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Justice for Alls Finished Miniatures (eggheadminiatures)

Justice for All

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Herald: cheers mate ;-)


Astorath the Grim. (base not done at my clients request)







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Space Wolves Land Raider Redeemer (since taking the photos the rear has been finished a little better with more dust and two details finished/fixed)











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  • 3 weeks later...

Forge World Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought









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  • 2 weeks later...

You continue to crank out the goods.


I really like the older, more stoic, and commanding Logan. It's a lot more like his picture in the current codex.


And while I was a little disappointed in the rest of the model (not your painting, but the actual sculpt), I really love that Forge World Dread's banner. Your painted version here makes me wish I could just order that one piece.

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You sir, are a fast painter and a damned skilled one at that!


Grimnar and the Ven Dread are amazing! I have to echo previous comments about the two tone grey armour on the tanks, really makes the vehicles look characterful and pretty foreboding! -_-

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Seems like even the Eternal Warrior succumbs to male-pattern baldness after 2 editions of 40k!


Seriously though, i like this interpretation of the character more. As cool as the original sculpt is, your model seems to give a calmer, wiser Logan; suitable for the Great Wolf.


Also, could you shed some light on the type of weathering you've been using? Pigments? sponge technique?

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Metal Apostle: Cheers Mate. I'm glad you like the Logan. You are right in your observation about his 'mood'. In my minds eye I just can't see all of the SW's being drunken louts who live for the fight etc etc at the expense of everything else. They are trained warriors and I felt that the older warriors would defiantly take on a much wiser, more considered aspect. I'm pleased you can see it in this interpretation of Logan.


Look below for answers to your query. ;-)


HarasinCreed: No worries on teh request. I have thrown together a tutorial covering the basics of the chipping technique I use onto a yellow rhino door HERE Obviously, if you are using this technique over other main colours then the first colour applied with the sponge may need to change.


For the pigments I use a number of the Mig range. As dust, mud and rubble doesn't tend to be uniform in colour (or look that good if applied uniform) I tend to use 2-3 different pigments at once as I apply the dusty look. I have around 10 pigments from rust tones to rubble tones through to different muds. I think, if you can afford the, it is worth having a few as it allows you to experiment more and you get enough to last years if you use the stuff properly.


Hope that helps guys.

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  • 1 month later...

Been painting ork stuff and some WWII thing recently so this is my fist update of marine bits for a while.


Finished part of my own army!


Dread pod done. There is an odd brush streak effect on the top black area of each door that I have sorted since taking the pics.




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dude you are just to amazing for words

love the Space Wolves plack as well lovely touch


normally I come on here for inspiration but this are so awesome I just thought - I i'm just learning to highlight what are we doing on the same forum?!


fyi I only been painting about 6 months and only the odd bit here and there after school so yeah :/ not very good


but amazing work, the Blood Angels especially - your red is so vivid its amazing

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Fallenlion: Cheers mate. ;-) I'm really glad you like what I'm doing but it's even better that you are able to (hopefully) get ideas and inspiration. I've been painting for years and I am a fully qualified graphic illustrator. Just keep painting, looking at tutorials and looking at what others do. Good luck with your highlighting and I hope you see your figures come on.


Harasincreed: Generally yes. Most of the main areas are airbrushed and I do some of the blending with it too. It gives a much better finish and is well worth the investment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brother, you have sorely impressed me. Do you convert models as well, or do your clients send them to you ready-made?


Fantastic painting, I'd comment on individual pieces, but there's to many to remember! One that did stand out was the Logan Grimmar on page 1. He really looks as if he's roaring at his enemy, rather than just showing off his fangs as per the 'eavy metal look ("Look, I've got the shiniest teeth!") <_<. Pedro Cantor was impressive too.


I've wondered this for a while, and this seems to be a good time to ask; How do you do the little scribbles on parchment/purity scrolls, as on your astoroth model? I tried painting on with pure chaos black, but didn't have much success...


EDIT: How can I get to your website/blog? Do you even have one? Sorry for all the questions...

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Brother, you have sorely impressed me. Do you convert models as well, or do your clients send them to you ready-made?


Fantastic painting, I'd comment on individual pieces, but there's to many to remember! One that did stand out was the Logan Grimmar on page 1. He really looks as if he's roaring at his enemy, rather than just showing off his fangs as per the 'eavy metal look ("Look, I've got the shiniest teeth!") ^_^. Pedro Cantor was impressive too.


I've wondered this for a while, and this seems to be a good time to ask; How do you do the little scribbles on parchment/purity scrolls, as on your astoroth model? I tried painting on with pure chaos black, but didn't have much success...


EDIT: How can I get to your website/blog? Do you even have one? Sorry for all the questions...



Zincite: Cheers mate! I'm really glad you are able to take something away with you when you look at my pieces. I do try to get some 'feel' into the characters where I can and I always strive for realism when I can/am allowed by clients.



I do conversions as well and also work with a guy who specialises in conversion if the work is outside of my skill or I'm struggling for time.



The scribbles are done with a very small round brush and thinned chaos black, coupled with patience. I find that practicing on a bit of paper a god idea before starting a model just to be sure that I'm going to do it right. I also like to add little points of interest if room permits so the astorath and sanguinor have little icons on their scrolls too.


I use Librarium Online as my 'WIP' forum and I use the same name as here, 'and justice for all'. You can also find my facebook page on the following link......





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Sisters of Battle Exorcist








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