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Storm bolter sternguard

Dire Wolf

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I was wondering if it would be a reasonable idea to have a unit of sternguard all equipped with storm bolters. For example, six in a las-plas razorback. Once in position they could use the razorback as cover and keep moving and shooting.


Or is this just crap?

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Aside from the fact that it would look really cool, this combo doesn't have much going for it, but it is one of the options I considered using for designing a FoC legal 100 man strong 8th company (biker captain with 6 biker troops squads, 3 assault squads, and a group of sternguard representing assault "specialists" with heavy flamers, maybe some combis, and stormbolters, their two attacks base fits in with the assaulty theme)
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It would definitely look cool on the table.

As has been said, you lose out on the special ammo, which is most of the points cost of a Sternguard squad.

Essentially, a full squad with stormbolters would end up being "Grey Knights Lite". Only S4/T4, but with the ability to get two shots on the move, and three attacks on the charge. Sergeant can take a power weapon and stormbolter.

The real PITA part is finding all the stormbolter bitz for a reasonable price to build out the squad!


Grey Knights might be more expensive points-wise, but they do the job better. Higher stats, True Grit, the ability to be taken as Fast Attack and allow them to deepstrike, etc.

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Not entirely sure but I believe you could just take terminators for about the same price (points). Plus the terminators deepstrike, so if you dont mind paying the extra 50 points for an invulnerable save, deepstrike and 2+ armor save take terminators. If you want a terminator fill in (the only reason I think for storm bolter sternguard) then I suppose you could do that but IMO it would still be better to keep bolters for the ammo. The ability to hit on a 2+ with hellfire rounds is so much better then 2 shots that hit on a 4+ (assuming enemies toughness is 4) and let you assault. In addition sternguard can ignore cover with dragonfire bolts.


Rereading what Grey Mage posted its a much better idea to use GKs even if it costs more moolah.

what are the Advatages? 24 inches range, firing on the move, and being able to

Rip 20 shots at a unit pre-Charge, followed by 30 HtH attacks (2+1).

if i was on a pLaying a Anti tank army vs IG, and needed some "mobile" "ranged" "anti infantry" i'd think about this option

add a Heavy Flamer or two, well there you go...

Or instead of make a super mobile storm bolter sternguard force you could just give regular sternguard a rhino and leave assault to terminators or even use terminators for the exact same job and watch them do it better? You do have a point though, I never looked at it that way but yeah you COULD make a super cheap terminators from them.

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Every thing has a time and place. And i'll go against the grain and say you should do want you want.

i say the unit has a place in any SM army that is 80/20 focused on Anti armor, and needs some on the spot

bolter/assualt back up. what are the Advatages? 24 inches range, firing on the move, and being able to

Rip 20 shots at a unit pre-Charge, followed by 30 HtH attacks (2+1).

if i was on a pLaying a Anti tank army vs IG, and needed some "mobile" "ranged" "anti infantry" i'd think about this option

add a Heavy Flamer or two, well there you go...

oh and as for the GK added on, 10 PACK models= $70 usd + DH Codex $25 usd (remember you need to have ur rulebook with you)

10 tactical $35, and maybe another 15 dollars from a bit seller for Stormbolters maybe even less.

(all kinda of cheap was to make this unit from the 3 man SM box for $8 Usd, to bidding on AoBR Tact spures)

futher more if you knew you were playing vs ork or playing a Campain that the focus enemy were orks, this

i'd say proxy the models and play a half dozen games, and go from there.

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Thanks for the replies.


Grey Knights, or counts as GKs would be great, except the future of the allies rule is somewhat in doubt, so this choice may not have much longevity.


And I didn't think of a Command Squad, though, this would have the disadvantage of being kind of small, especially in that I could only have 4 storm bolters. Though it would look cool since the vets could have storm bolters and chainswords...


The reason for wanting a super mobile unit like this is that the force I'm building is all bikes and vehicles, so normal sternguard would be kind of static. I was thinking of this unit being a kind of rapid response team, being pretty good at shooting and at assault, not amazing at either, but making up for it with versatility. But it looks like the cost might detract a bit.


I might try it out with proxies, as Brother Fatiswon suggested, to see if it has any value. Would 6 in a razorback, or 10 in a rhino be better? I was thinking of the first one, since I like the idea of the razorback, but the second would be able to hit pretty hard with the 20 shot + 30 HTH attack combo...

