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3 Predators to build... Not using magnets.

captain sox

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Hello folks! Happy New Year!


Hope the holidays were peaceful and enjoyable for all.


I've got 3 brand new Predator models sitting on the desk waiting to be built. I'm not a fan of magnets personally, so I need some help deciding which versions to build. (just to clarify, I have no objections to magnets at all, people are very creative with them. I'm just not a fan for my models.)


I'm thinking 2 Dakka and one Combi- TLLC and HB sponsons. Here's my reasoning:



Dakka's are cheap points wise. HB's are good! TLLC is costly but looks great. Also, I could pick up bits to make it a Dakka if need be (ie. Apoc games)


Thoughts? How would you build yours?


EDIT: Just wanted to include other info. I have a 'GodHammer' Land Raider, 2 Vindicators (one more on the way), 2 Whirlwinds and 2 Full Dev squads with access to 4 of each heavy weapon and 6 Rhino/Razorbacks.


The Predators are to add to the Mech part of my otherwise footsloggy army.

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For my money, the only two viable Predators are the Combi-Predator (AC/LC) and Dakka Predator (AC/HB).


Now Dakka Predators for Codex Marines are steals, thats alot of firepower for 85 points. However Whirlwinds and TFC provide similar amounts of firepower for similar costs.


Combi-Predators are kind of a niche unit but that niche is important. They take out transports/walkers and MCs. They don't really put out enough shots for anti-horde and their not tough enough to handle Land Raiders but the stuff in between they do a number on. Having said that, RifleDreads (if you like them) will accomplish much the same thing, you're trading raw firepower and durability for more mobility.


So if I built 2 without magnets it would be 1x Dakka and 2x Combi's. Dakka is a good addition for the Whirlwinds for pure anti-infantry and the Combi's work well as pairs of long range dakka factories on the cheap.

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I am a fan of magnets, but if you're dead set on not using them at least for primary weapon mounts, I'd personally do two hulls with HB sponsons, two turrets with ACs, one hull with lascannon, one turret with TLLC. Do not glue the turrets on of course. Also don't glue the cupola weapons onto the tanks! This enables you to field a pair of destructors w/HBs with or without storm bolters, an annhilator w/ LCs, or any single variation of combi-pred(AC/LC can work over transports pretty nice, while the TLLC doesn't have much less killing power vs infantry than the AC, plus gives the pred a little AT punch). Build/paint up a full set of storm bolter hatches, and maybe a HK or two and just pop them into place as points permit. Not a big fan of the one hit wonder that is the HK missile, but they can be potentially useful if you have the points leftover and nothing else to take.


Combi predators are nice if you need to move them around a little anyways since you'll only be firing a maximum of one weapon.

Annihilators are a bit of a points sink, but they're still quite good at what they do, which is annihilating AV13 and less.

Destructors are a fantastic value for the points in the curret codex, massive amounts of static killy power with a low pricetag.

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Id pin them. 2 with autocannon turrets, one with a TLLC turret, and pin the turrets so you can remove the top cross bar from it at will and switch out the sponsons. No need for magnets at all.


Otherwise... because Im horrible like this, Id buy a Terminus Ultra upgrade kit and use the predator sprue there to give me the options to field more of what Id like, and have one set up for lascannon sponsons and two for heavy bolter sponsons... with two of each turret to swap out on them as I like.

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Well I have one, and it was built for 4rth edition with the TLLC+HB sponsons. Its been a good solid workhorse for me right up until the new SW codex came out, and now my old Longfangs went from being competitive to incredible and its hard to validate the points for the old boy.
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I have always thought there was a bit of a disconnect with the different Predator variations. The "Combie" Pred seems great but I never seem them move much in my local games. I usually don't view them as much of a threat with the standard amount of terrain (25-30%), however, I have never doubted that they can easily tear up medium vehicles or MCs. When I run my Preds have the Twin Linked Lascannon option so that I can keep my movement up and still be able to dish out accurate fire. I almost rather keep them as cheap as possible and keep them moving.
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The predators mobility is rather low in game. Mostly its 12" move is to allow it to rapidly redeploy if it needs to, and to run away from meltabombed infantry that were just outside of assault range.
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The predators mobility is rather low in game. Mostly its 12" move is to allow it to rapidly redeploy if it needs to, and to run away from meltabombed infantry that were just outside of assault range.


Exactly, think of your Predator as a Havock/Devastator squad with a built in Rhino because thats really how they play.


Thats why I like the Combi. Its 3 heavy weapons with a long range so park it in cover and snipe across the board.

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