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i run a Crimson fist: kantor (2) 10 stern guard

HQ: Pedro Kantor


Alpha Tactical 10m PC PF PG MB CombiFL

Alpha's Rhino EA DB


Bravo Tactical 10m PC PF PG MB CombiFL

Bravo's Rhino EA DB


SternGuard:Echo Squad 9m PF x2HFL MB (Kantor rides here...)

x07 CombiMelta

Echo's Rhino EA DB


SternGuard:Delta Squad 10man PF MB LC HFL

x08 CombiPlasma

Echo's Rhino EA DB

1500pt total.


Delta supports Echo, Alpha and Bravo Supports Echo and Delta from range while sitting on an objectives or as Close up support/or tarpiting till echo and delta have worked through their current target.

the 2 power Fist of Echo (w/kantor) and the 2 Heavy Flamers arre my primary Assualt unit

Both Squad's Combi weapons groups are used for AV targets as they come up (podding dreads,rushing Raiders)

or Softening Hard Armor saving targets as prep for the Assualt from Echo.

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Anyways, have we answered your question? Decided anything? And why did you ask about my chapter if I might ask?


Well to be honest all of these threads are like constantly update my knowledge and view of 40k real considerably.

I am just really hard on entry level, few months of reading about the whole phenomenon, about 1,5 month of 'what is what in the game', 4 finished and 15 wip marines, started the first one 1 month ago, 0 games played.

These are my honest statistics! :lol: But I have a lot to paint and somehow they are keep arriving each week from ebay I think.. :unsure:

And yes, all of your answers are making me smarter guys, thanks. I started painting as well-prepared as I could, same approach towards the game too.


I've asked about your chapter because of this sentence from you:

"I also tend to have checkboxes on my printed lists so I can keep track of them, like I used to do with runic charms for my SWs."


So maybe the runic charms are past, maybe the SWz, who knows? ;)





Well, welcome to the game. I hope you get some games in soon lol. Send me a PM if you put a list up in the army subforums and Ill take a look ok?


And Runic Charms were part of the last SW codex, wich was the Space Wolf codex for about a decade. The let you reroll one armor save a peice, but could only be taken on seargent and HQ style characters. Really handy- I once had a unit of five Wolf Gaurd in TDA *terminator armor* survive 2000pts of Tau Firepower with 2 Storm Shields and Five runic charms- not a scratch. They were then assaulted by about 1800pts of Dark Eldar, suriving through 30 some wychs and the lord to have the Battle Leader die to the lords Bodygaurds right before he could strike back as the last of his pack. *sighs*.


This is of course why we dont have them in the new codex :P.

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I did the same thing and kit bashed my own 5 sternguard. Since I use mine for tank/heavy infantry/monstrous creature hunting, here's the setup I use:


1) Combi-Plasma, Combi-melta, 2 meltaguns, and the sergeant has a chainsword + plasma pistol -- Cost is 160 without transport. I usually drop mine in a Razorback with TL Lascannons for ranged armor punch.


2) For over 160 points I use the same five, throw them in with an Epistolary with Force Dome/Gates of Infinity, and I drop pod them.


3) Not sure how I'd set up 10 of them since I don't roll them out in bigger than 5 man units.


I like the melta weapons for tank hunting just because I roll a Salamanders list with Vulkan so I get TL on my meltaguns and multi-meltas. I also like to roll that 5 man unit with the librarian and drop pod in conjunction with my land speeder which is wielding 2 multi-meltas.

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Brother_Fatiswon that list is actually WICKED. I dig it!!

Brother Kyznetsovich your 160 points has balls indeed, but I think I'm not that brave yet to be this unusual with the sternguard (I'm not sure that I've a proper picture of a 'traditional veteran squad' though). Plus I don't really know all the benefits of the Sallies chapter master, and the Force Dome/Gates of Infinity words are still sounding mystical for me. :)

Could you summarize them in a nutshell? :)


Btw I see a kind of a 'melta-hype' and they are included in most of the lists that I see.

I myself have a soft spot for heavy bolters, but as I see it's a bit harder to fit than all kind of meltas and flamers.


Thanks Mage, I can actually send you what I have:


These are the units I already work on, or at least have in posession and decided what to do with them:


HQ (245p):

1 Imperial Fists captain w/ relicblade - 130p (travels with the termies)

1 Iron Knights chaplain w/ jumpac - 115p (goes with the assault squad)

ELITES (205p):

5 terminators, 1 w/ HFLAM, 1 srg w/ PSWORD - 205p


10 jump pack assault, 2 w/ FLAM, 1 srg w/ PF, mbomb - 240p

TROOPS (320p):

10 tactical, 1 w/ FLAM, 1 w/ ML, 1 srg w/ PF - 195p

10 tactical, 1 w/ FLAM, 1 w/ ML, 1 srg w/ PF - 195p


1 Land Raider Crusader w/ multi melta - 260p (throws the termies to the spot)


1260 points so far


Besides these I own on sprue:

- 1 land speeder tornado

- a combat squad, going to be transformed into iron knights sternguard veterans with some slavic warrior flavour using other kits, greenstuff etc

- a devastator squad

- an other combat squad, spare

- a half SW pack for kitbashing

- a few old school metal figures in blisters (IF librarian, devastator sergeant, 2 troopers)



Plan to buy for the present army:

- 2 rhinos for the tac squads

- 1 razorback for the stern

- 5 cc + 5 sw termies for a termie assault squad

- pedro kantor


Now it's starting to get too long already, and I also have a separate thread for my army list..