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If you want to do something like this, you are better off doing it with a Command Squad than a Sternguard unit.

you can get your 5th stormbolter in this option, by attaching your Capt, which is req for the unit. and giving him the 5th SB

Plus you get your 6 guys, which can run in a razorback, and if your targets are IG troops or ork mobs, the Feel no Pain Rule

will help greatly in keeping this unit alive. BUT and i mean you are also paying for that Capt at, well 103, if you keep him barebones

as possible. and that, i think is like 205? and with a razorback, like 250ish? and the Stormy Sterns would be what 330? w/ rhino


More dice you roll more damage you can inflect.

with that in mind, i NEVER EVER run Squads at

less the Max unless and only if, i'm attaching a

IC and need to make space in the Transport


one thing, you bare in mind, while most players will try to leave you running by early poping of your transports

seems like Razor back Attract the same kind of Fire that TDA or Dreads do, simply because there rare on the table

and A choice target....


what about Lysander, 10m Stormy sternguard in a Drop-pod 535? Remember you get to shoot only after Dropping and here his Bolter-drill would be the SIC. and on the following turn, 2nd round of Shooting w/Bolter drill plus the Assualt led by OMG look out IT"S FREAKING LYSANDER followed by 10 smarine vets w/ 30 Hth Attacks....sounds crazy but if you played this unit, say turn 3 and assualt on turn 4... it would be crazy to keep 500 plus point in reverse, but could work...

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Don't do it, it's a trap :rolleyes:


Seriously though, don't give up the special ammo, it's what makes people call Sternguard 'broken'. If you want massed bolter fire followed by a decisive assault, take Grey Knights. And don't worry guys, it will be 3,000AD before GW decides 'hey, the best Terminator models and power armoured models we ever made have old rules...'. The Inquisition is a long way from being updated, so take Grey Knights.

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I'm not really going to address most of your post, because you are fairly correct on the issue of unit sizes, and that makes direct comparison difficult. However, I will say that if you really want mobile anti-infantry bolter firepower, you should be looking at Bikes and Heavy Bolter Attack Bikes. Also, the Heavy Bolter Razorback compares favourably with 2 Sternguard for the same points cost... and if you really want Storm Bolters you can bolt them onto Rhinos for half the cost of a basic Sternguard :rolleyes:


Regarding this point;


one thing, you bare in mind, while most players will try to leave you running by early poping of your transports

seems like Razor back Attract the same kind of Fire that TDA or Dreads do, simply because there rare on the table

and A choice target....


The answer to your problem is Land Speeders. Nobody throws firepower at a Razorback (especially if you can arrange to be hull-down and therefore having cover) when there is a Land Speeder to be shot at.

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Said storm bolters would cost said command squad almost nothing though, and would be perfect if you snuck in a powerfist or perhaps a couple of single lightning claws that wouldn't be giving up attacks anyways. Slip in a storm bolter relic blade captain for some more lovin.

Makes sense to me. There is more than one approach to a given situation even if there's only one approach that you personally may consider "optimum".


I personally think it's fluffy and cool, my own command squad is set up to dish out in CC, though I'm aware it's probably not the most "optimized" thing to do with it. :P

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If I really wanted a Stormbolter unit like that, I'd take some Grey Knight allies. The loss of the special ammo kills the stormbolter Sternguard.



Sternguard rely on their special ammo to make them good. If you want stormbolters, just get gray knights instead - they cost the same, are fearless, have s6 attacks, and cooler models.

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I have an idea instead of going all or none only take a couple. You still get the mobile firepower you are wanting but retain the special ammo:


Rhino + Extra SB + Sternguard with 2 SB is pretty good on the go ( 4SB ) then you still have a 8 Sternguard with regular bolters for the special ammo

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I have an idea instead of going all or none only take a couple. You still get the mobile firepower you are wanting but retain the special ammo:


Rhino + Extra SB + Sternguard with 2 SB is pretty good on the go ( 4SB ) then you still have a 8 Sternguard with regular bolters for the special ammo


That's the kinda of thinking that will find the "Keys to the Locks" you'll make a fine leader someday, if you live that long.



And to Address The Take a Helicopter to Sheild my Jeep w/ Machine gun on the Mount statement:

your right in terms that Landspeeders are never Ignored, for the sake Distraction/Sheilding 50 points seems steep in terms of covering a 40point Transport.

why not hide the Razorback behind a Attack bike say with a Heavy bolter? i heard their better at Anti infantry duty.. compared to the TOPIC at hand which was are sternguards with STORMBOLTERs a Viable Unit.


NEITHER OF THESE ARE MY PROBLEMS OR ISSUES< please read all entry, as i was re-plying to the pros and cons of the OP thoughts on Running 6 Sterns in a Razor/and or/A command Squad w/Capt with those stolen GK stormbolters... and a Razor back.


FYI: I Run 2 Stern guard squads, one w/ 10m and other with 9m. Care to guess who the Attached IC is? (hint:His kinda of like my chapter's BIG KAHUNA)

and yes, i like to rapid fire Hell fire shells after dropping the OB str 10 pie plate of doom. and yes i know how far it can scatter B)

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ell if it was taken with a command squad then as mentioned add in a few power weapons or power fists. or... add in plasma guns, 4 storm bolters, 4 plasma guns. there's some serious anti horde and plasma for when you require it.


And not all command squads need plasma, I run mine on bikes with a lightning claw and SS each, the 4 stormbolter and apoth one would be very nice for lots of shots and if a few had power weapons finishing off the squads in hand to hand.

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