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Grey Knights from AOBR termies


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Following on from the plastic bit built grey knights in This post I decided to have a go at the terminator versions. Again in the quest for individuality n my army, and in the name of not speding GK prices on my army :)


I've built two so far, and am getting better with each one, I feel. I fully admit they are far from perfect, but working with AOBR termies (that already had unltramarine paint on them :P ) and some left over TH/SS bits from a LC squad, I'm fairly happy with the result.


I'd appreciate your thoughts, and comments.



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Excellent, I would never have guessed their origin! Nice work!


Only thing I'd say is the GS on the shin is a little rough. You probably could have used plasticard, but if you prefer GS, try a tool a bit like this one in the middle - here. Nice GSing on the tabard though!


How did you do the =I= on the left thorax? It doesn't look like it's painted on, looks like it's been carved out? GS? Very nice either way!

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AAARRGGGHH my eyes!! The screen just kicked me in the eyes!! With amazing Grey Knights models. :P I looove those big shoulders, and the shins aren't so bad, Terminators are more of a constant striding forward into fire kind of armor, not to much rapid maneuvering. The paint is very nice, thick and foreboding, and the gold trim is a nice eye catcher. The storm bolters look ace and your NFWs llok awesome. Very well done, man!
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Thanks for the comments everyone, it's really appreciated.


c-wrex, thats my notion of terminators too. I know the big legs arent very popular, but i really feel, especially once the shoulders are bulked out, that that mass is needed below the waist to balance the figure. i do feel that my execution on the leg plates is a little weak, especially regarding the thickness of the edging, and combined with the viewing angle. but i'll refine that.


Brother loring, The leg plates arent actually gs, except in the seams, and I hadnt noticed the flaw you refer to untill you pointed it out. It's not as visible on the model, and the model's leg plate is actually a single smooth peice of cardstock. it appears the rippling thats apparent is due to a flaw in the cardstaock and how it reacted with my washes, it's basically a bit of water damage on something that shouldnt have shown it.


it really does look like faulty Gs though, so i totally understand your comments. - i do use clay shapers too :)


the only GS on the model is the tabard and some seam filling, and a bit of building up around the brass etch plated for the chest symbol, so yeah, thats how the symbol is done it's a brass etch FW plate with the symbol recessed, and i use GS and a scalpel to set the plate into the chest.



as to those asking for a tut, it's really quite easy and i've got a few more of these guys to do, so i'll take some step-by step pics of the next one, i'm just pleased there's some interest in these blokes :)

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<looks over at my AoBR termies> Thanx bud, I really needed another project... :)


I too, am very impressed. They have the same presence as their metal brothers and I will be keeping my eye open for that tutorial.


Please do continue with this excellent work!

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Thanks for the comments guys, it's very much appreciated.


In reciprocation I've prepared a tutorial for those who were interested.


It's very pic heavy and as such I've had to split it into many parts to post it here.


You can view it whole and unmolested on my blog,


or see it in parts here -


part 1 - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=189031

part 2 - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=189033

part 3 - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=189035

part 4 - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=189036

Basing - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=189038


I'd very much like to know wether it's of any use to you, and i'd love to see anything you do based on it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Brother Loring.


I thought people might like to see the 5 man Squad now it's finished.




the picture is a little under exposed, apologies. I'll snag a better one later.

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Very good converting work, with models like the ones in starter sets being limited compared to normal minis alot of people convert them to make them unique and stand out from each other these are very good and one of the most imaginitive uses for the AOBR terminators I have seen.
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Like I said before, I love their bulk and the lack of ornamentation on them. They look like warriors, and not like ornaments. Also, the color is very foreboding and well done and I love the halberds. My only gripe, and it's not just at you, but storm bolters on wrists always look so clunky and unwieldy. I think you did them well, though. Great job!! :lol:
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