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Angels of Redemption


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Ive recently gotten back into the world of 40k and more precisely the Astartes, Angels of Redemption. I read this topic http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.p...5347&page=5 which helped me on my way but putting lipstick on a pig, well its still a pig. Anyways, heres what Ive managed to do so far, and I would really appreciate some direction with techniques and such as its been roughly, erm, 7 years since I last painted a minature and Im rather rusty.



I also enjoy using green stuff, but the stuff makes me feel nauseous after a while of using it :) Ive got some plasti card & 2mm - 4mm plastic poles, circular & rectangular. Im looking to convert these guys, giving them beefyer armor, weapons, and having them look battle damaged if possible.




















And happy new year guys!

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Cheers lads. Thats how I felt with the purple, bone and green, delicious, sinister colours. Obviously these astartes are all still wip, the yellow will eventually be yellow and black like the commanders chainlance in the first picture. Im wondering if I should put the 2 sargents with chainlances on rockyoutcrops aswell.


I was also contemplating painting all the bolters black and yellow. Ive seen in it done in a sisters of battle comic and thought it looked pretty good. I just feel going with straight red/boltgun metal drybush is a bit unorigional.

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