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Slaanesh marines.


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hey all,


this project has been quite a long time in the making and its still a WIP.. i have other commitments and a few other projects running in conjunction so progress is slow.. seeing as its finally starting to look like a full army i thought it was time to post it up. hope you enjoy. comments and criticisms welcome



































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As a fellow follower of the dark prince, I salute you and admire your work. Nice clean and disturbing, the real thing.

Though I must say, that the absence of bases undone is somewhat bringing the quality lower a bit, it still is an amazing army.


And special mention goes out to your daemon prince. Brilliant idea and a perfect execution- marvelous!




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Sick army, very jealous, love the fleshy pink and purple together. The white helmets are really effective too and bring the whole army together. Very clean painting and limited amount of colours.


Favourite has to be the Prince on bike, and idea I'm definitely gonna steal. Also love the tanks.


How did those Khorne Beserkers manage to sneak in?

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thanks for the feedback guys.. as for the undrilled bolters, yeah i know im slack! i will get around to it eventually though. i still have some freehand work to do on all the models shoulderpads and stuff as per the model posted below.


the guys who im guessing look like 'zerkers are actually nilla noise marines (no sonic upgrades) and they tour around in the rhino to claim objectives / soak up hits untill the doom siren champion gets into template range to unleash his lyrical doom! its nearly always a nasty surprise for your opponent ^_^


i need to get around to basing the army but honetly untill lately i havent been decided on a theme for them.. ive actually started a skyrars dark wolves army to work with this one and ill base the two of them the same.. i think ill go with a desert theme.. nice and simple!


thanks again for the feedback. ill try to keep things updated from time to time.




i plan to paint something similar to this on all the models shoulderpads / armour plates and most of the models have 'fur' modeled onto their armour somewhere to make them more slaaneshii.

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Awesome stuff, Slaanesh really gives you free run on bright colours there, and I can say it works really well as you've done it. Love the work on the obliterator conversions - gives me even further inspiration to use termies for mine as well.


Thumbs up from me :lol:

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thanks again everyone.. i was pretty happy with the oblitirator on the left as it was my 2nd attempt and much more dynamic. the one on the right came from the free terminator i got with white dwarf a year or two ago.. the 40k boxed set model and its a bt static for my taste. does the job though.


as for the paintjob barry, the pink is warlock purple built up in layers with a mix of tenticle pink (i stocked up on it when it went out of stock) and the purple is lyche purple mixed with tenticle pink for the layers / highlights. the white is ice blue with thin layers up to skull white, the greens are DA green up to snot green and the gold is tin bitz, dwarf bronze, shining gold for highlights with a lil mithril silver for shiney spots... only wash ive used is on the gold areas.. a little gryphone sepia for some depth.


very painstaking to paint without washes and kinda disheartening these days as everyone uses washes and gets super amazing looking models in a tenth of the time! im working on some skyrars dark wolves with a khorne slant that makes extensive use of washes.. army in a month hurar!!

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yeah its a flying bike, its my take on the doom rider, a 3rd edition special character in the chaos dex.. he was basically a daemon prince that fazed in and out randomly. he had a pretty crappy rule set, but he lives on!
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