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WIP Scouts


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Back after a year or so away, thought i'd start with some scouts as I like the new models. The poses are a little static though so i've tried to liven them up a bit. Got a few more to build but this is the start (i've yet to clean away the mold lines and drill gun barrels etc)


Any thoughts on the poses appreciated





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To me it looks like the two middle ones need help.


The one on the middle right looks like there needs to be some sort of plant he is moving out of his face. As for the lower body it just doesn't make sense to me why he would have one leg crouched on a box and the other one standing. I think it would be much better if you used maybe one of the crouching leg sets from the sniper box or just used one of the static poses.


As for the middle right the pose just doesn't seem to be fitting for someone sitting on the ground. Maybe if you had him on crate with the one leg that is hanging off of the base now, hanging off of the box instead?

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Thanks all.


@ Slyen: The middle right is shielding his face from a blast! the new pic shows it a little better. The box will be replaced by rubble eventually.

The middle left looks even more awkward on the box as the leg sticks out in mid air, which looks very unatural.


@ marine: I may have to reposition the hand he's meant to be taking cover while directing other members of the squad. see what you think from a flatter angle in the latest pic.


I've added a pic of one of my scout bikes as well, not that happy with it, I need to rediscover my touch with a brush after along absense






++ Edit added pic of scout bike++



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