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Usefulness of Heavies in Tac squads


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Has anyone had any success using the Multi-Melta in their Tac squads?

It seem that even outside 12", its a better anti-tank option then the Missile Launcher due to AP1 but I wonder if its just too short ranged to really be effective.

I've done it. Works in two situations.


1) Its a good, scary weapon that you can add to a mobile tac squad for the few times they decide not to move.


2) For a short range tac squad, preferably with a plasma gun to sit on a forward objective and blast away.

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I use a Plasma Gun/Multi-Melta setup as my main objective camping Squad. It's a real disuader for any conventional move towards the objective. There's been a couple of times when the Squad has been in its Rhino as an MBT passed by too. Open top hatch, take aim, slag the tank.
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