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I've just had an idea:

Paint all your Sternguard the same, modelled with Bolters, but drill a hole in the base for a marker pin (like on a cribbage board); then use red pins for c-flamers, blue for CP, white for CM; once the combi is fired, take out the pin.

Also a lot simpler to adjust your combi-quantities for list jiggling.


Then allocation and combat touching is obvious.


I already do this for counting wounds on my Commander.

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I suppose then it comes down to what in "gaming terms" means. If we go the way you describe above, then you would roll all used combiweapons as being the same as sternguard with just a normal bolter. There is no practical difference between them. To allocate normal bolters, used combis and unused combis into 3 different groups would be taking advantage of the situation. Since there is no diff between the used combis and normal bolters, would you agree they should be rolled together then, meaning just two groups?



Yes, Id be just fine with rolling expended Combiweapons with the standard bolters. I also tend to have checkboxes on my printed lists so I can keep track of them, like I used to do with runic charms for my SWs.

Good idea that. :(



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Whyd you trade out the special ammunition for the plasma pistol?


That's a good question, and I've been re-considering it for a few weeks now. I think I did it originally for an extra high strength shot plus the pistol/sword attack bonus in melee, since at 12" I get charged once in a while.


Brother Kyznetsovich your 160 points has balls indeed, but I think I'm not that brave yet to be this unusual with the sternguard (I'm not sure that I've a proper picture of a 'traditional veteran squad' though). Plus I don't really know all the benefits of the Sallies chapter master, and the Force Dome/Gates of Infinity words are still sounding mystical for me. :blush:

Could you summarize them in a nutshell? :(



He'Stan makes all thunder hammers in your army master-crafted, and all flamer, heavy flamer, melta, and multi-melta twin linked.


I take Force Dome on the Librarian for the 5+ Invulnerable save on though toughness 4, power armored veterans. I also take Gates of Infinity if I'm drop podding them so after they land my librarian can teleport his squad anywhere within 24". Giving them good mobility.


Hope that helps, Happy hunting.

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Brother_Fatiswon that list is actually WICKED. I dig it!!




i run a Crimson fist: kantor (2) 10 stern guard

HQ: Pedro Kantor


Alpha Tactical 10m PC PF PG MB CombiFL *(need to REMOVE THE DOZER BLADES to keep this AT 1500pts (sry bout that...)

Alpha's Rhino EA


Bravo Tactical 10m PC PF PG MB CombiFL

Bravo's Rhino EA DB


SternGuard:Echo Squad 9m PF x2HFL MB (Kantor rides here...)

x07 CombiMelta

Echo's Rhino EA DB


SternGuard:Delta Squad 10man PF MB LC HFL

x08 CombiPlasma

Echo's Rhino EA DB

1500pt total.



and Btw thanks for the Praise

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Here is my new build for them, inspired after reading the Tyranid codex;


Veteran w/powerfist, 9 x Veterans, 4 x combi-meltas, 2 x lascannons, Rhino



So, in the early game thats two lascannon shots for chipping wounds off MCs or blowing up transports. When the enemy gets closer, you can rush the Rhino forward, disembark and rapid-fire Hellfire into the enemy. The combi-meltas let you intercept other stuff as well, like MC's, walkers or tanks. Powerfist is insurance if you get charged, Rhino acts as mobile bunker.


Does seem like a big investment, but if you take Kantor they're scoring and at +1A so not so bad.

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Veteran w/powerfist, 9 x Veterans, 4 x combi-meltas, 2 x lascannons, Rhino



Wow man your concept sounds really radical, but I like it.

I know that the lascannon is a powerful weapon I just don't like the look of them on infantry. Yeah I know I'm stupid, but looks is one major factor for me.

Btw how were you inspired by the Nids codex?

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I am tending towards this list @ the moment, and I kind of like my idea of the "kinder surprise" razorbacks.

CombiFlamerSternguards in the LasCan one, CombiMeltaSternguards in the HeavyFlamer one.

You think it's reasonable? Should there be a HF in the LasCanRazorBack and a MM in the HFRazorBack?




HQ (305p):

vulkan - 190p (goes with sternflam or sternmelt)

chaplain w/ jump pack - 115p (goes with the assault squad)



5 sternguard, 5 CFlam, srg w/PF - 175p

transport - razorback w/ TLLC - 75p

5 sternguard, 5 CMelt, srg w/PF - 175p

transport - razorback w/ TLHF - 65p



10 jump pack assault, 2 w/ FLAM, srg w/ TH&CS- 245p

1 land speeder w/ HF&MM - 70p


TROOPS (390p):

10 tactical, 1 w/ FLAM, 1 w/ ML, srg w/ PF - 195p

1 rhino - 35p

10 tactical, 1 w/ FLAM, 1 w/ ML, srg w/ PF - 195p

1 rhino - 35p


And I have an 1000 pts version as well:


HQ (115p):

1 chaplain w/ jumpac - 115p (goes with the assault squad)



5 sternguard, 5 CMelt, srg w/PF - 175p

1 razorback w/ LC&TLPC +SB - 90p



10 jump pack assault, 2 w/ FLAM, 1 srg w/ PF - 235p


TROOPS (390p):

10 tactical, 1 w/ FLAM, 1 w/ ML, 1 srg w/ PF - 195p

1 rhino - 35p

10 tactical, 1 w/ FLAM, 1 w/ ML, 1 srg w/ PF - 195p

1 rhino - 35p


Suggestions welcome.




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