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WIP Eagle Warrior Assault Marine


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Hi everbody!

This is my first try at posting an image at a forum. See if it works.

This is an Eagle Warrior I started painting because I wanted to try the colour scheme, I like the Eagle Warriors and thinks it's a shame there isn't more fluff about them. This is my first real try at NMM, so please don't be to hard, and my first try at glow effect. I'm also testing my new camera, hope it was worth all the money.









EDIT: I couldn't post pictures through this "image extension". I'm not so good at computers and is wondering if somebody could help me with advice. In the meantime you can watch these links.

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They look pretty cool. I'm no master painter, so I'll leave critiques to others, but I can help with the posting of photos and stuff.


First off, you've created a link using " WIP Eagle Warrior Assault Marine


I like using photobucket myself, because it gives you a handly selection of links under the picture which are direct URLs for it. For example, the direct link to your photo is:


which you can find by right-click/properties on the image on your screen.


You can then put photos in your forum post by using {img}http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4049/4244331394_8b3e652605.jpg{/img}


by replacing { } with [ ].


[Edit - there are also buttons at the top of your text box when typing your message that do all the hard work for you! :) [/Edit]



Hope this helps!






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Hi Bergtorp! Are you going to be painting more eagle warriors or was this just a test piece? I've just started an eagle warriors army, as I also loved the colour scheme and wanted the challenge of doing a half & half mix. I like your mini a lot - especially the striping on the chainsword which is very neat :P My only critique would be to drill out the barrel of the plasma pistol (or any gun). I just make a shallow hole with the tip of my knife on mine - it just makes the guns more realistic and is pretty easy to do. That's a pretty minor point though.


Good work, show us more!

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Thanks tommy.

I don't know if I'm going to start a Eagle Warrior army yet. I like the the colour scheme, but lack the fluff to really make the decision. As this is a chapter that GW created I don't believe that I can write up a chapter history, doctrine and so forth. Right now I'm biding my time, might paint more models, you never know.

Thanks again.

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Couple things going wrong here Berg -


You are still doing your coding wrong and leaving off the file extension. As others have explained -


You are doing:




when you should be doing:



You should read this topic in the B&C101:



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Now then, here's the rest.







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