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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Now, I specifically asked whether GW will continue to support the printed version of the codex like they are with 'Ard Boyz. And his response...

yeah but this is a normal thing for events that do not happen on one day. If a tournament has many tiers and there is no option to change lists between them , the normal thing to do is make people play with army books/codex that were legal on the first day of the tournament .


the way it looks right now ,is grim . I mean BRB tells you too look at the foc in the army and there is non and if there is non then RAW you cant pick a unit[because you dont know if it is legal to do so]. But truth be told for non tournament players that doesnt matter much . What does suck more , is the fact that both of the pdf were coming with the whole "great news for imperial players" etc and then you get something like this.


Does anyone SERIOUSLY believe that any tournament organizer or casual player would say "no you can't use DH because they have no FOC" ?


Sure, people might not let you ally in DH to other armies (in fact, in most Australian tournaments you can't take allies unless it says you can in your parent codex) and some people may stretch it out to say no inducted SM/IG for DH, but to say you can't use them at all because of the missing FOC, from a PDF which is NOT a replacement for the printed codex is FAR beyond retarded.

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Now, I specifically asked whether GW will continue to support the printed version of the codex like they are with 'Ard Boyz. And his response...

yeah but this is a normal thing for events that do not happen on one day. If a tournament has many tiers and there is no option to change lists between them , the normal thing to do is make people play with army books/codex that were legal on the first day of the tournament .


the way it looks right now ,is grim . I mean BRB tells you too look at the foc in the army and there is non and if there is non then RAW you cant pick a unit[because you dont know if it is legal to do so]. But truth be told for non tournament players that doesnt matter much . What does suck more , is the fact that both of the pdf were coming with the whole "great news for imperial players" etc and then you get something like this.


Does anyone SERIOUSLY believe that any tournament organizer or casual player would say "no you can't use DH because they have no FOC" ?


Sure, people might not let you ally in DH to other armies (in fact, in most Australian tournaments you can't take allies unless it says you can in your parent codex) and some people may stretch it out to say no inducted SM/IG for DH, but to say you can't use them at all because of the missing FOC, from a PDF which is NOT a replacement for the printed codex is FAR beyond retarded.


Never underestimate the human capacity for acting above and beyond the call of retard. :rolleyes:

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Does anyone SERIOUSLY believe that any tournament organizer or casual player would say "no you can't use DH because they have no FOC" ?

ask the spanish players what happened to SW at tournaments when the new codex sm came out.

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Does anyone SERIOUSLY believe that any tournament organizer or casual player would say "no you can't use DH because they have no FOC" ?

ask the spanish players what happened to SW at tournaments when the new codex sm came out.


This interests me, what happened?


EDIT: If only they could limit all SM armies in tournaments, as Tyranids were my first army, fighting SMs gets kinda repetitive

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This is pretty great news :)


I'm just hoping the "style" of the new WH models doesn't change too much, I'm a huge fan of the French Revolution-era royalty/Baroque look they have going, just a touch refined. Possibly some SoB with faces that look a touch less 'mannish' lol.

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This interests me, what happened?

In spain and a few other euro countries SW were made illegal for tournament play and as tournament ruling offten work in normal pick up games too , it ment 3+ months of not playing SW for more then a few people.

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sadly not its the newest run of the codex thus takes the Legal place it matters not that it still has the same print run date as the old one but it now lacks things and these things you know deep down were going bye bye anyway so now you get to learn how play a full GK army learn to win with that through superior tactics and your golden.


and before you say anything like it cant be done Try playing tau on a 4x4 table against marines oh and for kicks make it a farsight list so no meatsheild kroot it builds character and makes you a better General.

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Guys there are threads on this elsewhere in this forum, this is for rumours/news of an =][=release. Sure this was news but now it's descended into ranting. I do pray that Sama Nogol is right and we get a December release but you can never be sure with new guys.
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Considering both 40k codices in this year so far were very early ones (Tyranids in early January, for instance), then i suspect that the next 40k codex (whatever it may be) will arrive well before December. August will likely be a LotR month, given they don't have those very often, but October looks promising
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Considering both 40k codices in this year so far were very early ones (Tyranids in early January, for instance), then i suspect that the next 40k codex (whatever it may be) will arrive well before December. August will likely be a LotR month, given they don't have those very often, but October looks promising

Oh we KNOW DE comeing in october/november. But this one guys says october for DE and December for GK...

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I'm actually happy for them... If the guys at GW could just get to work and start releasing codice/models already... I've never seen so many unhappy customer because they couldn't buy stuff...



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Does anyone SERIOUSLY believe that any tournament organizer or casual player would say "no you can't use DH because they have no FOC" ?

ask the spanish players what happened to SW at tournaments when the new codex sm came out.


This interests me, what happened?


EDIT: If only they could limit all SM armies in tournaments, as Tyranids were my first army, fighting SMs gets kinda repetitive

We were simply told we couldnt attend- because not everything could be properly referenced.


Does anyone SERIOUSLY believe that any tournament organizer or casual player would say "no you can't use DH because they have no FOC" ?

ask the spanish players what happened to SW at tournaments when the new codex sm came out.


This interests me, what happened?


EDIT: If only they could limit all SM armies in tournaments, as Tyranids were my first army, fighting SMs gets kinda repetitive

We were simply told we couldnt attend- because not everything could be properly referenced.

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darn, well i've got to say you figured it out quicker than Warseer :)


Seriously though Harry has come out and said on that thread that there will be DE in October or November.


Harry says DE are next, and DPA says it's Grey Knights

Ahhhh, who do we believe???


Unless GW are combining the codices, which could mean a new anti-grav AV14 vehicle, the Land Raider Enslaver :P

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You know harry never actually said DE are next just that they were in november/october. Maybe we actually will get that suprise 40k release everyone was theorising.


edit: is it a bad thing I like that land raider name?

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