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The Hellbladed Horde


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I am currently in the midst of making a very Khorne army, and am wondering if anybody has played with a list that looks something like;


2 Bloodthirsters, Might - 540

Bloodletters to make up the rest of the points (60 in 1500pt, 75 in 1750pt, 81 in 1850pt)


Obviously the big guys are going to attract every gun on the table, but once the little guys hit the enemies' lines, it's going to be over quickly.

Yes, there will be trouble against Dreads and AV14. But those units don't win the game....


Ideas? Experience?


Oh, please don't move this to the lists section, it's not really an army list, but more of an idea to get discussion started. Thanks.

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Well I love the idea, but only one thing is, if they take down those only 2 big guys, lets say like 1750 or what not 1st turn, your little guys will be lots but they can shot them up easily. and such. My idea and such is to get acouple more big guys. Like soul grinders or just Daemon Princes, 1st turn you want you oppoint to say HOLY CRAP, that many big creatures! In my own 1850 tournament list I have 2 Greaters and 2 Souls, and a unit of blood Crushers of 4 or so, so my little guys can get in and I know my Great Unclean one will live for couple of turns if placed right.


Thats my 2cents

My idea and such is to get acouple more big guys. Like soul grinders or just Daemon Princes, 1st turn you want you oppoint to say HOLY CRAP, that many big creatures!


That was actually my first inclination, 2 Bloodthirsters, 3 Soul Grinders and Bloodletters to make the points.. Yes, it's not the most efficient use of points, but it does have lots of redundancy as well as buckets of hitting power.


I still want to try a couple of 20-man squads of 'letters, that would be cool.


Once it's all said and done, however, I will have all the various Khorne units; a bunch of Bloodcrushers, a herald on chariot, hounds, DP, etc... So I will have the chance to play with all the different toys.

Ok what has been told to me and such, people say units of 15 is great or perfect number, due to the fact enough bodys to make sure they don't die turn 1 they deep strike, and not too much to soak up too many points, but depending on points ya. If it was like 1750 and up i would say try 20, but also think about blood crushers and how many you can have with them. like 5 or so in a unit so 15 blood crushers!!!! thats A LOT!!
The issue with larger units is effectively deep striking them onto the table. Unless a Chaos Icon bearer is at the edge of a group, deep striking a large unit without misshaping is somewhat tricky. A 20 strong unit of Bloodletters would be 4”x5” footprint on the field. While there would be more wounds allocated to a single group it is often easier for small presence armies like Space Marines to pump large amounts of wounds into a single unit rather than multiple units, which is partially why power armor has issues with horde armies.

what about dropping one of the blood thrister(sp) and adding a single Demon prince, w/wings, mark of nugle, and iron skin.. instead of the sould crushers, and add even more and more blood letters... i mean i dig the idea, and i see that only a single greater deamon would not work, but maybe this middle ground mite be what your looking for. As for the sizes of your hordes, i'd do a single 16 and the rest be in units of 8 for fluffy terms.

my .02


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