How many of those knights have multiple hammers? They probably moonlight as the imperial DIY taskforce.
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Yeah so is the WH one and all i have to say on the topic is this.


.......GW just failed.....EPICLY!


They had a clear oportunity here to throw together a quick updated pdf the same as they did for both blood angels AND warriors of chaose and instead they decided to merely PDF the same old stuff only this time they removed the only thing that could make the DH codex competative. This is NOT a generic GW rant, I like the way the company has been moving again (with exception of fluff, and the Tyranid codex but thats personal) and was pleased imensly by spearhead and the quick faqs for SW, Skaven and the majority of the other 5th ed codeci but this time I'm actually embarassed for them.


Poor form GW poor form.

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Downloaded, scanning for any changes.




As predicted. No changes. Force Weapons still 'slay outright', Storm Shields are still 4+ Melee and A Cannons are still Heavy 3.




Missed some masive changes...


Allies are out. :/


As are the explainations of 'Grey Knights', and 'Daemons'.

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That's just downright Fail...


So I guess these new PDF codexes 'update' our physical ones, being the most recent out.


So allies are gone totally...


Edit: And that's just gutted DH. No Inducted IG for the much needed heavy weapons. No combined GK/SoB lists.




We better be gettign a new Codex in Spetember...

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I've said this on warseer and I'll say it here. Personaly I'm gonna ignore this and continue using the book I paid for. If anyone argues well thats fine by me I'm sure they have fun playing with themselves in every sense of the word.


edit: just to clarify, we all saw the loss of allies coming but we didn't even get an update to go with it.

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You ordered the following items:


Q Item Cost


1 Citadel Burnished Gold £1.91

1 Warhammer Fantasy Hardback Rulebook £38.25


WH40k can go to hell... See you in a year, DH/WH... <vicious expletive> fail by GW. They can take stuff out but not update other thing? Idiots...


Feel free to let them know: Custserv@games-workshop.com



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I always knew the day would come where my Sisters and Grey Knights could no longer be friends on the table. But I never thought it would come like this - unaccompanied by a new codex or anything.


Shame on you GW, shame on you. :(


At least I've got my new silly marine project to work on. ^_^

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If I'm holding in my hands the WH codex that says I can ally in units then I'm treating that as a decree from the Emperor himself that I can continue to do so. Waving it around like an Inquisitorial mandate is optional, but recommended.
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You know, I could understand not doing an update since it would mean a lot of pouring over the rules and making little fixes here and little fixes there (though a number of the gamers on this forum could have told them from memory what needs changing), but going through and removing whole sections of stuff including ally rules that were already updated elsewhere to fit the new available units from IG and SM? Why bother? Are they trying to disenfranchise us? Maybe they want to make it harder so we're that much more glad to have a new dex? Either way it makes me seriously concerned for the quality of said dex whenever they finally decide to bless us with it.


*edit* I will add this though: if they really are going to do away with ally rules then maybe, just maybe, they are going to fill out the DH and WH armies so they are more complete armies and not the add-on armies they were in the past.

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